from now on you can find me at!!!

Doctor Who

Friday, December 31

I Promise

Although it is true that you don't h ave to have a new year to start new things and make stupid promises to yourselfI am going to do it anyways right now. Not the promises. But I find this as the perfect opportunity to re-invent this blog. to step it up a notch ya know , actually edit this crap~ make it worth reading blog when I have somethign to say. Not when I'm bored. I am going to Blog even when I don't feel up to it as much, or when I'm being lazy. I will edit out the crap you don't care about and correct my spelling. I will stop ranting about Pennies and adress other issues as well. I will be up on all the latest Nerd stuff. I will suggest great links I will pimp my blog and tweak it until Its just perfect enough, Which because I am who I am means nothing near perfect and closer to human. I will tel;l you what it is that going on. My promise to you my blog and blogees Is to be at my best at any time you need me to be. I promise.

Tuesday, December 28

The Year of Awkward

SO I have predicted that 2011 is going to be a very awkward year. Where do I get this prediction you may ask. well try saying 2008,2009,2010,2011. It goes sorta like this: O' eight, o' nine, twenty ten,_ twenty eleven...O' Eleven, eleven. Darn you number eleven you make things so hard. I guess will we say Oleven. Meh. Nothings sounds quite right. So I predict an awkward and very different year. So tag me here and on new years eve of 2012 then send me back here and I'll see if I was right or horribly horribly wrong

Monday, December 27

What I do when I'm bored ont he computer

  1. facebook
  2. look through twitpics 
  3. Edit pictures
  4. lwatch old youtube  vids
  5. Netflix

Yeah so eventually I will have worked my wardrobe to the point where it consists mostly  graphic Ts 
A efw things To wear for when I need to look nice for stuffes, and 4 blue t shirts with a pocket. an EPIC vest. three long sleeve shirts.

I don't care much about pants. : )
and thats my goal : )


Sunday, December 26

My Web

So basically you type in a letter and what ever comes up in in adress bar is watcha get

Inside LOOK on where I spend my internet time : )

allthe ones that arent filled in are cuz I dont constantly goto sites that begin with that letter


Saturday, December 25


this year I had a very NerdfighterChristmas
SO heres what I be gottin' just even though you dont care Im doin' it anyways : )

  1. Mik eLombardo: Songs for a New Day -2 Disk set
  2. Casio Keyboard (hehehe I'm already annoying without highpitched intruments)
  3. an Abundance of Katherines
  4. Looking For alaska
  5. A This Star Wont go Out Bracelet
  6. 2 Graphic Ts -(one domo, one Happy bunny)
  7. Sorcerers apprentice
  8. a cool yo-yo made of wood
  9. a DFTBA Sticker (came with the Cd&Bracelet)
  10. A Dr.Seusss thing from theres a wocket in my pocket (My favorite)
  11. a rubik's revolution

Ok stopping tere_and that just some of the stuff. Tis VERY nerdfighter christmas


Friday, December 24


Take a moment on Christmas Eve to remember Esther Earl and all her Nerdfighting Awesomeness
RIA Esther

How to Survive Christmas Eve... Without Dying

"To read makes our speaking english good"~Xander

What NOT to do 
  • Go to the store
  • Listen to Christmas Music
  • Shake the presents
  • Go snooping for other presents
  • Eat candy canes, cookies, brownies ect.

