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Doctor Who

Tuesday, September 21


      Some kids are smarter than others. Its a fact. Whether its because one has a disorder, is a lot younger,  or just no will to actually learn ,one person can be smarter than another. why do people hang around people their age and people that are interested in the same things?? > we do so we can speak our thoughts and discuss things with the people you surround yourself with and those people can listen and understand what it is you mean by what you say. Now if you have to stop and explain every little thing you are saying then for 1 thats going to get mighty irritating and for 2 the person or persons you are talking to aren't going to fully understand what it is you are saying or the gravity of the situation at hand.and therefore cannot have their own active opinion on the subject.

     Now I've had multiple friends that are in the "resource room" most of them were older than me and friends that i find to be just a tad behind in my ways of thinking. Now these people have said to me "you act like you're all super smart and keep trying to make me feel dumb" OR " you act like you're smarter than me but im really smarter than you because I'm older"( i won't banter here about how actually saying that is rather dumb but continuing>>> )  For Phrase #1 >the thing is I'm not acting any smarter than I usually do. How I act is how i act. If that makes someone feel dumb then they can say so but thats not going to change what i know or how I view things. I'm not changing opinions/ interests in things just because they don't follow my line of thinking.  I don't go around saying oh "you're dumb or you're stupid" because truthfully nobody is  totally dumb they still know a great deal of things, things that you might not know. When I mention something and they don't understand and don't care to learn of it or speak up theres a little gap that appears and with every little difference that they don't care to bother with that gap gets bigger and bigger until eventually its about the size of the grand that point then we can't see eye to eye anymore and that person and i are completely alone and only have ourselves to talk to. then thats about when that quote there gets thrown into play.
For saying #2>>> " you act like you're smarter than me but I'm really smarter because i'm older" (nows when i banter about how dumb that is to say that). Just because someone is older than another person doesn't mean they know more. I know some really smart 7th graders, do i automatically assume i am smarter?? No. I know   some that are older than me and know less about certain things. It's true that some older is more likely to be smarter but that is not always the case. Once again I can't help it if I act smart.. I thought that was a good thing .??? ya know being smart???  PS ~my usual response to being told i'm acting like a "know-it-all" tends to be "okay. and...? "
     I like to surround myself with people who are obviously smarter than me, like Delaney or people that are older than me. I'm open-minded enough to new ideas and other opinions and new concepts that i can do this. acknowledging you have something left to learn is the first step in improving yourself <( Mike Lombardo's words not mine ). I find this to be true. But there are people that aren't very open to new ideas and such  so when they are around people that know more about certain subjects then they feels every distant and small and as though the other person is being a know-it-all.
     Learning is simple but you have to be willing to try and admit that you dont know things and you have a lot more to learn. I know how to roller-skate , I don't know how to play guitar. I know how to make a website , I don't know how to do a backflip. I can work out how to use about any digital device in about an hour, I cannot for the life of me solve a rubik's cube . ( NOT RUBIX it is the cube belonging to rubik. GAH). I'm learning to improve my writing. I'm learning to be a better reader. I'm learning to research things before i give an opinion on them .

I'm learning.

Pencil to Paper, Fingers to Keys

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