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Doctor Who

Sunday, September 26

Band Geeks Rock Your world

     I do not ever ever ever ever everly want to be  "cool " because based on what I've seen this is what being cool is very tarded. Cool kids don't like Harry Potter so I mean whats the point. ?  And out of all the geeks nerds dorks ECT. I think I like being a Band Geek the best. we get to Make music! and its almost like having one less class than everyone else  : ) We get to have concerts and go on big field trips. We have competitions. and lets face it ~ Im probably getting first chair this year. Now its one thing to be in the band. It a whole seperate thing to be proud of it.  Some people have been forced into band (ME ME ME MEME ) by their parents. Some hate band but take it anyways. But us first chairs are all :

" I'm in pattengill Middle Schoool Band. I am  first chair __insert instrument here_____.! We are the best and I rock your world!!!!!! " 

and for those of you who shake your head at us (Coach Thomas you're going to regret that) or whatever you say about us ( No, really Coach we're gunna get you !)  feel free cause to the ones of us that are glad to be where we are, well, we'll probably consider it a compliment. ; )

Paper to Pencil fingers to Keys

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