I took more random tests these were my results and my reactions (in red)
Team Edward
You are on Team Edward. You love everything about him and think he is the ideal mate. You find his intensity, his cold touch and, his golden eyes, breathtaking and you would do anything if it meant living with him forever.
wow they're good
No....you're definitely not Goth.
Congratulations, you are officially a Redneck! Pull up a lawn chair on the astro turf outside your trailer, pop open a nice cold, refreshing Keystone Lite, and groom the mullet, because you're in for the long haul.
Groom my WHAT!!!!!
Dumb Bubbly Blonde
You're a bit ditzy, yes, but you'd be the first to admit it! You've got a happy-go-lucky attitude and you find the whole "dumb blonde" stereotype kind of silly and are kind of proud of it!! Woo-hoo! Go! Blondes! Go!...oh, no! Wait...I didn't mean go! Come back!
dang right except the dumb part that is
You got 14 out of 18 (78.0%)
ya got that right!
Sophisticated, mature, and cultured. You age well. You are Wine.
What the heck is that whole part about me aging well supposed to mean
You are a Snowman. You don't really have much going on up there, except maybe more snow. Christmas for you is all about playing, having fun, Christmas break, and having fun. Oh, and, having fun. How could I forget?
and shallI not forget all the cruddy questions they asked!
You're happy, enthusiastic, and energetic. You're youthful by nature and invigorate those surrounding you. You catch the But still, don't take your chances with a sequel. They tend to get you in the end. of many and desire much. Message me if you have comments.
hey, isn't that my favorite color
you would last 1minute and19seconds chained to a bunkbed with a velociraptor
wooohooooooo a whole minute to punch a velociraptor
how long would you last in a horror film?Congrats! You are one of the lucky few that lives to tell the tail of that dark stormy night. But still, don't take your chances with a sequel. They tend to get you in the end.
no thanks I will take the sequel. And yesI will stab you with a stic if you bother me again
that was fun and all for tonight stay tunred for
from now on you can find me at LostLeftSock.blogspot.com!!!
Doctor Who
Tuesday, June 30
Monday, June 29
I have been taking Alot of vampire quizzes today and this is what I got on my first one
Full Blood Vampire
You were born a vampire meaning no bite marks for you. Some say you are the direct descendent of a demon from hell, while others say you are descended from Vlad Tempish, also known as Dracula. Your skills are more powerful than a regular vampire's, the difference being impossible for humans to comprehend. It is said you can even call shadows to help you. You also have age control, meaning you may be 10,000 years old but can look 10 or 100 depending on what you like.
SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ISN'T THAt awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't have much news other than I have actually changed a Lot of my playlist. I advise EVERYONE even you Delaney the harry potter hater to listen to the entire mysterious ticking noiseUIt cracked mer up It is also a you tube video for those of you who want to watch this hi-lairious-nesses ya also gotta listen to the gummi bear song/ wake me up inside. I cannot pronounce the persons name that singas that song but it rocks!!!!!!!
Full Blood Vampire
You were born a vampire meaning no bite marks for you. Some say you are the direct descendent of a demon from hell, while others say you are descended from Vlad Tempish, also known as Dracula. Your skills are more powerful than a regular vampire's, the difference being impossible for humans to comprehend. It is said you can even call shadows to help you. You also have age control, meaning you may be 10,000 years old but can look 10 or 100 depending on what you like.
SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ISN'T THAt awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't have much news other than I have actually changed a Lot of my playlist. I advise EVERYONE even you Delaney the harry potter hater to listen to the entire mysterious ticking noiseUIt cracked mer up It is also a you tube video for those of you who want to watch this hi-lairious-nesses ya also gotta listen to the gummi bear song/ wake me up inside. I cannot pronounce the persons name that singas that song but it rocks!!!!!!!
Sunday, June 28
I have added a few new gadgets as you can see. My fave is the fish. There are two yellow ones (Delaney) a white one, a black one, a orange one, a blue one, a teal one, two green oones and one red one.YAY!:P The reason that I only have one of my fave colors is because it isn't my faveI like bright, neon, make a statement orange.
for those of you who do not know what GL is it is a magazine. to sign up for the WEB SITE stuff go to http://www.girlslife.com/
for those of you who do not know what GL is it is a magazine. to sign up for the WEB SITE stuff go to http://www.girlslife.com/
My tribute to Micheal Jackson even though I never listened to any of his music or even knew how old he was till now: R.I.P.
Nothin new at all, but my dad is dancing like a weirdo sayin' chicken on de grill chicken on de grill
the ultimte blogger
Friday, June 26
Holy Crow!!!!!
So have you heard OME!!! micheal Jackson died the other day OME!!! He died ata hospital I know but come ON!! he is dead. seriously dead!!!first Rob almost gets hit then this I don't know if I wills urevive this summer!!!
so what is new for me guess what NOTHING :(
so what is new for me guess what NOTHING :(
Thursday, June 25
It is getting really hot now
I am starting a new thing now. Have any random stories but don't know how to get them out, post them as a comment and I will post them for you. Same with any problems that you need advice for.Don't even need to put your name.
