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Thursday, December 16

Rubik's cube day!

it was lame. I solved it a total of like 4 times today whoopidee frikkin doo, cuz delaney forgot hers which made it dramatically less fun.

but today I got to skip third hour , which actually makes me sad cause that like one of the only hours that I like, and instead of really going to 2 or 3 rd hour  all of the band/choir students & I got to see a whole bunch of fancy ballet people perform the nutcracker. Half of the people in tha auditorium didn't want to be there. I DID! I like watching plays and stuffes. I think they are entertaining. Actually out of the TONS of people in our Aud. I think Kirsten and I were the opnly ones that enjoyed it...that I know of.

 I thought it was really cool though to see how the lights for our aud couls be used. i mean I kbnew we had all the Pro awesomeness lights and the whole she-banfg. But I had never seen anybody work them before . this would be ebcause our school is lame and the only time we really ever use the auditoriuym is for an assembly about walking on the right side of the hallway or some other junk like that that really sucks or for the talent show, and trust me that only makes sense , its hot enoigh on that stage without all the fancy lights. But I do=unno if that would add to the heat or not... I dont think it ould but I wouldn't jknow  Cuz. I don't work in sound/ control booths like those fancy people that know how to do all that light color blending and awesome stuff. Although I would like to learn to do that stuff. It looks like fun.
well Im rambling

Today is awesome because of  hot chocolate

1 comment:

  1. You say 3rd hour and stuff :) we say third period/third lesson :)


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