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Doctor Who

Tuesday, July 27


     So recently I got back into the whole youtube ordeal. I spent like 10 minutes trying to remember my password for my account. Then when i got it done. I went and subscribed to some of my favorite peoples such as:
Vlogbrothers<--- HAD TO!
isayheyhihello<----OF COURSE
So I've been watching the tons of videos I've missed cause I've been to busy with my HArry Potter addiction, Facebook, Blogging, and a few other super secret projects. So I;ve been working on my ASL project too, I haven't really been working on that at all. Im still at like a minute thirteen seconds or something like that. Sure it doesn't sound like much until you see how dang FAST that song is!!!now when I sign a normal song it feels slow and when I sign a slow song it feels like it takes forever. It is really fun though. I only have like 4 more thingydoos-the word temporarily escapes me - left in my song even though its a 3 minute song. because theres like 45 seconds of just instruments! but I wouldn't exactly call it like a guitar solo ...cause it so is not.
I kinda don't work on playing the guitar much either.. I played it last like maybe i dunno a month ago. I suck  caus eIm a beginner, thats the worst part of being new at something , not being very good and having to do all that boring stuff so that you can get better and actually be able to do it. somethings thought like ASL you just have to jump right in and absorb it like a giantnormous sponge. Well you still learn all of that beginner stuff you can learn it asd you go. which is why doing ASL videos with songs and such is so much fun! I hate those people on Youtube that are mean to people that do ASL songs and get some signs wrong. Especially when they are all "you are insulting the deaf community" and believe me they do say that.

Gotta go take a shower! gone for 5 days... and to a place i really don't want to be ! how fun!!!


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