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Doctor Who

Wednesday, December 15

Blaze Day

so everyday of the school week delaney and I have designated a day. So today was Blaze day. Delaneys way of blazing : You and your wanna be __________. So we were just a sitting in English today (Half day so we strarted in 3rd hour) and class hadn't started yet so I turned to delaney hopin to strike up a nice conversation and I tell her this (and yes this is our idea of a nioce conversation)

So yesterday , since you guys were gone after school with the swim meet or whatever, well I went down to get my instrument first and when I went to my locker there as like barely anyone in the hall and Mr. Johnson was stasin outside his room, well like over there * motions towards door* ya know where he always is. and I thought they was playin some christmas music  how they do every now and thenover the speakers then Ilook up and Hes playing his banjo.


Delaney : his wanna be banjo


Mr johnson walks over to our table.

Delaney : Hey mr. Johnson Hannah said that you were standin outide-

Me: no I said he was standin over there

D. cont. : you were standing overthere playin' ur wannabe banjo


Me: muttering trying to quickly explain I did not say THAT and she added in the wanna be part.

AHHHH blaze day was great
2 more days of school

Today was awesome because of Mr. Johnson's banjo

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