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Doctor Who

Saturday, December 18

A Very Potter Day

When I got to school I had my wand in my pocket, the deathly hallows symbol on the back of my hand, a list of spells in my pocket, five hershey bars, and a mission.

1st Hour
In first hour were allowed to bring snacks for the class which was cool even though I didn't eat anything.. and we watched people presnet their family trees in french on Brianna, Isis and I talked and laughed and had good ol' conversatins all hour. I don't even know who went up for prezi thats how much i was not paying attention.Then I made little slips to tape to the hersheys bars that all said "For those days when the dementors suck out all the happy". Class seemed to go by pretty fastand soon we were headed down to the band room.

2nd lesson (eh eh ya see what I did there )
We handed in music and guess what MR.WHITE WAS THERE.! It was so awesome. We hadn't seen him in a week and I'll tell ya what I was startin' to miss that guy. So he was back and we listened to some music and we talked and I wrote the website adress on the board of a site we set up for him. where everyone should go to talk to Mr. White and it was a lot of fun and I smunches brianna's head...a lot. Plus everytime  I got calle dup to hand in a certain piece of music I got to shred it if it was a copy which is always lots of fun. Then once Ithe thing wouldn't work and I was all " Oh yeah, I'm just a crap with techy...that little light is blinking."  Iyt was because the shredder was full. we all talked and chatted with Mr. White for the most of the hour. Then at whatever time it is that class gets over we went to LUNCH!

 I brought my wand and binder in with me , delaney did not have hers with her. (her wand that is) : ( But lunch was funny we talked about funny stuff including a certain dirty taco and a certain cucpcake with a magnetism to delaney's face. Then we assigned a type of wand to each person at the table, I remember kirsten and I decided that Delaney was Maple with phoenix feather, Isis was Cherry with a thestral Hair core, cassandra was unicorn hair and I don't remember the kind of wood. I am Elm and phoenix feather. Thats all the wand assignments I can remember but thats about all for lunch.

3rd Hour
 Delaney and I went to the bathroom, then to my locker- I got delaney a temporary wand because hers was still in her the other end of the hallway. Then as we walk into the room everyday we have to say "hi" or "good morning" to Mr. Johnson. Well Today without looking at him I swiftly said confundus and wiggled my wand a tad witout so much as a glitch in my step. Then delaney comes up all *FLINGS  ARM AROUND RATHER DRAMATICALLY* and shouts STUPEFY! of course Im already in the room so I didn't see his reaction... I wonder if delaney hit him on the head like she said she would........... then delaney came in and I was all " Go out there and DISTRACT HIM, so I can put the candy bar on his desk. and so she did and I snuck on the candy bar. Then we get all sitted down and delaney shows me the wand I lent her..... It was snapped almost directly in half and only one measley little string looking piece held the two pieces of wand together of course, by instrinct, trying not to laugh (which i did anyways) I said in the perfectest imitation " Harry , look at my wand" and we both cracked up laughing(quietly because it was DEAR) then I walked up to the teacher and asked him for some Spellotape, he was all " Spellotape?" I was all " or regular tape"  He digs around for some tape while I stand there holdintg my two now completely sperated pieces of wand, he gets it out and is like " Do you know who left this" He said looking down at the chocolatre bar  my reply " Yes." of course he assumed it was me cuz of my dumb smile (I'm still in Ninja TRAINING OKAY!) SO he smiled and was all " thats the only present I've gotten today.thanks" then looks down at it again and was all " I don't get it though whats a dementor"

me: *JAW drops* you don't know what a dementor is?!
him: No
me:seriously *looks over at delaney who is quietly reading Paper towns YAY PAPER TOWNS*
him: what is it
Me: you. seriously. don't. know.
him: no c'mon just tell me what are they
me: their all evil and they suck the life out of you , well they suck out all the happy to be more precise
but he interrupted me and I didnt her what he said.while I was saying that.

