from now on you can find me at!!!

Doctor Who

Sunday, September 26

Band Geeks Rock Your world

     I do not ever ever ever ever everly want to be  "cool " because based on what I've seen this is what being cool is very tarded. Cool kids don't like Harry Potter so I mean whats the point. ?  And out of all the geeks nerds dorks ECT. I think I like being a Band Geek the best. we get to Make music! and its almost like having one less class than everyone else  : ) We get to have concerts and go on big field trips. We have competitions. and lets face it ~ Im probably getting first chair this year. Now its one thing to be in the band. It a whole seperate thing to be proud of it.  Some people have been forced into band (ME ME ME MEME ) by their parents. Some hate band but take it anyways. But us first chairs are all :

" I'm in pattengill Middle Schoool Band. I am  first chair __insert instrument here_____.! We are the best and I rock your world!!!!!! " 

and for those of you who shake your head at us (Coach Thomas you're going to regret that) or whatever you say about us ( No, really Coach we're gunna get you !)  feel free cause to the ones of us that are glad to be where we are, well, we'll probably consider it a compliment. ; )

Paper to Pencil fingers to Keys

Friday, September 24

No Icing

    For starters~ when I say my sometimes im not really meaning to say me but its because if i were to be speaking of 2 someones that could get REALLY confusing

 Some people ask for my opinion. When that opinion is given they're either upset, hurt, annoyed,  or they just don't bother taking my opinion into consideration. this sometimes just makes me go. really? If you ask my opinion about something I'm going to tell you what I think. I'm not going to lie to spare your feelings or dull it down and make it sounds sweet, I'm not going to tell you what I think and then say something nice to try and make you forget or mumble it then change the subject. no icing. at least not on this devils food cake. If I think you don't deserve something and you ask me I'm going to say what I think


My Favorite

So I'm bout's  to be saying my favorite stuff
Here goes

  • Color : Orange
  • Song  : Caroline by Mike Lombardo
  • Book :  Paper towns ~John Green
  • Movie : The Fall
  • Class: Band
  • Subject : English 
  • YouTuber : vlogbrothers
  • Actress: .............
  • Actor : It's a toss up between Lee Pace and Neil Patrick Harris
  • Person : ... as of right now it would have to be.......................... XD FAIL
  • Youtube Video :  you cant actually expect me to choose when I watch meekakitty can yiou?

Thursday, September 23

SHHHH Don't tell mum !

Okay so I've been athinkin' I wanna save up money and buy something ~ well a little technology something so heres what I've got on the brain that I could buy:
Better music player  (preferably a nano)
ipod touch
DDR <-- i freaking love this game srry
Better TV
Digital Camera

I have decided I want a laptop : ) WEEEEEEEEEEE so Im saving up majorly : ) WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
after I buy black hairspray.

Here are the rules to my saving to begin with and make it easier.

  1. once its in the money box it STAYS in the money box
  2. i have to save every 1 dollar bill that touches my hand 
  3. change goes into my change jar....
  5. only other thing you can save for is HP Deathly Hallows.....because you've been planning that for months.
  6. Work hard to GET the money
the reason for #4 is because every time I count it I'm always all Okay YAY i have 20 $ now ! AWESOME!!!! and then think that all the time..and end up speing it cause HEY IVE GOT 20$ 

and i picked the laptop because if I eventually save up enough I can get one with a built in cam thing so thats:
camera, flip 
then I could listen to music on my com and deal with my shuffle,.  new ipod
I really dont need a touch ~ ipodtouch
my tv will be fine...for now  TV
DDR justy might have to wait. : )

Wish me luck

Tuesday, September 21


      Some kids are smarter than others. Its a fact. Whether its because one has a disorder, is a lot younger,  or just no will to actually learn ,one person can be smarter than another. why do people hang around people their age and people that are interested in the same things?? > we do so we can speak our thoughts and discuss things with the people you surround yourself with and those people can listen and understand what it is you mean by what you say. Now if you have to stop and explain every little thing you are saying then for 1 thats going to get mighty irritating and for 2 the person or persons you are talking to aren't going to fully understand what it is you are saying or the gravity of the situation at hand.and therefore cannot have their own active opinion on the subject.

