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Doctor Who

Tuesday, August 24


A substantially super colossal Happy birthday and A very hugemonglousousnous hug to John Green!
substantially super colossal cause BIG is a boring word and anyone can use BIg,  hugemonglousousnous because this man is so full of life and creativity that should not be waste on a normal word .
SO :
                                                Because of you I:                                                                                      

  1. found that little piece of happy in every situation
  2. FINALLY  could decide on a favorite book (Paper Towns!) 
  3. ...stuff happened to lead to my Doctor Who Addiction
  4. look for a deeper meaning
  5. found my favorite last words " I must Go the Fog is rising" and I think we both know who that was
  6. can connect with people around the globe just cause we are made of awesome and try to fight worldsuck
  7. stopped using cool and started saying jokes
  8. laugh when ever someone finds a book with a really good name ' Hint hint wink wink nudge nudge'
  9. let my freak flag fly ! 
  10. am a proud NerdFighter!!!! WOOT WOOT! YEAH!
  11. can insult and confuse people at the same time ! ; )


John you're just rockin hope you had a great birthday! 

Pencil to Paper, Fingers To keys

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