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Doctor Who

Friday, August 13

hooked on Doctor Who

okay so I'm sure you all know about my whole launching into youtube right? well I was recently watching all of Charlieissocollike's videos and he mention's doctor who..A LOT! Now this is not the first time I heard of it. My sister watched it too. So I was all man this stuff must really be good. but how good can sci-fi be? well I watched the first episode just to see. then Suddenly I found my self half way through the fourth episode. I FREAKING love DOCTOR WHO1 Not to mention this isn't even the David Tennant ones! these are the eps. from 2005 (i'm going in order) More off to the tardis my friends I hope to make it back in time for the UFO landing
Pencil to paper fingers to keys
Ps. I really am just realizing how long my signature is!

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