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Doctor Who

Friday, September 24

No Icing

    For starters~ when I say my sometimes im not really meaning to say me but its because if i were to be speaking of 2 someones that could get REALLY confusing

 Some people ask for my opinion. When that opinion is given they're either upset, hurt, annoyed,  or they just don't bother taking my opinion into consideration. this sometimes just makes me go. really? If you ask my opinion about something I'm going to tell you what I think. I'm not going to lie to spare your feelings or dull it down and make it sounds sweet, I'm not going to tell you what I think and then say something nice to try and make you forget or mumble it then change the subject. no icing. at least not on this devils food cake. If I think you don't deserve something and you ask me I'm going to say what I think


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