I got the tape and walked back to my seat thinking " how do we have an english teacher that has never read harry potter" Then I have delaney hold the two ends of the wand together while I tape it and it was still really bent cuz it was somne crappy tape I mean since it wasn't spellotape and whats not then I was palying with it for a while and we joked about how...limp it was. Then DEAR ended early cuz nobody was really reading. then Mr.J explained what the band people missed on thursday and that we were making cards for people we loved today (no seriously he really said " cards for people you love" ) and whatever I made a celtic knot picture instead . Then Mr. J  was walking around and we're klaughing like fraqing hyenas throwing all sorts of spells at the teacher at one point Is tood up and wlakd over and was all I've killed ya thrice. WHY ARENT YOU DEAD YET! his response...... *Smiles*>: O GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and then we were all aughing about something. AH YES I fitzta bake you and I'm trynablaze ya. YEAH DELANEY NOT COOL ! ...but funny BUT NOT COOL. delaney, mikayla,cassandra and I were all just sorta laughing joking talkign the usual then of course afterr everythim e anyone says anyhting that could ever be considered the slightest bit rude. dealeny would be al ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh she tryynnnna baaake youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
and I would be all " I fitz ta smack you,. I mean really can I smack her' and it went onlike for a good long while,. Then about ten fifteen minutres later Mr. J comes and hes stadning by our table and Im playing with the broken wand again and im all shakin it back and fourth and just as he looks down one half of it goes flyin'  . I thought it landed in the rtash can that wasnext to our table (it didnt land there htough) and he was all " Im sorry" then blather blather something about he wouls still digit out of the trash. It was EPIC

4th hour
we walked into fourth hour and delaney and I were yelling pells at each other. We laughed and sat down before the teacher came into the room.Then we did this activity where there was a picture of something and you had to use that picture and guess what song it represented. Delaney and I got pretty far then sorta gave up. Though we had been talking and doing the sheet for most of the hour for the last couple minutes we quizzed each other on spells.

5th hour
lame stuff about graphing

6th hour
lets see..... we did a lame crossword, we were supposed to be watching this turboman movie yeha lame. BUt before class started delaney and I ran down to the bqthroom with like 2minutes before class and taped up 2 signs one on the outside of a stall that said ~ministry of magic-Flush Twice another had said Dumbledores army (it was a signup sheet) to the inside of the biggest stall. Then later Delaney tells me that Mriah went into the bathrooms and tore then down. that butthead. : (

7th hour
I drew a totally wicked Deathly hallows symbol. the rest of the class was watching (well talking but supposed to be:) the Sorcerer's Apprentice. Talk about ironic.

After School
delaney and I went to Mrs. Taylor's& Mr. Erpamers room. we gave them both hersheys bars and went down to the office because delaney had to drop of her sports duffel. On the way down I was all " yeah and if he's there you can be al crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap - Thats yours. Giving him crap. He was there and he called delaney Hannah AGAIN and then this Chess guy was there and I cast a spell on myself so he wouldn't see me. He didn't so much as look my way ~ I am very good at charms. then we bothered the coach for a couple more and gave him lots of good natured crap. then while giving him crapo about never getting our names right he lead us to our trophies. We go them and they look all super cool wiht a piece that spins . and then he tried to hand delaney one that said Hannah. Then we went our front set our trophies on a trashcan and the duel began. Delaney used a whole lot of stupefy. Neither of us ever used expelliarmus. I casted  tarantellegra on delaney and she had to dance. Then she didn't know the counter curse so I had to tell it to her. (finite incantatum). then I used Crucio on her and She used the Imperius curse on me. Even though earlier I said that we weren't allowed to use avada kedavra . but she did and I used prtego and in all my glory killed my best friend. She didn't do a very drmatic fall like I was expecting though, Cuz her mom was already ther eIm guessing. She was all ohh you killed me. and stuff. Then some stuff happened invlving a person of sorts ropping my trophy them thinking I needed a hug and I was bouts ot be cryin' whne really I was pulling myself together as not to punch the chick in the face. Its easier not to idf you dont look at the,m so I simply walked away. went home. whatever.

Today is awesome because well theres too many thing to count : )

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