    1. Stay up way late on the 23 So you wake up at like noon on the 24th
    2. Do all your chores , without rushing, before anything else
    3. get on the computer and watch movies for a really long time (Or Youtube!)
    4. help with dinner
    5. eat really slowly
    6. Take an extra long shower, or just take a bath
    7. Play lots of video games
    8. Watch your favorite shows on Netflix/Hulu
    9. Take lots of pictures 
    10. Listen to your favorite Artists
    11. Read Long books while determined to finish it, in a day
    12. Draw a picture until its exactly the way you want it to look
    13. Take a nap
    14. Write a poem about halloween
    15. see how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsiepop
    16. Try and teach yourself to juggle
    17. Make a snowfort
    18. Bake
    19. Write down your favorite quotes
    20. Write a blog post on how to survive Christmase eve,without Dying

      Thursday, December 23

      FAIL & My Favorite Tweet
      as MiLo has said and I will say it now because theres really no other response

      If any of you ever say anything this stupid, I will come to your house and laugh at you

       Mike Lombardo 
      Broke a string on my grand piano today. Low E. :( It was scary


      Other Links you might want to check out  tha make today awesome:
      Ps ~ Yeah thats right Im going back to the old ways of signing my name a simple letter "H"


      So I suppose that this is the part where I wish you all a merry / happy christmas and we all share the joys of the womderfull holiday season. But you know what ,no. I'm going to do this whole Happy christmas celebrating and junkbrcause you know what. Everybody does it so here goes something ver original for the christmas season ! Nothing! HA ! PHTTTTTTT! hahahahahaha

      Monday, December 20


      You Scored as SpikeYou scored as Spike. You feel like you're misunderstood. When you care for others, it's deeper than they'll ever know. Though no one thinks you'll change/pull through, you'll show them.

      Dawn Summers
      Rupert Giles
      Buffy Summers
      Willow Rosenberg
      Xander Harris
      Tara Maclay

      No offense-
      sorry to tell you but-
      I don't mean to be rude -
      this might sound kinda mean-
      -i didn't mean it in that bad of a way
      sorry but-
      I'm not trying to be mean but-

      Yes, It's Still an Insult
      Yes, It's Still Mean
      No, It's not Okay



      1. Mike Lombardo-If I say (let go)
      2. Mike Lombardo-Effington
      3. Coldplay-viva la vida
      4. Mike Lombardo-Sit and watch the rain
      5. Tim myers- Brand New day
      6. skyway Flyer-I'll see her there
      7. skyway flyer-Some imagination 
      8. Chameleon Circuit-Journey's End
      9. Sam Shui-Explosion Medley
      10. Owl City- The saltwater Room
      11. Mike Lombardo-a Holiday Offering
      12. the Fray-all at Once
      13. Stiff dylans -Ultraviolet
      14. Glee Cast-Billionaire
      15. Britt Nicole-Set the world on fire
      16. Mike Lombardo-Piano Don't get Chicks
      17. 51 Jokes 
      18. chameleon Circuit-Exterminate Regenerate
      19. Colbie Caillat- Realize
      20. Owl City- Dental Care
      21. Travis Mcoy- Billionaire
      22. Hank Green- Book Eight
      23. Mike Lombardo-Don't stop
      24. Mike Lombardo-Hey Molly
      25. the parselmouths-Before and After
      26. Falloutboy-this ain't a scene, 

      these aren't in any particular order I just clicked shuffle so here's the jist of my ipod I guess : ) 
      Today is awesome because my sister is coming home : ) 

      Saturday, December 18

      A Very Potter Day

      When I got to school I had my wand in my pocket, the deathly hallows symbol on the back of my hand, a list of spells in my pocket, five hershey bars, and a mission.

      1st Hour
      In first hour were allowed to bring snacks for the class which was cool even though I didn't eat anything.. and we watched people presnet their family trees in french on Brianna, Isis and I talked and laughed and had good ol' conversatins all hour. I don't even know who went up for prezi thats how much i was not paying attention.Then I made little slips to tape to the hersheys bars that all said "For those days when the dementors suck out all the happy". Class seemed to go by pretty fastand soon we were headed down to the band room.

