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Doctor Who

Sunday, August 1


   So this friend and I were writing and suches just littley-do-things that I do sometimes and we both did it and rated them and such. the thing that I did was : No stopping, dont think too hard about what you are writing, NO EDITING IT ... EVER!! here are some of mine:

I lay on my bed exhausted from a long day.I let my head slowly slip down my pillow. I heard a clatter downstairs, instantly i recognized the sound. His keys had undoubtedly landed about six inches from the desired location.i rolled over and breathed in the scent of my pillow. Still tired and still knowing that when I walk downstairs not many pleasant things will cross paths with me.I took one last breath of the floral scent and made my way down the maple staircase

I could hear the roaring crowds but somehow it seemed so distant.Thoughts raced through my head. None really about what was happening then and there.Mostly on what the kids at school will say or the way the sun will shimmer off my bright gold medal. I really didn't have to think what I was doing.I crossed the finish line. Heart pumping as fast as my legs had been previously. I threw my hands in the air and just thought of everything else

THIS one is in dedication to a friend of mine ;) 
sure I was shorter than most in my class.It didn't matter to me.People seemed to underestimate me sometimes.I get top-notch grades and never fall out of line.I have multiple talents, But people can't seemed to get past the fact that I am short. oh sure you're 5"7 , that doesn't make you a better person than me. I'm short, I'm smart. I'm short, I'm talented.thats the way it is.


I sorry to say but I'm not going to post hers. Her writing could use a bit of work..hint hint
she doesnt knowthese terms (shes 18)

  • climax
  • antagonist
  • protagonist
and I shan't continue, SO I basically wrote her book for her last night

Pencil to paper, Fingers to keys

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