     Now I've had multiple friends that are in the "resource room" most of them were older than me and friends that i find to be just a tad behind in my ways of thinking. Now these people have said to me "you act like you're all super smart and keep trying to make me feel dumb" OR " you act like you're smarter than me but im really smarter than you because I'm older"( i won't banter here about how actually saying that is rather dumb but continuing>>> )  For Phrase #1 >the thing is I'm not acting any smarter than I usually do. How I act is how i act. If that makes someone feel dumb then they can say so but thats not going to change what i know or how I view things. I'm not changing opinions/ interests in things just because they don't follow my line of thinking.  I don't go around saying oh "you're dumb or you're stupid" because truthfully nobody is  totally dumb they still know a great deal of things, things that you might not know. When I mention something and they don't understand and don't care to learn of it or speak up theres a little gap that appears and with every little difference that they don't care to bother with that gap gets bigger and bigger until eventually its about the size of the grand that point then we can't see eye to eye anymore and that person and i are completely alone and only have ourselves to talk to. then thats about when that quote there gets thrown into play.
For saying #2>>> " you act like you're smarter than me but I'm really smarter because i'm older" (nows when i banter about how dumb that is to say that). Just because someone is older than another person doesn't mean they know more. I know some really smart 7th graders, do i automatically assume i am smarter?? No. I know   some that are older than me and know less about certain things. It's true that some older is more likely to be smarter but that is not always the case. Once again I can't help it if I act smart.. I thought that was a good thing .??? ya know being smart???  PS ~my usual response to being told i'm acting like a "know-it-all" tends to be "okay. and...? "
     I like to surround myself with people who are obviously smarter than me, like Delaney or people that are older than me. I'm open-minded enough to new ideas and other opinions and new concepts that i can do this. acknowledging you have something left to learn is the first step in improving yourself <( Mike Lombardo's words not mine ). I find this to be true. But there are people that aren't very open to new ideas and such  so when they are around people that know more about certain subjects then they feels every distant and small and as though the other person is being a know-it-all.
     Learning is simple but you have to be willing to try and admit that you dont know things and you have a lot more to learn. I know how to roller-skate , I don't know how to play guitar. I know how to make a website , I don't know how to do a backflip. I can work out how to use about any digital device in about an hour, I cannot for the life of me solve a rubik's cube . ( NOT RUBIX it is the cube belonging to rubik. GAH). I'm learning to improve my writing. I'm learning to be a better reader. I'm learning to research things before i give an opinion on them .

I'm learning.

Pencil to Paper, Fingers to Keys

Realizing people aren't realizing

     I'm just now realizing that there are some people just comlpetely miss some things.

Example #1
~ the preamble , We the people of the United states of America, in order to form a more perfect union 
it is painfully obvious. no really! It wasn't until my Us history teacher pointed it out on her little facts sheet that they realized this: more perfect. if something is perfect and get any "perfecter" that not how that works. the word perfect means exactly the way it should be and if its going the way it should then it cant be more perfect. Honestly i thought this was a known fact... apparently not.

Monday, September 20

Nano Wrimo

UGHHH! I want nano wrimo to start NOW! I have my idea for my book. I guess I could do some researching, all good books need at least some accurate facts in them ; ) I'm shooting for something i little less childish this year. Im not saying im going flat out adult stuff. I'm still sticking it to a point where I could have maybe 13 and up read it. My last novel would have been from like 8-12 year olds so yeah. this ones going to be a little more serious dealing with more real life problems. I'm, kind of going into a whole new field with this one. A lot different from my last one. the one thing Iu'm hoping that changes will be that this one is somewhat okay. my last one was REALLY bad. it almost sounded as though it was supposed to be a movie for children instead of a book. : ( but not this time this will be better...hopefully.
wish me luck

Wednesday, September 15

this Blog comes to you in 4 Parts

  Musicians! : )
I am going to attempt at listing all the artists that i listen to (normally) now and when you get to the break thats the songs the ones i used to like....embarassing......uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
in 5....4......3...........2.
Mike Lombardo
The parselmouths
Harry and the Potters
Gregory Brothers
Owl City
Taylor Swift
Sara bareilles
Vanessa carlton
chameleon circuit
Michael Buble
Jack's mannequin.

Monday, September 13

It would take 52.89 cans ofMonster to put you down
376.13 cans of Barq's Root Beer + You = Death.

AH HA1 More death bt caffiene tomorrow


OMG thanks u guys!

