from now on you can find me at!!!

Doctor Who

Friday, June 25

35 Awesome facebook Statuses

  1. ...Draw a line. Live above it.
  2. if you don't like my status, don't read it! problem solved!
  3. Hillary, Biden and Obama were on a donkey, at the edge of a cliff.The donkey got spooked and jumped off the cliff.Who was saved?              America!
  4. you cry,i cry,you smile,i smile,you laugh,i laugh,you jump off a bridge,I LAUGH EVEN HARDER!!
  5. Would you rather I lie to you and make you happy or tell you the truth so the problem can be fixed? Think about it.
  6. The purple monkey in my closet just stole my Twinkies and the little elf that lives in my shoe box stole my juice box i think i need to get some new roommates
  7. You can either live your life to the fullest, or be the victim!! Preferably I am going to live my life to the fullest. I wouldn't waste my time being a victim.
  8. when i was born, my parents called me an angel! but then the devil saw me and said,"o crap... i have a competition!"
  9. brb goin cow tippin in farmville... better lock ur fences...
  10. is tired and ready for bed.. wait, i just woke up though.. CRAP!
  11. loves Karma...I've been paid back. Now just watching it come around to those who haven't!
  12. You think the wicked witch of the west was bad? You have yet to meet the evil bitch from the south!
  13. I'm not here right now and I regret to say that due to unforeseen circumstances, later has been canceled
  14. It's called the "Ten Commandments", not the "Ten Suggestions"
  15. see who can leave me the coolest comment!! Will it be you??
  16. If a fat lady falls down in the forest do the trees laugh?
  17. what do you mean, what do I mean? I mean what I mean and that means that I mean it! Gosh!
  18. Clear blue sky, to complete overcast...  then it Rains... oh wait... now it's snowing... Look the sun is out! All in one day!  Mother Nature must be bi-polar!
  19. says a Friend would bail u out of jail, but a best friend would be sitting next to u saying Damn we sure messed up but it was fun!!
  20. wonders why old people tap you on the shoulder at weddings or births to tell you "you're next!" How'd they feel if we did that to them at funerals?!
  21. well call me butter cuz I'm on a roll!
  22. is wondering, hypothetically speaking of course, if the need should arise where is the best place to hide a body?
  23. I will be good today... I will be good today... I will be good today!!  Yeah, I didn't believe it either.
  24. if you watch Jaws backwards, it's about a shark that throws up people until they are forced to open a beach.
  25. Do u ever just wanna smack people & tell them 2 quit feelin sorry 4 themselves & quit whining?
  26. WARNING! Patience meter has reached maximum capacity.  Critical shut down commencing in t-minus 5 hours and counting...
  27. just a question   do catfish have nine lives?
  28. "NEWSFLASH" My world don't revolve around your opinion! Sorry to break it to you!
  29. is in a mental hospital & found this little room with a computer in it, so just leave me alone, damit
  30. says "OH MY GOD"  If STUPIDITY was painful, you would be on pain killers 24/7!!
  31. I can guarantee when the music finally stops, I'm not going to be the one without a chair!
  32. wonder how many people can go a week without Facebook
  33. is very very good in bed... I can take 6-8 hours easy, even though I only get 2-3 if I am real lucky... Sleep!  Dirty Minded Friends... lol
  34. Says ~ I'm not one for "getting even" or "revenge" but sure as shit, somewhere, sometime I WILL repay the favor, WITH INTEREST. Have a nice day  :-)
  35. has had my kindness mistaken for weakness for the last time.  Anyone willing to challenge that, try me. You won't like the new me and I could care less!!!
Status to face book, fingers to keys 

Saturday, June 19

Pow Wow

     So the family and I just got back from the Pow Wow today. Its was really fun. So heres how we came upon this: I was bike riding trying to find oput the correct way to the fish ladder I went all the way down past potter park. then I turned around and went home that about 6-7 miles (according to my dad) Then when I finally got home I took off my shoes and was all tired for about three minutes.. when those three minutes were over I asked if my dad would take me down to the fish ladder. Turns out I went the wrong direction. Well on our way to the fish ladder we found there was a whole bunch of tents popped up and some guy was auctioning off some stuff. Well on our way back we stopped took a quick look around mumbled on how my m other would like to com,e here. So we went home ate dinner and went back. We walked around a bit. I bought some stuff: I got a wolf charm, a bear claw necklace, a peace necklace, and a turquoise flame ring. We might go back tomorrow in witch caseI will buy a mood ring : ) we got some fry bread too. We now call them oil balls. My dad is the only one who finished his. My brother didn't feel like going. I;m finishing my fry bread right now . mmmm oil : ) I saw this person there (she was a mother) wearing a black shirt and I was like oh cool shirt I like that little swirly wolf on the back near the neck, i kepot looking around. i snapped my head back and was all "woahhhhhh thats the new moon shirt that i own !!!!!" I tried to show my mother but it was hard because I couldn't point because thats rude.  the dancers and the songs and things were really cool we didn't get to see any jingle dancers people  : ( I htink they are oding that tomorrow in which case we will be going again.  : ) they take your cameras and dispose of your film if you take pictures. :0 especially during the honorable dances.