      2nd lesson (eh eh ya see what I did there )
      We handed in music and guess what MR.WHITE WAS THERE.! It was so awesome. We hadn't seen him in a week and I'll tell ya what I was startin' to miss that guy. So he was back and we listened to some music and we talked and I wrote the website adress on the board of a site we set up for him. where everyone should go to talk to Mr. White and it was a lot of fun and I smunches brianna's head...a lot. Plus everytime  I got calle dup to hand in a certain piece of music I got to shred it if it was a copy which is always lots of fun. Then once Ithe thing wouldn't work and I was all " Oh yeah, I'm just a crap with techy...that little light is blinking."  Iyt was because the shredder was full. we all talked and chatted with Mr. White for the most of the hour. Then at whatever time it is that class gets over we went to LUNCH!

       I brought my wand and binder in with me , delaney did not have hers with her. (her wand that is) : ( But lunch was funny we talked about funny stuff including a certain dirty taco and a certain cucpcake with a magnetism to delaney's face. Then we assigned a type of wand to each person at the table, I remember kirsten and I decided that Delaney was Maple with phoenix feather, Isis was Cherry with a thestral Hair core, cassandra was unicorn hair and I don't remember the kind of wood. I am Elm and phoenix feather. Thats all the wand assignments I can remember but thats about all for lunch.

      3rd Hour
       Delaney and I went to the bathroom, then to my locker- I got delaney a temporary wand because hers was still in her the other end of the hallway. Then as we walk into the room everyday we have to say "hi" or "good morning" to Mr. Johnson. Well Today without looking at him I swiftly said confundus and wiggled my wand a tad witout so much as a glitch in my step. Then delaney comes up all *FLINGS  ARM AROUND RATHER DRAMATICALLY* and shouts STUPEFY! of course Im already in the room so I didn't see his reaction... I wonder if delaney hit him on the head like she said she would........... then delaney came in and I was all " Go out there and DISTRACT HIM, so I can put the candy bar on his desk. and so she did and I snuck on the candy bar. Then we get all sitted down and delaney shows me the wand I lent her..... It was snapped almost directly in half and only one measley little string looking piece held the two pieces of wand together of course, by instrinct, trying not to laugh (which i did anyways) I said in the perfectest imitation " Harry , look at my wand" and we both cracked up laughing(quietly because it was DEAR) then I walked up to the teacher and asked him for some Spellotape, he was all " Spellotape?" I was all " or regular tape"  He digs around for some tape while I stand there holdintg my two now completely sperated pieces of wand, he gets it out and is like " Do you know who left this" He said looking down at the chocolatre bar  my reply " Yes." of course he assumed it was me cuz of my dumb smile (I'm still in Ninja TRAINING OKAY!) SO he smiled and was all " thats the only present I've gotten today.thanks" then looks down at it again and was all " I don't get it though whats a dementor"

      me: *JAW drops* you don't know what a dementor is?!
      him: No
      me:seriously *looks over at delaney who is quietly reading Paper towns YAY PAPER TOWNS*
      him: what is it
      Me: you. seriously. don't. know.
      him: no c'mon just tell me what are they
      me: their all evil and they suck the life out of you , well they suck out all the happy to be more precise
      but he interrupted me and I didnt her what he said.while I was saying that.

      I got the tape and walked back to my seat thinking " how do we have an english teacher that has never read harry potter" Then I have delaney hold the two ends of the wand together while I tape it and it was still really bent cuz it was somne crappy tape I mean since it wasn't spellotape and whats not then I was palying with it for a while and we joked about how...limp it was. Then DEAR ended early cuz nobody was really reading. then Mr.J explained what the band people missed on thursday and that we were making cards for people we loved today (no seriously he really said " cards for people you love" ) and whatever I made a celtic knot picture instead . Then Mr. J  was walking around and we're klaughing like fraqing hyenas throwing all sorts of spells at the teacher at one point Is tood up and wlakd over and was all I've killed ya thrice. WHY ARENT YOU DEAD YET! his response...... *Smiles*>: O GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and then we were all aughing about something. AH YES I fitzta bake you and I'm trynablaze ya. YEAH DELANEY NOT COOL ! ...but funny BUT NOT COOL. delaney, mikayla,cassandra and I were all just sorta laughing joking talkign the usual then of course afterr everythim e anyone says anyhting that could ever be considered the slightest bit rude. dealeny would be al ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh she tryynnnna baaake youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
      and I would be all " I fitz ta smack you,. I mean really can I smack her' and it went onlike for a good long while,. Then about ten fifteen minutres later Mr. J comes and hes stadning by our table and Im playing with the broken wand again and im all shakin it back and fourth and just as he looks down one half of it goes flyin'  . I thought it landed in the rtash can that wasnext to our table (it didnt land there htough) and he was all " Im sorry" then blather blather something about he wouls still digit out of the trash. It was EPIC