OMFG! so I hopped onto my computer and figured "hey I'm funna check up on my blog" and i hop on and right up there in the left hand corner ver top i see this little box and this little box says 10001. WHOOP WHOOP YEAH! <--this #s gunna change when someone views my page
and thanks to everyone that has come to my bl;og : )
I know its not about the views. It never has been and never will be about the views. Its about the quality of thwe work and that Im doing what I like. So thanks to you and lettin' you know it makes me happy to see that i'm not just talking to myself

Pencil to Paper, Fingers to Keys

Get rid of the Pennies !

so if you read my 300th post you must have read the part about the pennies. Now this is really getting on my nerves more and more the more I think about it. GAH! so research, read up, annd give me your opinion. : )

Pencil to Paper, Fingers to Keys

Friday, September 10

300th POST!

Yes it is the day my friends, followers, and other random people. : ) My 300th hundredth post so get excited !

     My opinion on stuff about stuff to do with stuff

1. Opinions-Okay first things first everybody should have their own opinions. Not just saying something because someone that they like or they hang out with says that or sees it in that way. Especially because it's important for everyone to have their own opinions and for everyone to see things in a different way and have separate takes on things. Arguments are good. WAIT NO HOLD THE PHONE. REWIND >SCRATCH THAT! Disagreeing and discussing things is good. Arguing is yelling. discussing and so-on is so much better. When you listen to someone and how the view something then you see the situation from more than one perspective. Its important for people to remain open-minded about things as well and be able to re-evaluate their opinion. To not reject the idea before its delivered. Im not saying that you sould never agree with someone and should always challenge them on their opinions. Its just say you watch a video on youtube and you like the youtuber and go oh yeah hes smart hes probably right. I dont care if you actually take into account what they are saying, examine, analyze, research, and pull from that a conclusion of your opinion.  That being saiidddd.....

2. Coinage- its been said on and by John green that the penny costs more to make than its actually worth.and then plus the actual amount of the penny The penny is obviously worth 1 cent. but to make a penny it costs, 1.26 cents.So thats + 1/4 or so of how much the penny is actually worth. so for every four pennies thats another penny that a quarter we are losing for every dollar in pennies that we produce and 25$ for evey 100 dollars worth of pennies produced.The reason for this is that the cost of the materials to make pennies has gone up.  Of course the suggested idea is to just use different materials such as plastic as they have in europe. I believe we should just do away with them altogether. I mean think. How many pennies a year do you lose? whether its to a heating vent or on the sidewalk or whatever.many people will probably lose well over 25.00$ in a lifetime. now if thats twenty five dollars for every person think of how much money we're literally losing by making pennies. Stop for a second and ask yourself how much do you actually value a penny.People throw them away! Nobody clings to pennies in the same way a 4 year old clings to his first dollar bill. So I believe that we should get rid of pennies altogether. same thing with a nickel. they cost 7.7 cents to make thats 2.7 cents more than they are worth. More than a penny. the probability of  the penny being discontinued is very slim.Yes I realize I am rather late on this subject. your opinions?

3. School- MmmmKAY! so you hear everyday people at school complaining about how they do not want to be there. That they would rather be at home on the computer or playing video games. but to be quite frank I enjoy school. sure sometimes it can be boring. Sometimes the work can be hard. But the whole point is that the work pushes you and forces you top try harder every day. Sure I would like to be on the computer but my time on the computer would be less enjoyable if I had it all the time. I believe that us middle schoolers through high schoolers should appreciate the free schooling we get now and learn as much as we can while its still free. Getting smart isn't free but it pays to be smart. : ) another great thing is when you can take part in the school band .Learning an instrument can be so helpful even if you don't plan to pursue a musical career. I get what I can from school. Not to mention we do get 3 whole months to do whatever we want. After the 12 years you can go to college and after college then you do whatever you want...and a job. but you have so much free time to speend and day to day it feels like you spend forever in school but really you will have more free time, more time to do what you want. Even if that time is given to you when you actually have something productive to do with it. SO I love school. School and I could be best friends. : ) cause i cannot stand a lot of people IN that school ; )

Now onto non-serious subjects : )

charlieissocoollike            vlogbrothers             meekakitty            jeffisold        hayleyghoover    italktosnakes
                        isayheyhihello          infinitywordz       Jasonmundaymusic  

srry had to be done

                                                              DOCTOR WHO 

David tennant is, of course, the best doctor so far. I do like Matt Smith his pretty good. I have to admit i was about 70% sure he would be kinda crap after david being the doctor for 3 seasons or so. I was wrong by far.Im still catching up woth a lot of the shows because sionce I live in america with no cable i dont get BBC
T___T : ( but thats okay because a lot of the time I can watch past episodes on dailymotion. com. : ) if you want to find me on dailymotion I dont have any videos but my username is shelfekf. : ) My favorite episodes have to be the ones with the angels. witch lead me to one of my favorite bands:
The genre they play is trock (timelord rock) witch was invented by alex day. one of my faves by them is blink which is about the angels. So if i ever say " dont blink" its a doctor who joke/reference. : )

Silly/Googly bands- Yes no , Of course, maybe , Your opinion?

