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Doctor Who

Friday, December 3


      So I'm sick. Whioch really sucks for a lot of reasons. One being that its friday.  So in english class we would be having DEAr..probably. and it was ther last day to turn in our packets, I have brianna's flashdrive, so shes probably gonna kill me since now she wont have it for computer class today. Mr. J has my book and was supposed to give it to me after school today.  It was one of the last 6 days for band before the concert. we had stuff due in computers. I left delaney completely by herself to do the thing in US history.  I probably missed some really important math stuff. We were supposed to get our assigned groups today in science. So as you can see I misse dout on a lot. And did I mention we were going to have DEAR today. : ( But I mean Iwoke up at like three because i couldn't breathe and then when I got up at seven it was really hard to swallow. I mean REALLY HARD like how avoxes have to put in all that exrta effort kinda hard. and suches so . Sick. : (  Ya know for a kid that like school I sure do get sick a lot. : ( Im all frowns :(

and now m,y brother is home what fun : )

wow I guess no matter what I do I still have the ability to be sarcastic: )


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