      4th hour
      we walked into fourth hour and delaney and I were yelling pells at each other. We laughed and sat down before the teacher came into the room.Then we did this activity where there was a picture of something and you had to use that picture and guess what song it represented. Delaney and I got pretty far then sorta gave up. Though we had been talking and doing the sheet for most of the hour for the last couple minutes we quizzed each other on spells.

      5th hour
      lame stuff about graphing

      6th hour
      lets see..... we did a lame crossword, we were supposed to be watching this turboman movie yeha lame. BUt before class started delaney and I ran down to the bqthroom with like 2minutes before class and taped up 2 signs one on the outside of a stall that said ~ministry of magic-Flush Twice another had said Dumbledores army (it was a signup sheet) to the inside of the biggest stall. Then later Delaney tells me that Mriah went into the bathrooms and tore then down. that butthead. : (

      7th hour
      I drew a totally wicked Deathly hallows symbol. the rest of the class was watching (well talking but supposed to be:) the Sorcerer's Apprentice. Talk about ironic.

      After School
      delaney and I went to Mrs. Taylor's& Mr. Erpamers room. we gave them both hersheys bars and went down to the office because delaney had to drop of her sports duffel. On the way down I was all " yeah and if he's there you can be al crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap - Thats yours. Giving him crap. He was there and he called delaney Hannah AGAIN and then this Chess guy was there and I cast a spell on myself so he wouldn't see me. He didn't so much as look my way ~ I am very good at charms. then we bothered the coach for a couple more and gave him lots of good natured crap. then while giving him crapo about never getting our names right he lead us to our trophies. We go them and they look all super cool wiht a piece that spins . and then he tried to hand delaney one that said Hannah. Then we went our front set our trophies on a trashcan and the duel began. Delaney used a whole lot of stupefy. Neither of us ever used expelliarmus. I casted  tarantellegra on delaney and she had to dance. Then she didn't know the counter curse so I had to tell it to her. (finite incantatum). then I used Crucio on her and She used the Imperius curse on me. Even though earlier I said that we weren't allowed to use avada kedavra . but she did and I used prtego and in all my glory killed my best friend. She didn't do a very drmatic fall like I was expecting though, Cuz her mom was already ther eIm guessing. She was all ohh you killed me. and stuff. Then some stuff happened invlving a person of sorts ropping my trophy them thinking I needed a hug and I was bouts ot be cryin' whne really I was pulling myself together as not to punch the chick in the face. Its easier not to idf you dont look at the,m so I simply walked away. went home. whatever.

      Today is awesome because well theres too many thing to count : )

      Thursday, December 16

      Rubik's cube day!

      it was lame. I solved it a total of like 4 times today whoopidee frikkin doo, cuz delaney forgot hers which made it dramatically less fun.

      but today I got to skip third hour , which actually makes me sad cause that like one of the only hours that I like, and instead of really going to 2 or 3 rd hour  all of the band/choir students & I got to see a whole bunch of fancy ballet people perform the nutcracker. Half of the people in tha auditorium didn't want to be there. I DID! I like watching plays and stuffes. I think they are entertaining. Actually out of the TONS of people in our Aud. I think Kirsten and I were the opnly ones that enjoyed it...that I know of.