I have brought back unanymous (don't know if I spelled that right. I wil take it off if I find rude comments again.
I don't have any other news though
I am starting a new thing now. Have any random stories but don't know how to get them out, post them as a comment and I will post them for you. Same with any problems that you need advice for.Don't even need to put your name.
I have brought back unanymous (don't know if I spelled that right. I wil take it off if I find rude comments again.
I don't have any other news though
Wednesday, June 24
suumer has been great so far but I miss my friends. I am normally cooped up at my computer so that I can chat with them.
Last night was so hot I woke up this morning and my pillow was damp. I have a tank top on right now. For those of you like Delaney you know I am not too fond of Tank tops. I stole my brothers fan out of his room that way I could have two fans last night. It didn't help much. another bad thing is that since my dad and I go running we have to go really late so that we don't get turned into stirfry. we run with wet towels now to keep from overheating. I drank my entire watwr bottle yesterday. I used to love the heat but Man it's HOT. Those days where it didn't stop raining shopuld come back NOW
Last night was so hot I woke up this morning and my pillow was damp. I have a tank top on right now. For those of you like Delaney you know I am not too fond of Tank tops. I stole my brothers fan out of his room that way I could have two fans last night. It didn't help much. another bad thing is that since my dad and I go running we have to go really late so that we don't get turned into stirfry. we run with wet towels now to keep from overheating. I drank my entire watwr bottle yesterday. I used to love the heat but Man it's HOT. Those days where it didn't stop raining shopuld come back NOW
Tuesday, June 23
i was so fojing hot last nnight. the past few nights have been fine but last night was so hot i coudn't sleep. I don't have AC. I was sweating like all night
i go to GL now it is a cool web site
I went with my brother and dad fishing down by the fish ladder today. wedidn't catch any fish. ButI managed to stab myself with the hook and make my dad loose about three good sinkers. HA
as you might know my address has changed YEY I got bored of the old one and i barely everwrote about music or twilight. Instead I had realizedI am alway writing my life story that is whereI got the idea
i go to GL now it is a cool web site
I went with my brother and dad fishing down by the fish ladder today. wedidn't catch any fish. ButI managed to stab myself with the hook and make my dad loose about three good sinkers. HA
as you might know my address has changed YEY I got bored of the old one and i barely everwrote about music or twilight. Instead I had realizedI am alway writing my life story that is whereI got the idea
gotta go now
-HANAH of Magic ever changing weird posts
oohh I thinkI just scaredmyself
Monday, June 22
I am having a great summer so far. Iam saving up money so that we can do that water ballon thing with the hiop scotch with the entire nieghborhood
It is gonna be a blast.
What has a foot on the top
a foot an the bottom
and a foot in the middle
I have had soo much fun camping and stuff so far this summer. I haven't done much swimming though that disapoints me.
i am just saying now you ought to go to
sodahead.com and sign upt is fun and addicting
but a warning to all twilight lovers you may get offended several times for liking twilight.
I love chocolate.
I am feeling very random as you can probably tell. I am actually on sodahead right now.
I am telling you now that I am changing my web address to www.lifeofstories.blogspot.com
It is gonna be a blast.
What has a foot on the top
a foot an the bottom
and a foot in the middle
I have had soo much fun camping and stuff so far this summer. I haven't done much swimming though that disapoints me.
i am just saying now you ought to go to
sodahead.com and sign upt is fun and addicting
but a warning to all twilight lovers you may get offended several times for liking twilight.
I love chocolate.
I am feeling very random as you can probably tell. I am actually on sodahead right now.
I am telling you now that I am changing my web address to www.lifeofstories.blogspot.com
Sunday, June 21
I was at gun lake for the weekend. It was soooooo cool. we didn't do much the first night. But the second day we did a lot. I went hiking in the woods with my mom and dad. the miquitos wereEVERYWHERE you couldn't look one way with getting swarmed with them Litteraly. Then I met this girl jessica. She is cool. wewalked down to a shack to get some candy. I got something that said liquid candy onit. I was like cool this might be good. I opened it and tried to squeez some out butI couldn't we gave it a new name . candy glue. It would NOt come out of the bottle.
then Jessica, sara and I went on a hay ride. It was sooooooo much FUN!!!!! we actually still had to go get the trailer so we were sitting in the back of the truck. They already had hay in there so it was stacked up. there was one bale that had to get put on top of the other one. So we all sat on that there was about four inches from the top of the bales to the top of the truck. Yeah I maen the top of the front of the truck. The wind was blowing fast. It was espcially fun when we went around corners and such
then Jessica, sara and I went on a hay ride. It was sooooooo much FUN!!!!! we actually still had to go get the trailer so we were sitting in the back of the truck. They already had hay in there so it was stacked up. there was one bale that had to get put on top of the other one. So we all sat on that there was about four inches from the top of the bales to the top of the truck. Yeah I maen the top of the front of the truck. The wind was blowing fast. It was espcially fun when we went around corners and such
Friday, June 19
Monday, June 15
20th POST
Welcome to the 20th post of musicandtwilight. I know not many of you have read every post but it is a fact this is my 20th post YAY
The other day I went running with my dad. we are starting to run evryother day that way ew can run the 5k races and stufffl ike that. ANd so thta I can stay in shape for the C/C team and when track comes around. I hadn't been running for about two weeks, yesterday my dad and I ran to the wetlands did one lap (for those of you who know what a lap is) and went back. So we jogged about an overall threee miles and that is almost a five K.
