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Friday, August 6

Nerdfighter Much?

I actually made this one by myself.
it was actually a lot of fun.
These are not ALL of his songs,
they are all the songs from his album
So Jokes and a few songs from a
few other albums. : )

none of these are mine

you know you're a nerdfighter when ...
1. When asked where you're hanging out tonight you say: "In John Green's Pants"

2. You beg your English teacher to get a copy of Paper Towns TONIGHT on her/his trip to the bookstore, because you can wait for yours to come in mail order.

3. Any Harry Potter reference makes you smile, even if it isn't a good one.

4. When asked what your favorite day of the week is, you can't deside between Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, but then you remember there are Five Awesome Girls too and then you REALLY don't know.

5. You are simply made of awesome.

6. You don't fall in love, you fall in nerd-like.

7. You plan on asking for a nerdfighter shirt/sweatshirt for the next available holiday or just buying one yourself when you finally get the money.

8. You can spend hours being entertained in a bookstore (either because you're a book-nerd or because you're making "in your pants" joke)

9. You silently add "In your pants" to every book you have in your overflowing stash.

10. whenever you meet someone nerdy, to check if they are a (conscious) nerd-fighter or not, you do the signal, and wait for their response..

11. you have to bring a huge backpack to the library when you go, because you know that you are going to take out so many books

12. whenever you hear someone sniffle, you automatically think about chickens

13. when you're bored/dying in class, you're thinking about the song This isn't hogwarts

14. whenever someone makes a yeti reference, you giggle.

15. whenever someone gives you that "you're to enthusiastic" look you just shake your head. crack jokes from the 51 Jokes videos.

17. you use DFTBA, so jokes and other vlogbrothers sayings IRL

 18. Things aren't cool, they're jokes.

19. When you're in a bad mood, you put things on your head to cheer yourself up.

20. You have debated the pronunciation of "accio".

21. You've come up with alternate meanings for dftba (darling, fetch the battle axe.)

22. You believe that all elephants should be puppy-sized.

23. You click on the group "Red Green" and are surprised it is not for John and Hank Green's dog.

24. Whenever you see a cow on the side of the road, you say, "Big White Wall of COW!"

25. You scratch an "M" wherever you can because you know Margo would have.

 26. When faced with a tough situation, "What would Captain Picard do?" plays in your head.

27. You realize it is entirely possible to date seventeen people with the same name, especially if that name is Katherine

28. You dream of falling in nerdfighter-like.

29. When you have started multiple Facebook/Twitter posts with "Good morning, Hank/John."

30. You and your friends have tried to make" French the Llama!" a big thing at your school.

31. When you wrote "Best Wishes!" in all your friends yearbooks.

32. When you left nerdfighter notes in copies of John Green and Maureen Johnson books in the bookstore.

33. When you never ever FTBA.

34. when for the next holiday coming up u look through the the list of nerdfighter merch u want (dftba records cd's nerdf t-shirts etc) and hand the list out the ur friends and family

35. When You go into a history lesson and the lesson is on Nazi Germany u immediately think of the evil baby orphanage

36.when u get home and you have to try and think of reasons for why ur day was awesome

37. when you walk around humming a song about an angler fish

38. when you stay up until u fall asleep with ur head against the computer screen whilst taking part in the project for awesome

39. You have confused the people in your maths class by having the textbook on your head in your pants

40. When meeting a nerdy/awesome author and his nerdy/awesome musician little brother is one of your absolute biggest goals in life.

41. When you profile picture is of you doing the nerdfighter sign :) 

42. When you buy corndogs at lunch, and right before you bite into one, Hank Green's face pops into your brain. And then you bust out laughing.

 43. When you write on your guitar "This machine pwns noobs"

45. When you fall asleep thinking how awesome Nerdfighteria would be

44. When you are willing to pay whatever amount needed to buy a small island near canada for nerdfighter purposes

45. When you first found out about Vlogbrothers and spent at least 4 hours or an entire night watching all their videos

47. When you're on family vacation, and you see a box of corn dogs, and have the intense urge to make a Nerdfighter joke. But you can't, because no one would get it. 

48. when u and ur friend do the nerdfighter gang sign to each other and everyone stares at you like a freak 

49. u and a friend look at people and make the decision whether they r nerdfighters or not (instead of being made out of tissues and bones, made out of PURE AWEOSME :)

50. When you and your best friend can have an entire conversation consisting of only Nerdfighter phrases and Vlogbrother's quotes and the rest of the people in your school stare at you like you're crazy and deranged...... 

OH OH OH OH I made this one too
cool isn't it?

I love these word things don't you?

Pencil to Paper, Fingers to Keys

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