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Doctor Who

Wednesday, September 15

this Blog comes to you in 4 Parts

  Musicians! : )
I am going to attempt at listing all the artists that i listen to (normally) now and when you get to the break thats the songs the ones i used to like....embarassing......uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
in 5....4......3...........2.
Mike Lombardo
The parselmouths
Harry and the Potters
Gregory Brothers
Owl City
Taylor Swift
Sara bareilles
Vanessa carlton
chameleon circuit
Michael Buble
Jack's mannequin.

the ones in blue i still listen to ...sometimes
Good Charlotte
Hillary Duff
some Brittney Spears
avril livnge
Crazy frog <- thats the song IDK who its by
whatever was on American idol Rewind

Things that bug me

  1. Deh     Tails. instead of dee-tails
  2. people that talk on the phone at football games, track meets ECT
  3. people that are SUPER picky about their shoes. NOBODY CARES ABOUT A SMUDGE A MILLIMETER BIG!
  4. when you are super pumped about somehting and every time you mention it to someone they're just like "wow would you shut up i dont care" well i mean they dont say that but smacking of the lips, rolling eyes, and turning away..really?
  5. when someone is really good at somehting and has been studying it and knows a lot about it and someone that knows absolutely nothing about it says " no you're wrong, that is incorrect"

Poetry notifications  
My friend Catherine that lives somewhere in england somewhere (Shhh im being secretive) has just won a superly coolio poetry thing. check her out
Remember me??? - there are a handful of people that know his poem and helped me write it : ) and we nearly died of laughter reading it out for our 7th grade english class
Here goes:
Monster Monster
Monster Monster
under my bed
don't come out
and eat my head

monster monster
in the dark
please dont bite
and leave a mark

monster monster
under the stair
dont grab my feet
and nibble my hair

monster monster
in my sweater
dont come out
and make my pants wetter

monster monster
possessing my pet
get out now
or lets go to the vet

monster monster
in my faucet
dont come out
or hise in the closet

monster monster
watching me
leave me alone dont make me plea

monster monster
in my rom
get out now
or you'll go  BOOM!

monster monster
please shut up
or i will surely
blow you up

monster monster
 in my hair
why dont you bite me
if you dare

monster monster
in my shoe
get out now or I'll step on you

monster monster
in my bathroom
go away now
or meet my vacuum

monster monster
in my ear
get out NOWE
cause i cant hear

monster monster
in my bed
get out of my bed
before i smack you
 upside the head

monster monster
 in the drawer
i aint scared of you no more

this poem was written by

Hannah Flagg, Delaney Miller, Alexis Wilson, Kirsten smith, Mariah Medina, and Malahni Ngalle

yeah amazin huh?
Its a classic

Obsessions aren't obsessions when talking to Hannah
so I'm just now realizing that i say i'm obsessed with things...a lot. well when I say im obsessed I dont mean obsessed...unless im talking about Harry Potter then its WAYYY MORRE than obsessed. But  about 4/5 of the times its more like

Person (usually a youtuber):
Hey i found this new cool new youtuber person and im trolling their channel and they are superly collio and stuff and i so just downloaded their songs and schtuff you should check out this here person.

this book is surprisingly good!! You should read it! it right up there in my faves now : )

I cant stop listening to this song.. its addicting.. and its very upbeat.

Harry Potter:
OMG I FREAKING AM LITERALLY FREAKING ADDICTED AN OBSESSED AND i do NOT suffer from OHPDD(over obsessive Harry Potter Disorder and disease) i LOVE every MINUTE of it!!!!!!

so really im not "obsessed " Its just that im all pumped about something cool that i get to share with all of you
 : )

Paper to Pencil ,Fingers to Keys

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