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Doctor Who

Saturday, August 28

RIA Esther Earl

I am saddened to say Esther Earl Died earlier this week. She had been diagnosed with pulmonary thyroid cancer
though she did have cancer she never let that stop her. It with Esther that the Harry Potter alliance won  250, 000 dollars. We will never forget her and she is never truly gone from us. we Nerdfighters will continue to decrease worldsuck and we will do it with Esther. Because even though she is not with us physically she is still intertwined in our hearts and our minds and will be with us every step we take on the road to decreasing worldsuck. Esther was such and intelligent, courageous, funny, amazing girl. the name Esther means star and we are here to let the world know this star won't go out! Esther truly was a star a shining star in the hearts of many Nerdfighters. Though I did not know her personally I feel I know her enough to say what a truly great person she was. So raise your glasses to Esther Earl and let her live on with us !

Rest In Awesome

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