from now on you can find me at!!!

Doctor Who

Sunday, May 30

I found this and thought it was funny

What the fuck is this shit with people only texting you back with one letter, such as “k”? I know text messaging isn’t the best way to have a deep or personal conversation with someone, but what the fuck? I’ll send you a two page long text about something that happened between us, or something important, or ANYTHING and you’ll respond “k” or “:)”. YOU HAVE A PHONE WITH A FULL FUCKING KEYBOARD AND YOU CAN’T EVEN PUT AN “O” IN FRONT OF THE “K”? Who the fuck do you think you are? I take the time out of my day to message you with something funny or meaningful and you just decide to be a douchebag. It’s not like I’m annoying, and I text you all the time, nor does my text warrant a one letter, or even one word, response. If you don’t want to talk, just say so assbag!

Paper Towns ~ John Green

So I hjust went and vbought paper towns by john green. I got the ONLY COPY left. !!!!!!! I would've gotten it last time but they only had 2 thousand copies of WIll Grayson Will Grayson. Now when I first read Paper towns i had gotten it from the library I was like oh cool John Green wrote a book and then I was like WHOA JOHN GREEN WROTE FOUR BOOKS   : ) andf I read paper towns in 1 night i COULD NOT put it down . I swear I would have stayed up until moprning if thats how long it would take. When I first started reading I was already sucked into it it is completely genius.  : )
here John
the different covers to Paper towns
<-----------my copy looks like this



and this is where margo is  : ) SUPER SPOILER

(and because I'm so darn lazy I stole someone elses)

Book Summary

Reviewed byMatt Berman
Quentin lives next door to Margo, the amazing, vibrant, wickedly sophisticated teen goddess of his town, with whom he has been in love since they were in elementary school. But in high school she has mostly ignored him. Then she shows up at his window a few weeks before graduation to lead him on a night-long series of payback pranks, after which she disappears. Worried that she may have committed suicide, Quentin obsessively pursues clues he thinks she has left him, involving Woody Guthrie, Walt Whitman, and nonexistent towns that are either failed developments or copyright traps on maps.

Is It Any Good?

With his third book, author John Green seems to be developing a specialty -- thoughtful, talky stories about smart but clueless high-school boys trying to figure out girls, love, and life while dealing with a crisis and a roadtrip. The key to their success is vivid and engaging characters, both major and secondary, who are trying to figure it all out. But in this one, with Margo AWOL for much of the book, and Quentin obsessively trying to figure out what happened to her, it falls to his friends both to support him, and to provide the reader with the humor and pure joie de vivre that makes the book fun as well as thoughtful.
Primarily it falls to Radar and Ben, Quentin's two best friends, both band geeks (Quentin isn't even a band geek -- he's a band geek hanger-on). Ben is obsessed with Prom, thrilled to have a date, and likes to think of himself as retro-cool (he refers to girls as honeybunnies, and Quentin is unable to convince him that it's not cool, it's just dorky). Radar is a fanatical editor of a Wikipedia-like site, and his parents have the world's second largest collection of black Santas. Together with Quentin, they're a pretty sweet group of teens.

And this is how I spen d my time 

Saturday, May 29

Kristina the Other Me

For those of you who have ya know... lived in a hole your whole life and don't know who Kristina Horner or the Five awesome girls or vlogbrothers are...... here are some links  : ) 
Five Awesome Girls:
Kristina Horner :

Okay so back to the reasoning of the title. I swear Kristina Horner is the other Hannah. We like all the same stuff. We totally are both at least a little too attached to harry potter  (but if you're us you SOOO don't see it that way) We both blog, love Dr. horrible. and all SORTS of other things !!!! Its kinda scary O_o . but theres one BIG difference well she can sing and is a more rock like band and I can play clarinet and am in a concert band. anyways I just thought that was somewhat scary that people that are like 8 years older than me are more like me than my friends or anyone I know really.NANOWRIMO!!!!!
 woot woot 

whos your other?


Friday, May 28


To day was SuPeR fun !!!!!! so heres how my day went

1st hour- Since all the other good players was on M.I. P more than half the class was gone. We had a sub. Well apparently she was some sort of physic or something and she was reading peoples auras or telling their future of something. We had a final to take oint hat class so I was doing it and I had like half of it done - it was just copying stuff- and then I went over and worked on this flower I was drawing. The directions that were left for the sub said that whomever had passed all of their playing quizez could work on homework or read a book or whatevs. I just drew and I would get back to my quizzy thing. Well she came over and was all "are you done with your quiz and yadaya da yada "

but later I got uop to sharpen my pencilular devicing utensil and then she did that thing you know ehere thet call you over and shewas all " i see great potential and a lot of talent. yiou have soooo much potential and no matter who you are with just remember that youhave such great potentaikl' and I quick got to my seat cause I was super weirded out. but since I am in the front row shes like four ft. away.

