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Doctor Who

Tuesday, September 7

the First Day

So we didn't get our schedules until we were actually in the school today. Then we missed our first hour: ) I smile because the first hour I have is French. >: ( then I have band and we went to band and met the new student teacher and I found out that I have to bring my clarinet tomorrow. buyt heres the thing - I pack cold l;unch and I have Cross country sO I have to bring Clothes Too. But we canrt bring backpacks to school tomorrow. I ride a bike to school : ( So I gotta see if Mrs. Hicks will let me keep my backpack in her room. Now we have these dumb yellow dashes down the stairs and all the ahllways like we are some sort of cars and the hall way is a road or something and we have these dumb passes and crap too now : ( my school went from Ok-ish to bad to the crappiest ever! I didn't get any class I wated
I wanted Keyboarding for music - which counts as a computer class
and Spanish-that wuopld be my language
but NO. I get French for a language and regular crap computer class:> : O


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