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Doctor Who

Friday, September 3


     This summer went so well. : ) I didn't accomplish everything I wanted but I sure had a lot of fun. I can honestly say that there was only 1 week of this summer that I didn't enjoy to bits.I got to read tons of books without being interrupted by something about how to say watermelon in French. It was this summer that I could finally decide on my top 2 favorite books. Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska - Both by john green : ) I got hooked on Doctor Who. Got an ipod shuffle. went camping and hiking a lot. Saw the ECLIPSE midnight release. Listened to Delaney FREAK out! over Artemis Fowl! Watched the entire Bones First season and Smiled a whole bunch.

     I'm going to miss the days where I can go to bed at 3 A.M. and wake up at noon thirty. When I can ride my bike down by the river and not have to worry about getting home . When I have nowhere to be all day.  How I can write and sketch for hours. Staring at a blue cloudless sky. Playing Tug with my puppy : ) The days where possibilities are endless. when you CAN slam a revolving door !

     But I do have to say I am looking forward to school. I guess I'm strange in that way.Most people really don't like school. But in my opinion you should just accept it now cause its not always going to be free. Even if you don't get the classes you want at least you'll be able to learn something on the subject, or new ways to irritate your teacher.One thing this year is ... LIKE HALF OF OUR STAFF QUIT OR RETIRED! BLAH! now Mrs. Lewis and Stachwick are gone (okay you can stop celebrating and keep reading now). Sooooooo we wont be getting our schedules until the first day! +! I heard from a certain someone that we have band second hour oh YUCK! I perfer it first hour.
hoping everyone enjoys their last days

Pencil to paper Fingers to Keys

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