2nd hour- I moved and sat near delaney and drew some more. we played like 5 games of M*A*S*H

3rd hour- we watched a movie and I talked to isis a lot and Tony and the guys played my MASH game. TOny lives ina SHACK AGH HA HAHAHAHAHA that was funny.

4th hour- we read Freak the mighty and dissedcted every little meaning in everything, I mean seriously even the author didn't have a 50 word list describing two of the characters JEEZ

5th hourwe watched kung fu panda

6th hour- we had i pg of notes a super easy assignment we shoved uno cards down delaneys shirt and other fun stuff


Wednesday, May 26


Math is going VERY fast and I dont really want to miss any of it because I am not too good at math. SO I dont want to go to the track meet tomoroow and ui m not going to . I'm still tired from the meet yesterday that I epically failed I. CAME. IN. LAST. IN. 2. EVENTS. AND I ONLY RAN 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH!!!!!! but anyays I'm not going to go tomorrow. i'm 'skipping' and mymom was all mad. !!!!1 this I do NOT understand because shes always all 'HANNAH YOU NEED TO WORK HARDER IN MATH CLASS'" and such . I dont work at math shes angry.  I work at math she angry. PICK ONE LADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and shell be yellin at me to do my chores . WHILE IM DOING THEM!!!!!!!!!! but shes not a bad mom or person or nothin shes nice a lot of the time just cant seem to tell that I cant clean the bathroom clean the livingroom and do my homework all at once.
ANYWHO. there is this siong I lover by needtobreathe called the ousiders it # 99 on my playlist LISTEBN TO IT IT IS LIKE MY FIRST ABSOLUTE FAVORITE SONG EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Championship meet

So the track meet esterday was not good for me at all. !!!!! I came in last in both of my races and  my relay came in fifth. : (   So yeah tragic  for my 800 i got 3:19 - my best is 3:11  and then  i dont even WANt to  know what I came in for my 200. There wwas a gap between me and all the other runners. and this gap was  NOT small.  and then for the 800 one of my teammates got a medal. : ( shes like fastest on our team .

Sunday, May 23

No Plans

 So this weekend was one of the first weekends in lik eEVER that i have had no plans at all. I was sick on frisday so I wasn't there so it doesn't really help that I had a 3 day weekend. :) But I have no plans. So I finished a book in my challenge and am working on the next one. GONE.  Delaney recommended this book to me and gave me her copy to read so I'm reading it now. The second book that goes with GONe is HUNGER and she let me borrow that too. and then I have the Gohst children , Aquanauts, and this book by Haddix that I cannot remember the name of. so I have quite a few books lined up . Im on book # 28, i fell WAY behind looks like I know what Im doing a LOT of this summer. Along with running, visiting the library, and trying to findways to make money so I can buy this

Yep thats rightmhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm ! thats the camera I want.

Thursday, May 20

Furry vengeance

So i went to see Furry vengeance with Delaney it was the most hilariously bad movie I've ever seen

Had O good week so far I guess. Today for trak the long distance people got ice cream at Baskin Robins and the sprinters got yelled at !!!!!  only cause while we were running the sprinters were being all lazy so Mrs. Lynch lectured them and such :P Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA! I so bored i LOST my IB project !! its due tomorrow ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what am I gonna do wait heres an idea I could just draw me some natives doing something like driving a very old motown like car !!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WOULD BE COMICAL
~ Hannah

Sunday, May 16



how to annoy your teacher

These are SOMe ways to annoy your teacher but I guess they work !