       I thought it was really cool though to see how the lights for our aud couls be used. i mean I kbnew we had all the Pro awesomeness lights and the whole she-banfg. But I had never seen anybody work them before . this would be ebcause our school is lame and the only time we really ever use the auditoriuym is for an assembly about walking on the right side of the hallway or some other junk like that that really sucks or for the talent show, and trust me that only makes sense , its hot enoigh on that stage without all the fancy lights. But I do=unno if that would add to the heat or not... I dont think it ould but I wouldn't jknow  Cuz. I don't work in sound/ control booths like those fancy people that know how to do all that light color blending and awesome stuff. Although I would like to learn to do that stuff. It looks like fun.
      well Im rambling

      Today is awesome because of  hot chocolate

      Wednesday, December 15

      Blaze Day

      so everyday of the school week delaney and I have designated a day. So today was Blaze day. Delaneys way of blazing : You and your wanna be __________. So we were just a sitting in English today (Half day so we strarted in 3rd hour) and class hadn't started yet so I turned to delaney hopin to strike up a nice conversation and I tell her this (and yes this is our idea of a nioce conversation)

      So yesterday , since you guys were gone after school with the swim meet or whatever, well I went down to get my instrument first and when I went to my locker there as like barely anyone in the hall and Mr. Johnson was stasin outside his room, well like over there * motions towards door* ya know where he always is. and I thought they was playin some christmas music  how they do every now and thenover the speakers then Ilook up and Hes playing his banjo.


      Delaney : his wanna be banjo


      Mr johnson walks over to our table.

      Delaney : Hey mr. Johnson Hannah said that you were standin outide-

      Me: no I said he was standin over there

      D. cont. : you were standing overthere playin' ur wannabe banjo

      Mr Johnson: *FLABBERGASTED LOOK*

      Me: muttering trying to quickly explain I did not say THAT and she added in the wanna be part.

      AHHHH blaze day was great
      2 more days of school

      Today was awesome because of Mr. Johnson's banjo

      Monday, December 13

      Thursday, December 9

      • Today, my mother sent me to my room for shouting "CRUCIO!" at my brother. My response? "Voldemort out, bitches." MLIM. 
      • Today, my teacher told me that he did not like Harry Potter. So naturally I asked him if I could use his computer, and I opened fifteen different Harry Potter sites. Right after I finished my mad plan he went back on his computer and had to exit out of each webpage, ranting under his breath. He finally closed the last page only to get up out of his seat and stomp out of the classroom... I had changed his desktop photo to one of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. As far as I know he hasn't figured out how to change it back. MLIM
      • when I went to see DHp1 and it ended my best friend and I wailed NOOOOO!! in realll yhigh pitched voices. The whole theatre laughed
      • Last Friday, my friend was on his phone during class. Our teacher came up to him and told him to put it away. He told her he was buying tickets for Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows. She told him to continue. HLIM.
      • Today, my cousin who goes to Brown with Emma Watson, who apparently keeps to herself a lot during class, told me that the teacher asked a very difficult question to which Emma answer perfectly, and someone shouted "10 POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!" Emma laughed, HLIM!
      • In assembly today a woman came in to speak to the whole school. She started off her speech by saying "It is so nice to see all your bright, happy faces looking up at me." Of course, this being High School no one was smiling. Me and my friend turned to each other and whispered "Umbridge!" at exactly the same time. Then we burst out laughing. OLAM. 
      • we were all called down to the auditorium for a surprise assmebly we were all talking loudly and as soon as the principal got us quiet a student ran down the middle of the Aud. screaming THERES A TROLLIN THE DUNGEON then fake fainted.  My best friend and I appluaded , we were the only ones that understood it. In our entire schoool : ( shame HLIM
      • Me and a couple of friends thought it would be funny to see how many people in our school would sign up if we hung up a Dumbledore Army's sheet. After a 50 minute the whole list was full and someone had hung up a Death Eater sign up. Coolest School Ever. I think so. MLIM
      and that is what I did for 2 of my classes I looked at average wizard posts