pencil to paper, fingers to keys

Thursday, June 17

Calligraphy attempt

     so the report card came in today all my grades went down except for two. :( those 2 grades went up. So I got 2 books or something like that so whatevs. We went to the bookstore and I got a calligraphy set. It came with a bamboo pen, a calligrphy oen, 3 b=nibs, and a reservior. WEll it took us like 15 minutes to figure out how to get the resevoir onto the nib. First I tried and was super confused and then my mother took a look at it (her having had a set before and all ) and she couldn't figure it out either. Then my dad looked at it slid the reservoir onto the nib pushed the nib into the oen and everythinglined uop . He did the smarty pants dance. Then when I tried to write with it the reservoir wasn't working. It ran out after the first stroke (it should last about 3-5 letters at my size od stroke). So my dad had put it on wrong. I wrote with it anyways. I wrote smile twice before my mother told me I was holding the oen wrong. ( my dad said to hold it that way ) then I figured I should really work out my reservoir  or I'm going to run out of ink fast.  and so I spent awhile trying to figure out how to get the reservoir onto it. BUT!!!!! I forgot to rinse it off so my fingers and my pen turned red  :( then I showed my mother my mistake about niot rinsing it off and she made me  put it away before I touched anything. HELLOOOOOOOO i'm not six I KNOw not to touch the oh so precious table.
So now I am wrirting about my suckish attemp at calligraphy I think I will try it every monday and wenesday. esh thats good.

pen to parchment, fingers to keys

~ <--------------see that squiggly I can write that squiggly oh yeahhhhhhh

Wednesday, June 16

book #36

  1. griffins castle
  2. artemis fowl
  3. blue water
  4. the indispensable calvin and hobbes 
  5. Ida B.
  6. Holes
  7. Cut
  8. The Last of the really great Whangdoodles
  9. sister spider
  10. shattering glass
  11. dogs dont tell jokes
  12. theres a bat in bunk five
  13.  A series of unfortunate events, the end
  14. frindle
  15. love that dog
  16. paper towns
  17. coffeehouse angel
  18. A series of unfortunate events, the reptile room
  19. Sparks
  20. duplikate
  21. Switch
  22. claim to fame
  23. Jerk california
  24. Twilight graphic novel
  25. final exam
  26. belle prater's boy
  27. the girl who could fly
  28. GONE 
  29. the monsters of morely manor
  30. Calvin and hobbes sundday pages 1985-1995
  31. Fame, Glory , and other things on my to=do list
  32. Frak the mighty
  33. Chasing yesterday , #1 awakening
  34. light in the attic
  35. An abundance of Katherines
Pencil to paper, fingers to keys

Sunday, June 13


     So I went over to Cassandr's house yesterday for her birthday party. it was really fun. When I got there I was like the 3rd person there so we had to wait for what felt like EVER for Malahni and Mariah to show up and when they did we went over to cassandra's grandmothers house where we swam, pet the horses, and ran on the treadmill. We took pictures as we jumped into the pool . It was super fun. Then we had hamburgers and went in the pool again then we had cake and ice-cream and went in the pool again. When we got back to cassandra's house we wereon facebook for a while and suches then we had to get of the computer so we were all just kinda sittin there and talking and eating crispy bagel and I was soooo tired I just fell right asleep and apparently I was twitching at all the scarypaerts in the movie (but I WAS SLEEPING ) i knew I was moving a LOt becauseI kept waking up but like when i woke up all refreshed and stuff it was the end of a different movie . called ferris bueller's day off site: and everyone fell asleep and I was like *scoff* SERIOUSLY! then I went back to sleep and Breanna and I woke up first and when we were all woked up mariah took a shower and breanna sang songs about kamyab being a terrorist blowing up the local walkmart and striped sweaters and other rthings.
It was REALLY fun
P.S. I dont feel like going through and fixing this so y ou can figger it out : P

Friday, June 11


     So It's summer everything anyone has ever wanted top do can be achieved. But heres the thing I cannot remember anything special that happened on ANY of my summers other than lasy year I went to Delaney's birthday paerty and thats all I can remember. SO I am planning to make this the best most memorable summer ever. i ahave signed up for races, planned a few parties, made dates just for hanging out, made a list of books to read,and  made a list of things I want to learn how to do. This is NOT going to be a summer where I sit around the house doing nothing I will only be able to say "I'm bored" ten times this summer (thats the rules ) and all sorts of stuff

Thursday, June 10

The last time

This is the last time...
I can be a seventh grader
blame it on an eighth grader
slack off in band class
I can write about being in 7th grade
Tease Mr. Erspamer
Say I always have 1 more year
Say Hi to Malahni in the hallway
Talk about much Ms. Stachwick talks and say I know I live it everyday
write 7th on the top right hand corner of my journal. (no theres nothing worth reading its just what happened each day nothing cool)
I can not have to worry about being my best and being top notch
This is the last time ....