  1. Type every word in a different font. Alternate really big fonts with really small fonts.
  2. Bring candles and incense to class. Before handing in the paper, perform an elaborate ceremony, entreating the gods to bless the paper and correct all your typos.
  3. Carve your paper on the bathroom wall.
  4. Cite issues of Spiderman and Batman as resources in your bibliography.
  5. Come to class leading a horse or camel. When asked to turn in the paper, take it out of one of the saddlebags, then shoot the horse/camel/whatever away. Refuse to discuss it.
  6. Compare and contrast the characters of James T. Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard. Claim that one is actually Hamlet, and the other is King Lear. Say that Worf is Ophelia.
  7. Draw obscure connections between totally unrelated things. For example, claim that abnormal amounts of neutrino activity in Germany caused Hitler to invade France, or that the Roman empire collapsed because of a shortage of qualified botanists.
  8. Draw pictures of your professor in the margins.
  9. End the paper with "This paper will self-destruct in 10 seconds".
  10. Get a large piece of paper or canvas. Smear paint all over it and hand it in as your paper. Explain that the topic was such an emotional one for you, and that mere words couldn't possibly express what you had to say.
  11. Hand your paper in in a sealed envelope with postmarks from several different countries on it. Say that you wanted several different perspectives on your work.
  12. If assigned a 2000-word paper, draw two pictures of what the paper was supposed to be about. After all, a picture is worth 1000 words, right?
  13. If assigned a paper in philosophy class, explain that you can't do the paper because you're not sure if the class really exists, or if it and the professor are just illusions created by your subconscious. If you do end up writing the paper, write about whether or not the paper actually exists.
  14. Make a footprint on the back of one of the pages. When questioned by the professor, act like it's nothing unusual. After all, he did tell you to include footnotes.
  15. Make a tape of you singing the contents of your paper, opera- style, and hand that in.
  16. Make your paper one long, neverending sentence that goes on for pages and pages and pages; use alot of semi-colons, commas, and other interesting, rarely-used punctuation marks [(for example), an interesting one: the colon_] but never ever end the sentence {[_-|/??!]}.
  17. Ol, switch alound arr the l's and r's in youl papel, rike Monty Python did in Queen Erizabeth the Thild.
  18. On the day the paper is due, skip into class, waving the paper and screaming, "I have a paper! I have a paper!". Run around the class a few times, then joyfully throw it out the window. Laugh and yell, "There's my paper!", then run outside to get it. Repeat this all through the period, or until the prof throws you out.
  19. Paint a large white stripe down the front of your paper. Say that on the way to class, your dropped it in the street and it got run over by one of those trucks that paint lines on the road.
  20. Perfume the paper with catnip. Explain that it was to keep your dog from eating it.
  21. Poke several holes in the paper. Say that you were mobbed by crows on the way to class.
  22. Print all the pages on one sheet of paper, with the text overlapping. Say that that was all the paper you had.
  23. Put nonsense words down as quotes. Say that you are quoting the words of a well-known Zen master who was speaking in tongues at the time.
  24. Pwetend you have a speech impediment and awways type w's whenevew you weawwy want to type r's ow l's.
  25. Refer to all prominant historical figures by nicknames. For example, call George Washington "Georgie". Call Ben Franklin "Sparky".
  26. Refuse to do the paper on account of the fact that you are a member of Greenpeace and strongly object to the gratuitous slaughter of trees caused by the massive amount of paper used in writing assignments.
  27. Spill a martini on your sociology paper. Say that you wrote it in a bar so that you could see "sociology in action."
  28. Staple a picture of an academic building to the paper. Cite the picture as a resource.
  29. Support your thesis with quotes from your VCR manual.
  30. Switch the names of prominent history figures with the names of your friends, classmates, etc. Claim that your roommate led the Spanish Armada.
  31. TTyyppee eevveerryy lleetttteerr ttwwiiccee..
  32. Tell the professor that you need an extension because one of your primary sources is an old wise man in Tibet and he won't see you until the next full moon.
  33. The night before the paper is due, call the professor and explain that you can't turn your paper in because it contains sensitive military information and is only available on a "need to know" basis. Insist that General Schwarzkopf says you should get an 'A'.
  34. Turn in a letter you wrote to your cousin. When the teacher confronts you about it, say that you must have gotten the letter and the paper mixed up. Say that you'll turn the paper in as soon as you get it back, but your cousin lives in Siberia, so it might take a while.(This is a nifty way to get an extension.)
  35. Turn the paper in by making paper airplanes out of the pages of the paper and attempting to fly them onto the professor's desk.
  36. Type gibberish. When you hand it in, claim that your computer crashed while you were printing it, and you couldn't retrieve the original.
  37. Use a forklift to bring your paper to class, even if it's only a few pages. Explain that it involved some very heavy reading.
  38. When writing an especially long paper, put a recipe for chocolate cake in the middle and see if the professor notices.
  39. When your prof asks for an outline of your paper, draw the outline of the piece of paper you typed it on and hand it in.
  40. Write a paper discussing why Michelangelo got to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, but Van Gogh didn't. Discuss whether Van Gogh would have used nunchakus or katanas.
  41. Write about whether Plato would have said that Miller Light is "less filling" or that it "tastes great". Also explain why Aristotle would have taken the opposite view. Try to predict both philosphers' reactions to Spuds McKensie.
  42. Write the entire paper on Post-it notes and turn it in by sticking them all over the professor's door.
  43. Write your history paper on parchment, using a quill. Say that you were trying to get the feel for the period.
  44. Write your paper by cutting out words from magazines and sticking them on the page, ransom-note style.
  45. Write your psychology paper on possible genetic anomalies that might cause a person to prefer anchovies.
NOTE: none of this is mine Iget it solely from

