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Doctor Who

Friday, September 10

300th POST!

Yes it is the day my friends, followers, and other random people. : ) My 300th hundredth post so get excited !

     My opinion on stuff about stuff to do with stuff

1. Opinions-Okay first things first everybody should have their own opinions. Not just saying something because someone that they like or they hang out with says that or sees it in that way. Especially because it's important for everyone to have their own opinions and for everyone to see things in a different way and have separate takes on things. Arguments are good. WAIT NO HOLD THE PHONE. REWIND >SCRATCH THAT! Disagreeing and discussing things is good. Arguing is yelling. discussing and so-on is so much better. When you listen to someone and how the view something then you see the situation from more than one perspective. Its important for people to remain open-minded about things as well and be able to re-evaluate their opinion. To not reject the idea before its delivered. Im not saying that you sould never agree with someone and should always challenge them on their opinions. Its just say you watch a video on youtube and you like the youtuber and go oh yeah hes smart hes probably right. I dont care if you actually take into account what they are saying, examine, analyze, research, and pull from that a conclusion of your opinion.  That being saiidddd.....

2. Coinage- its been said on and by John green that the penny costs more to make than its actually worth.and then plus the actual amount of the penny The penny is obviously worth 1 cent. but to make a penny it costs, 1.26 cents.So thats + 1/4 or so of how much the penny is actually worth. so for every four pennies thats another penny that a quarter we are losing for every dollar in pennies that we produce and 25$ for evey 100 dollars worth of pennies produced.The reason for this is that the cost of the materials to make pennies has gone up.  Of course the suggested idea is to just use different materials such as plastic as they have in europe. I believe we should just do away with them altogether. I mean think. How many pennies a year do you lose? whether its to a heating vent or on the sidewalk or whatever.many people will probably lose well over 25.00$ in a lifetime. now if thats twenty five dollars for every person think of how much money we're literally losing by making pennies. Stop for a second and ask yourself how much do you actually value a penny.People throw them away! Nobody clings to pennies in the same way a 4 year old clings to his first dollar bill. So I believe that we should get rid of pennies altogether. same thing with a nickel. they cost 7.7 cents to make thats 2.7 cents more than they are worth. More than a penny. the probability of  the penny being discontinued is very slim.Yes I realize I am rather late on this subject. your opinions?

3. School- MmmmKAY! so you hear everyday people at school complaining about how they do not want to be there. That they would rather be at home on the computer or playing video games. but to be quite frank I enjoy school. sure sometimes it can be boring. Sometimes the work can be hard. But the whole point is that the work pushes you and forces you top try harder every day. Sure I would like to be on the computer but my time on the computer would be less enjoyable if I had it all the time. I believe that us middle schoolers through high schoolers should appreciate the free schooling we get now and learn as much as we can while its still free. Getting smart isn't free but it pays to be smart. : ) another great thing is when you can take part in the school band .Learning an instrument can be so helpful even if you don't plan to pursue a musical career. I get what I can from school. Not to mention we do get 3 whole months to do whatever we want. After the 12 years you can go to college and after college then you do whatever you want...and a job. but you have so much free time to speend and day to day it feels like you spend forever in school but really you will have more free time, more time to do what you want. Even if that time is given to you when you actually have something productive to do with it. SO I love school. School and I could be best friends. : ) cause i cannot stand a lot of people IN that school ; )

Now onto non-serious subjects : )

charlieissocoollike            vlogbrothers             meekakitty            jeffisold        hayleyghoover    italktosnakes
                        isayheyhihello          infinitywordz       Jasonmundaymusic  

srry had to be done

                                                              DOCTOR WHO 

David tennant is, of course, the best doctor so far. I do like Matt Smith his pretty good. I have to admit i was about 70% sure he would be kinda crap after david being the doctor for 3 seasons or so. I was wrong by far.Im still catching up woth a lot of the shows because sionce I live in america with no cable i dont get BBC
T___T : ( but thats okay because a lot of the time I can watch past episodes on dailymotion. com. : ) if you want to find me on dailymotion I dont have any videos but my username is shelfekf. : ) My favorite episodes have to be the ones with the angels. witch lead me to one of my favorite bands:
The genre they play is trock (timelord rock) witch was invented by alex day. one of my faves by them is blink which is about the angels. So if i ever say " dont blink" its a doctor who joke/reference. : )

Silly/Googly bands- Yes no , Of course, maybe , Your opinion?

Question? -whatever happened to lavalamps. I mean they used to be the shiz and everyone would want one and they just looked so gangsterlike. Lava lamps are so jokes and now nobody cares for them. I want to get a lava lamp now just cause they aren't everywhere. We are bringing back the lavalamps. : ) now lets go to almart. hopefully they have blue and green. YEAH!

Places with great names:
Normal IL
Sandwich High MA
Effington MN
toadsuck ,arkansas
burnt corn , alabama
cabbage patch, California
no name, Colorado
snapfinger, georgia
fruitland, idaho
fickle, Indiana
what cheer, iowa
lick fork, Kentucky
tickfaw, louisiana
Bald Head, Maine
slapneck, Michigan <-- I live in michigan : )
nimrod ,minnesota
possumneck, Mississippi
podunk, new York'
Cokeville, Wyoming

Pencil to Paper, Fingers to Keys

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