The seventh grader that after 3:06 /You'll, I'll, We'll never see again

Wednesday, June 9


     Well About sometime in december My friend Delaney and I started a business that was called the HD shirt CO. As you can tell this was shirt Company we had in our hands well we got all of 1 order from our science teacher and maybe 2 times a month until mnow he has mentioned that we owe hima shirt I bought the actual shirts about 2 days after but we never got the iron on s for the shirts to make them and we made them today.
     Delaney and Kirsten came over to my house after school. We got some lemonade that tasted quite a bit like watered down lemon juice. It was SUPER yucky. and later I tripped over a chord and spilled Kirsten ALL OVER the place thern I bent down and carefully looked at the shirt that we had currently been making and I shot up and was all "IT MISSED THE T-SHIRT!!!" and I ended up knocking another cup over in the process. and it spilled  a little on the shirt. The first cup got 12 SHIRTS WET!!!!!! including 1 I was going to wear 2 school tomorrow.  It was SUPEr funny and we laughed our butts off then we went outside where it wasn't sticky and worked on the other shirt (he got 2 cause it was REALLY late!) and Kirsten left after a ehile then the ice cream truck came and we got some ice cream and her mom came while we were getting it. then her mother and her brother noah got some ice cream ! and that was all.

Frogs, Freaks, and Tests.

     Yesterday and the day before my science class were dissecting frogs. The guys were the squeamish one that were freaking out. So on the first day I dissected with Alexis and sort of not really Delaney (her name was on our tag) and it was fun. we had to take out its tongue and take of its skin in certain places. It smelled SO BAD in that room compared to the hallway. It was strange compared to the squid we dissected. With the squid the smell seemed to go away after a couple of minutes but you never stop smelling the frog. But I won't go into further detail because I know there could be a reader that really DOES NOT want to hear about it. 
     As for tests i would like to say" what makes teachers want to slam us with tests  right before the end of school?" We had a test in English class and math class we've had like 4 tests in the past like 6 days.!!! or at least it felt that way. 
     Next piece: freaks. We are watching Freak the Mighty in English class today. and the strange thing is we read the book and I'm reading a book called geektastic. where there a thing that says "freak the Geek" (john green) and Its so strange it seems to show up everywhere. .-.


Sunday, June 6

Clearing My Browser

Well lately My file had been running a little slower and i KNEW it was because I hadn't cleared my browser. DUH! So I was all logged on to picnic, facebook, blogger, youtube, and my e-mail all at once and my brother has to get on really quick (it as not quick he was on for like 10mins finding pictures and 15 trying to figure out how to work the printer) to do his project and he didn't even really do it because  ' the printer was acting up'  and he went ahead and cleared my browser thinking that it would fix the printer problem. i DID.NOT. WANT. HIM. TO. DO. THAT!  Had I wanted him to clear it I would have asked or better yet done it myself. Now I have to resign into EVERYTHING!!!!!! i was right in the middle of a really good blog (a long one too!) and I get kicked off (IT DIDN'T SAVE) it because it says I didn't log in. Now I know what you are thinking whatever just log back in whatever its not that hard. well it is kinda hard when you are a part of over 15 different websites.  With multiple accounts on some of them !!!!! so ii9 am very agitated not to  mention I lost half of my bookmarks!!!

Friday, June 4

Band concert

It was awesome we could have played better but its done now so nothin much we can do bout it . they surprised mrs. hicks with a slideshow  and sucjes it was fun : )

Wednesday, June 2

I woke up this morning put my shoe on took the other one off and school was over

School and weekends

 yesterday I went over to Alexis's house to do a French project. I don't even get why we had to do one if we have no idea what were even saying and Delaney..... YOU BETTER HAVE PUT THE SPANISH SUBTITLES ON THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the French teacher needs to go away and we can just have my mother ? sister come in and that way we can actually LEARN something all I know is some # some clothes and colors all that other stuff... I have NO idea whats even going on but we do get food soon  : p school is going by like this *snaps fingers * everything we are learning is easy buit we have like 1 or 2 days to learn it. its hard to remember all that circumference  area perimeter and such  . GAH!!! and in stachwitches we are still doing plagiarism lessons ( I MEAN JEEZ WE COULD GET LIFE SENTENCES FOR THE AMOUNT OF PLAGIARIZING WE HAVE DONE) and band is Horrible at least Kamyab can sorta play now : ). listening to accio deathly hallows. i love that song !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <---------------- thats a lot of  !s. anyways school is gouibng really fast there 7 days of school left (not including weekends )

this weekend is going to be very hectic
lets see
6/4 is my concert
6/5 i have the michigan mile
6/5 someone is going to the breslin center
6/6 we are going hi,ing at woldemar
6/7 is my cousins grad party
6/8 my brother goes to band camp

(well I guess that not JUST the weekend but STILL that busier than I have been ALL week !

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