So not much has been going on this weekend. I am extremely bored. I just showed my mother the party in the library parody even she thought it was hilarious . :) I love that video and it seems like I've known about it for like ever because I've seen it so many times. !!!!!! ahhh good times right there. Might go see Furry Vengeance with delaney today YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY !!!!1

nothing much going on

Thursday, May 13

Team , Meet Failure

So yesterdays track meet was okay we did better than normal it was 80 to 35 we got 35. Which surprisingly IS better than we normally do one time we got 10 ! but our team is really small and the kids on the team barely run oh WAIT noooo SOME of the kids on the team barwely run ! like this one girl Lachune (that s right im pointing you out bc you deserve it you CHEATER)  she complains about running 200 meter dashes and walks the whole way to the track AND the arm up lap and does like 1/3 of the ACTUal workout we do for practices and at practice on tuesday we had to go up 3 flights of stairs and back down then up and down and up and down for like 2:00 (AND i'm tellin ya sounds easy till ya gotta do it) well she just HAD to go with cassandra  who isnt very fast. well she ran halfway up and waited for cassandra to go all the way up and when cassandra reached the top she would go back down to make it look like she did m ore and she was faster when really she SUCKED!!!!! we need to KICK HER OFF THE TEAM!!!!!!  and so we ran and she complained and I went to my blog... ON MY FRIEND"S TOUCH SCREEN PHOINE!!!!!!!!! it doesn't even haveREAL buttons or nothin ,!!!!!! it was VERY cold at the meet it sprinkled a tiny itty bitty bit. and it was a lot of FUN!!! I was gunna run a 1600 meter relay, a 3200 meter relay and an 800. BUT!!!! my friend Malahni walked off with her padreand i was all YES THANK YOU I LOVE YOU NOW WE DON'T HAVE TO RUN THE 3200 METER RELAY!!!!! t i didn't kniow she was also in the 1600 m. relay and kirsten got someone to fill on for the 3200 m relay  and I was al KIRSTEN WHY!!!!! and if she hadn't done that SHE could've filled in for Malahni amd i could've run my 400 par4t :( GRRRRR
that was the short story
srryyyy bout the gramar

Sunday, May 9


the ITEC showing it tomorrow. WE get all dressed up (i'm so not going to ) than we get up on stage say lots of stuf then sit down and show our movies one at a time. then when we say stuff and show our movie they laugh heir butts off more than they did for anyone elses movie because ours is REALLY funny. Then they see our credits and luagh even MORE!!!!!! but !!! the best part is they give out ipods at the end normally li think they have three. but I have No sort of music player Bc my MP4 keeps freezing B4 it even gets to the main screen and someone stepped on my MP0  so I am SUPER DUPER HAOPPy that I have a sliver of a small chance of  an opportunity maybe could possibly happen slightly going to maybe happen win one ...... maybe possibly sotra  kinda a chance
maybe I think you get the point so I'm not getting my hopes up but I'm still hoping a little 
P.S. sista jjust left  :P 

Thursday, May 6


there were 4 teams there
St. Johns Lake wood, Otto and Pattengill.
St. Johns got first then lakewood we smashed otto by 4 points they got six we got ten IDK lake wood and St. Johns got 82 or so

Wednesday, May 5


so track meets are a ot of fun but this time i am hoping to to get smashed ...again. we got slammed by lakewood then charcoaled by eastlansing and I am really hoping tht we win this one. We haver only lost games so far. I think this is due to the fact half of our team spends all practice walking, not trying, being lazy, and sitting down, oh wait no I forgot complaining. It's like you didn't sign up for the walking club its track if you dont want to run save us the misery and just quit. My Gosh we get pwned everytime. :( Positive thoughts though  :)
I realy wanna win this one if only our people were faster and theirs were slower

