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Doctor Who

Thursday, December 9

  • Today, my mother sent me to my room for shouting "CRUCIO!" at my brother. My response? "Voldemort out, bitches." MLIM. 
  • Today, my teacher told me that he did not like Harry Potter. So naturally I asked him if I could use his computer, and I opened fifteen different Harry Potter sites. Right after I finished my mad plan he went back on his computer and had to exit out of each webpage, ranting under his breath. He finally closed the last page only to get up out of his seat and stomp out of the classroom... I had changed his desktop photo to one of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. As far as I know he hasn't figured out how to change it back. MLIM
  • when I went to see DHp1 and it ended my best friend and I wailed NOOOOO!! in realll yhigh pitched voices. The whole theatre laughed
  • Last Friday, my friend was on his phone during class. Our teacher came up to him and told him to put it away. He told her he was buying tickets for Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows. She told him to continue. HLIM.
  • Today, my cousin who goes to Brown with Emma Watson, who apparently keeps to herself a lot during class, told me that the teacher asked a very difficult question to which Emma answer perfectly, and someone shouted "10 POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!" Emma laughed, HLIM!
  • In assembly today a woman came in to speak to the whole school. She started off her speech by saying "It is so nice to see all your bright, happy faces looking up at me." Of course, this being High School no one was smiling. Me and my friend turned to each other and whispered "Umbridge!" at exactly the same time. Then we burst out laughing. OLAM. 
  • we were all called down to the auditorium for a surprise assmebly we were all talking loudly and as soon as the principal got us quiet a student ran down the middle of the Aud. screaming THERES A TROLLIN THE DUNGEON then fake fainted.  My best friend and I appluaded , we were the only ones that understood it. In our entire schoool : ( shame HLIM
  • Me and a couple of friends thought it would be funny to see how many people in our school would sign up if we hung up a Dumbledore Army's sheet. After a 50 minute the whole list was full and someone had hung up a Death Eater sign up. Coolest School Ever. I think so. MLIM
and that is what I did for 2 of my classes I looked at average wizard posts

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