      Its superly cool they are uploading tons of EPIc videos evberything from people Graping each other to people dissecting song lyrics GET THERENOW ! Plez. Tis delaney's site : )

      Tuesday, December 7


      Its the sign langage equivalent of a tongue twister ! I wanna learn some. Cuz itd be epic

      Monday, December 6

      Mustache Monday

            Twas Mustache monday. so in forst hour we were making mustachescuz I didn't make one that morning and all. I made a rather bushy looking one. Mrs. Laurens didn't seem to care that much as long as wew ere already done with our family tree things. so we asked for some tape at the end of class so brianna, Dakota, and I all got ourselves some major mustachio goin on. so we went down to the band room and on the way we got TONS of weird / Dirty looks. At one point I turned to a sixth grader that was all " Man what the heck ( about 2 emos ha ha insiders: ) "  And I turned to him and was all " We're eighth graders and in the band so you don't get to judge us okay"  And it was all extra hysterical. then we got down to the band room and we showed mrs. Hicks our mustaches. She was all " Cool." cuz its concert week. shes never enthusiastic during concert week. 

      Then after school she yelled at us for writing at the board : ( 

      Then , since i stayed for the 6th graders rehersal, one kid raised their hand and said " whats with the people"  
      ( someone had drawn stick figures on the board. ) the teacher replied " They are the audience"  then another kid was all " why do they all have mustaches ( they all had curly mustaches) and she was like " cuz its Mustache Monday"  she said it like everyone would know that. 


      but on my Cool eighth  grader out side  I was like *points at self * oh yeah all me you guys, all me. 

      Cuz you can't be all hoppin up and down like a little kid about to go see santa claus when you're an eighth grader : P Even though we are known for being nuts. : D



      Friday, December 3


            So I'm sick. Whioch really sucks for a lot of reasons. One being that its friday.  So in english class we would be having DEAr..probably. and it was ther last day to turn in our packets, I have brianna's flashdrive, so shes probably gonna kill me since now she wont have it for computer class today. Mr. J has my book and was supposed to give it to me after school today.  It was one of the last 6 days for band before the concert. we had stuff due in computers. I left delaney completely by herself to do the thing in US history.  I probably missed some really important math stuff. We were supposed to get our assigned groups today in science. So as you can see I misse dout on a lot. And did I mention we were going to have DEAR today. : ( But I mean Iwoke up at like three because i couldn't breathe and then when I got up at seven it was really hard to swallow. I mean REALLY HARD like how avoxes have to put in all that exrta effort kinda hard. and suches so . Sick. : (  Ya know for a kid that like school I sure do get sick a lot. : ( Im all frowns :(

      and now m,y brother is home what fun : )

      wow I guess no matter what I do I still have the ability to be sarcastic: )


      Thursday, December 2

      Comments during : Buffy the Vampire slayer

      Tabula Rasa:
      HA HA HA SPike fell off the counter spike fell off the counter ♪♪

      oh listen to mary poppins hes got his crust all stiffened up with that nancy boy accent you englishmen are always so........bloody hell. * counts on fingers* sodding, blimey,Shagging, knickers, bollocks, oh god. I'm english

      father. Oh god how I must hate you

      what did I do?!

      Theres always something and what with the trollop

      *spike looking for a name* Made with care for randy. randy giles?!? why not just call me horny giles or desperate for a shag Giles. I knew there was areason i hated you!

      everything broke : (


      Comments during : Buffy the Vampire slayer

      WT FREAKING F !!!!!!!!!!!!
      Buffy Kissed SPIKe. Whoa! ....its about time : \

      and yes itwas necessary to make a single post saying only that

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