Sunday, May 2

Uof M graduation

We got up around well I'm not dure when and then got all ready and stuff. I had to wear a dress too. and then we rode to ann arbor for like 2 hrs  or so. and when we got there she wasn't even HOME! we had to wai for her top get back from the big grad. where Obama was speaking, we missed that one (this is the link to it) Then when she got home she ate and talked and we looked at the big grad programm. i was literally like 100 pages thick!!!!!!  and then we walked to the RC grad (residentail college) (which is where all the cool people go )  IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!
 So this was not like every other grad where there is a big long speech at the beginning each person gets theirs diploma and says thanks to their parents and professors and leaves NO!!!!. This was one where we had FUN!
So yeah!!! and some people would recitwe poems, perform, song songs, rap, say thanks, talk about how they spent 10 years to graduate and so on. One guy told a story here is the story he told
 please replace crap with the s word for it to make more sense

So a bird is late for  migrating south for the winter and  he starts off after it is already getting a bit cold  and as he flies he gets colder and colder and slowly he becomes tired an weary and eventually he falls to the ground and freezes. .... slowly.. then a bear comes along and craps on the bird and at first the bird is angry and is really pi**ed at the bear and then he realized the crap was keeping him warm and he was happy and grateful tha the bear had crapped on him. He was so happy that he wasn't going to do die that he began to sing and then a cougar came by. the cougar heard the bird singing and arte him. now there are three morals to this story
#1 not all people that get you into crap are your enemy
#2 not all people that get you out of crap are your friends
#3 if you find yourself in deep crap keep your mouth closed

HA LAIR I OUS \then when my sis got up there one of her friends was stalling and such and then they started dancing. I didn't understand at first , That was because nobody could hear the music then someone put the mic up to my sis's computer that was playing it then they danced and everyone laughed they were doing the dances that they did for the snoopy thingy  my sister wa the girl with the red hair and the  dress but was danciong like different one..i think  it was super funny

then some girls rapped about how cool the rc was :) then we got Rick rolled it was funny though because the guy and girl that did it started like this " okay we just now decided to do his and we botharen't really musically talent so we will make mistakes and note that I said that we will make mistakes and we picked a song that most represents  our time here at RC" . then he started to play the ukele and he would mess up a little bit and they started to sing somewhere over the rainbow REALLY BADLY then he said (cause he had on his graduation cap,gown and cords) " okay I can't like play with this these on am i allowed to take them off" and the girl was all  "yeah me too", and stuff. and then they turned around and took off all their stuff and we got rick rolled and in case you dont know what that is here yu go :  and such and they were really good and the girl was wearing this really slinky dress that was all multicolored my sister was friends with both of them. :)

Then there were some really good poems.

someone told a joke : what is a fish with no eyes ....fsh

and so did another person did too: tere are theree types of people in the world the one who can count and the  ones who can't

One guy went up there and was all " okay we all know how in third grade when we find out how to make farting noises in the crevice of our elbow and its just the greatest thing ever " then he demonstrated "I want all of you guys to the luodest farting noise with me as you can"  and everyone did. it was AWESOME!!!!!

so when all that was  over we got to walk in a big parade with all theRC grads and stuff and they were holding up these abboo like things with streamers on them ,  and waving them around and someone decided it would be better if we were in the street  so we blocked off traffic . :P that was fun too.  and we walked up to the little recession thingy majig and we ate some little cheescakes and fruit and small cups of punch and we had hummus and pita bread stuff and then when we were done chatting with the rench teacher head of something we sat for a minute then we went to pizza house. And we took a while ordering and my brother got a bacon cheeseburger and my parents and sister were gunna split a pizza and i got three cheese nachos and when they brought e'm out i was like whoa. it was as big as the pizza so we all had some except rtistan he doesn't like veggies, or anything green .  and we all had fun and they ahd little UofM mints I got one :) and we packed up our stuff. and walked back to alex's house we hugged and stuff and talked to her friends  and stuff for a while then we left. When I got in the car i opened my bok a read I was distracted after we were about half way home by my dad saying '"da*n rain" and it was only moments after that when my window was getting pelted by rocks and this black material (there was only a little bit of black material) and stuff and my dad got us all pulled off to the side of the road. and we got out o' the car and saw we had a flat now thattire wasJACKED UP!!!!!!!1 and it took forever to get it off because it was all corroded onto the car it took a while to crack it loose but my bro and dad got it off and the put the spare on the car. THANK BOB WE HAD A SPARE !!!!!  It was REALLY COLD!!! I got pelted with sand and rocks when a semi went by and we got a move on and I read all the way home la la la la la happy ever till now

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