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Doctor Who

Thursday, September 23

SHHHH Don't tell mum !

Okay so I've been athinkin' I wanna save up money and buy something ~ well a little technology something so heres what I've got on the brain that I could buy:
Better music player  (preferably a nano)
ipod touch
DDR <-- i freaking love this game srry
Better TV
Digital Camera

I have decided I want a laptop : ) WEEEEEEEEEEE so Im saving up majorly : ) WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
after I buy black hairspray.

Here are the rules to my saving to begin with and make it easier.

  1. once its in the money box it STAYS in the money box
  2. i have to save every 1 dollar bill that touches my hand 
  3. change goes into my change jar....
  5. only other thing you can save for is HP Deathly Hallows.....because you've been planning that for months.
  6. Work hard to GET the money
the reason for #4 is because every time I count it I'm always all Okay YAY i have 20 $ now ! AWESOME!!!! and then think that all the time..and end up speing it cause HEY IVE GOT 20$ 

and i picked the laptop because if I eventually save up enough I can get one with a built in cam thing so thats:
camera, flip 
then I could listen to music on my com and deal with my shuffle,.  new ipod
I really dont need a touch ~ ipodtouch
my tv will be fine...for now  TV
DDR justy might have to wait. : )

Wish me luck

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