Question? -whatever happened to lavalamps. I mean they used to be the shiz and everyone would want one and they just looked so gangsterlike. Lava lamps are so jokes and now nobody cares for them. I want to get a lava lamp now just cause they aren't everywhere. We are bringing back the lavalamps. : ) now lets go to almart. hopefully they have blue and green. YEAH!

Places with great names:
Normal IL
Sandwich High MA
Effington MN
toadsuck ,arkansas
burnt corn , alabama
cabbage patch, California
no name, Colorado
snapfinger, georgia
fruitland, idaho
fickle, Indiana
what cheer, iowa
lick fork, Kentucky
tickfaw, louisiana
Bald Head, Maine
slapneck, Michigan <-- I live in michigan : )
nimrod ,minnesota
possumneck, Mississippi
podunk, new York'
Cokeville, Wyoming

Pencil to Paper, Fingers to Keys


the title expplains it all. cause we got canticum today and i played it and its VERY VERY easy to play. But I still like it heck it out on youtube if u want!

Thursday, September 9


So I play clarinet. Well known fact- : ) but I really want to learn and play the piano. I know that the chance of this happening is very slim. this is mostly due to the fact that my family doesnt have the money  for lessons. : (Even if we did have the money I would have to have a piano or an instructor that would let me use theirs. I know, It;s difficult. Yeah I know each hand plays a different clef. Yeah I know I probably will be superly duperly busy. I still want to learn it HMPH

Paper to Pencil, Fingers to keys  <----- Just realized keys could SO mean the keys on a clarinet! or a piano !.

Wednesday, September 8

Mike Lombardo

okay dokes so for those of you (mostly those in C/c) who ACTUALLY know me. you already know about this who fiasco. : ) but those of you who don not know about this addiction of mine. I have multiple addictions. but check him out. order him album do wacha do . But definitly give his music a listen I did and didn't regret it. DoIt ,...NOW~Hannah

Tuesday, September 7

the First Day

So we didn't get our schedules until we were actually in the school today. Then we missed our first hour: ) I smile because the first hour I have is French. >: ( then I have band and we went to band and met the new student teacher and I found out that I have to bring my clarinet tomorrow. buyt heres the thing - I pack cold l;unch and I have Cross country sO I have to bring Clothes Too. But we canrt bring backpacks to school tomorrow. I ride a bike to school : ( So I gotta see if Mrs. Hicks will let me keep my backpack in her room. Now we have these dumb yellow dashes down the stairs and all the ahllways like we are some sort of cars and the hall way is a road or something and we have these dumb passes and crap too now : ( my school went from Ok-ish to bad to the crappiest ever! I didn't get any class I wated
I wanted Keyboarding for music - which counts as a computer class
and Spanish-that wuopld be my language
but NO. I get French for a language and regular crap computer class:> : O


Monday, September 6

Bye Bye Summer

Summer means

cold lemonade
riding bikes
and cloudless days

flip flops
puca shells
and heading to the beach

sleeping in
and going to bed late

hanging with friends
and great opportunities.

Bye bye summer ~ I'll miss you dearly

Pencil to Paper, Fingers to Keys

Michigan's Adventure

So we got up at around 8 or 9 or something like that. We had some very yummy pancakes and bacon. Mmmmmm bacon. *Drool* Well then we packed everything and got in the car . (as you can see this is all pretty basic stoof). Then we went to a gastation. My brother and I each got a pop. He got some pepsi throwback and I had Crush grape. I've sorta developed this thing for grape pop. : ) and we were off ! For two hours I sat in the car and listened to music...and read a little bit of Artemis Fowl. 2. YAY! then we got there and i was all HOLY CRAP YOU CAN SEE THE SHIVERING TIMBERS FROM THREE BLOCKS AWAY! My mother was all " I  wanna ride that one it looks like fun" and pointed at the mad mouse.It looked very not fun. then we got in to the park YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY and I said right there" the first one we have to ride is the shivering timbers cause thats supposed to be the best one " we waited and waited and waited in line for what felt like forever! then we got in I went with my mom...she doesnt like roller coasters. I DID NOT like the shivering timbers. cause I hate that feeling with the - Gs or whatever. And on the first curve thing I didn't know it was coming or whatevers and it hurt my back! im not sure how but it did. and then it was over and i was like. let's not do that again. now you have to take into account that it was my first ever roller coaster and I had no idea what to expect. Then My dad and I went to go get us some fries while my brother and mother went to go go-kart. WE got the fries and after a while of searching we found each other turns out somethin went wrong down at gokarts so they didn t get to ride : ( but we had some VERY tastey boardwalk fries.Then  we played that squirty game where you have to get it into the clowns mouth... i a lot. : ( but my dad won and gave my mum his shaymin.then my dad did that slammy whammy kablammy thing where you hit it with the hammer and it goes up and if ou get it to the top you win a prize wait im not sure if I got all this in the rite ordar ..who cares. and we went on the ferris wheel. I was this is so cvool when we wre stopped at the top and they were all " STOP MAKING IT SWAY!"..I dont think they like heights and I went on the thunderhawk. I thought it was gunna be a bad drop at the beginning so I shut my eyes ( then I would nt know when it was coming) and then I realized it was +Gs this time : ) and I opened my eyes. and we were all spinning in circles and looping and stuff. It was fun I liked it : ) Mostly cause there was non of that drop at the beginning. And I went on the corkscrewI though that one would be bad too ..but it wasn't. My parents went on the loggers ruin. I wanted to do the ripcord thing but we didn't have the money..and I dont think I would be big enough for it : (And I made my brother do the thunderhawk.. He screamed like a little girl and I sang and laughed. : ) + we did  a few water slides but it wasnt at all warm out so we were very cold.Also we played in the arcade for half an hour> we got 7 plastic dinos 2 kaliedoscopes. and a plastic MA shot glass. and for souvenirs I got : a MA key Chain, a big fuzzy blue and white hat, a puca shell bracelet, and a MA sticker book : ) mny brother got a woodstock. : ) I lurve woodstock hes adorable . and we had lots of fn : ) heres pictures

<--My Pimp Hat

<--Just coming off of the corkscrew

Sunday, September 5

Michigan Adventure

Ill post about it tomorrow..wait does that mean this one was pointless
why yeas Jimmy yes it doe s : )

Saturday, September 4


Okay so I've been wondering ... Some people just listen to their songs, sorta dance around just listening to  the music and not really caring what its about. Mostly for the beats and the notes and the way the words string together. But other people take the meaning from songs. They actually pay attention to what the performer actually mean swhich one are you COMMENT1


thats such a great word *sigh

Friday, September 3


     This summer went so well. : ) I didn't accomplish everything I wanted but I sure had a lot of fun. I can honestly say that there was only 1 week of this summer that I didn't enjoy to bits.I got to read tons of books without being interrupted by something about how to say watermelon in French. It was this summer that I could finally decide on my top 2 favorite books. Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska - Both by john green : ) I got hooked on Doctor Who. Got an ipod shuffle. went camping and hiking a lot. Saw the ECLIPSE midnight release. Listened to Delaney FREAK out! over Artemis Fowl! Watched the entire Bones First season and Smiled a whole bunch.

     I'm going to miss the days where I can go to bed at 3 A.M. and wake up at noon thirty. When I can ride my bike down by the river and not have to worry about getting home . When I have nowhere to be all day.  How I can write and sketch for hours. Staring at a blue cloudless sky. Playing Tug with my puppy : ) The days where possibilities are endless. when you CAN slam a revolving door !

     But I do have to say I am looking forward to school. I guess I'm strange in that way.Most people really don't like school. But in my opinion you should just accept it now cause its not always going to be free. Even if you don't get the classes you want at least you'll be able to learn something on the subject, or new ways to irritate your teacher.One thing this year is ... LIKE HALF OF OUR STAFF QUIT OR RETIRED! BLAH! now Mrs. Lewis and Stachwick are gone (okay you can stop celebrating and keep reading now). Sooooooo we wont be getting our schedules until the first day! +! I heard from a certain someone that we have band second hour oh YUCK! I perfer it first hour.
hoping everyone enjoys their last days

Pencil to paper Fingers to Keys

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