I noticed that I maily post in the morniing. Is that weird? I normally write about what happened yesterday. I am going to start posting in the after noon that way I can tell you what has recently happened and not"old news"
DOn't have one today
The other day I went running with my dad. we are starting to run evryother day that way ew can run the 5k races and stufffl ike that. ANd so thta I can stay in shape for the C/C team and when track comes around. I hadn't been running for about two weeks, yesterday my dad and I ran to the wetlands did one lap (for those of you who know what a lap is) and went back. So we jogged about an overall threee miles and that is almost a five K.
I noticed that I maily post in the morniing. Is that weird? I normally write about what happened yesterday. I am going to start posting in the after noon that way I can tell you what has recently happened and not"old news"
DOn't have one today
Sunday, June 14
Okay so I went to my friend cassandra's b-day party right. we went to her uncle's house. Turns out they had broken the slippi'n slide last time so they had to buy another. While we were setting up I was totaly like I am not getting wet until I am out of my reg. clothes. then Her uncle goes (smart one) and fills up a partof the slide that needs to be filled with water. then he just lets go and lets it flop around getting one of my FAVE shirt wet. So I was like REVENGEEEEE!!!! (not like I said that out loud of nothi'n. then I had a quick brain flash DUH so I opicked up the hose and squirted him with it. I really was not aiming but When I finally stopped spraying him it really looked like he sort of peed his pants EVERYONE was laughing. even him. He was 'in shock' I had told him I did not want to get wet. HA HA HA THat was hilairious and yes I purposly but HI- lairious. I do that all the time.Then we had this TOtally awesome cake it was like UBER awsomenesses.then We watched a scary movie Cassndra and I wanted to watch Blair witch project 2 but no one else wanted to so we watched the uninvited OME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that movie was SWEET the Plot and just everything about it is awesomenesseseses. Yes it is that many es's . Then all the grwn up went into another room. and Her uncle put on another "scary" movie. It was Pet semetary It was just stupidly ridiculous until like an hour and ten minutes in. Except for one small part with a girl named Zelda. For those of you who do not know who that is I'm just sayi'n sheild your eyes it is DISGUSTING
I totally got a great grade for my MEAP it was awesome. When I got Home I looked at my schedule begging not to have a certain class AND guess what. Ya know that one classsI did NOt want...I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOw that really ticked me off. I TOALLY JINXED MY SELF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that movie was SWEET the Plot and just everything about it is awesomenesseseses. Yes it is that many es's . Then all the grwn up went into another room. and Her uncle put on another "scary" movie. It was Pet semetary It was just stupidly ridiculous until like an hour and ten minutes in. Except for one small part with a girl named Zelda. For those of you who do not know who that is I'm just sayi'n sheild your eyes it is DISGUSTING
I totally got a great grade for my MEAP it was awesome. When I got Home I looked at my schedule begging not to have a certain class AND guess what. Ya know that one classsI did NOt want...I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOw that really ticked me off. I TOALLY JINXED MY SELF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 12
I am totally excited about summer. My summer has been great so far. I am listening to love song on Delaney's blogwww.infinitywordz.blogspot.com I t is a great place to read stuff for those of you who have not been there. I go there practically everyday. I am totallly hopped up on pink lemonade with EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just started a file on my brothers paper mario OME you have to play that game. It is totally awesome. It is like a totally addictive game.
I am in the middle of writing a book. I don't remember who but someone said to rerfer to Twilight for good ideas. since I was eight I had been working on ideas of a guy with some sort of power but not a super hero or anything. I looked a twilight and was like Not doing a Vampire guy EVER( that would be totally fault taking the vampire idea) So I was like why can't I just create a guy of my own. now the guy has powers. I am on page 28. I went through and read it and was like CRAP it was too much like twilight. With the whole romance thing and the whole guy with powers thing. then there was this big thing with a water fall i totally hated and i now hate the name I gave the main character. I was like okay how am I supposed to recreate this whole book and add in the scraps from the current book into the book I will write. You folllowing me. So I am on a mission to come up with some other sort of way to make this love story different but still interesting.if you have any Advice and a blog please tell me your blog and comment advice
By the way you should listen to the last song on my playlist. I did not mean to pput it there I just did not have time to move it.
I just started a file on my brothers paper mario OME you have to play that game. It is totally awesome. It is like a totally addictive game.
I am in the middle of writing a book. I don't remember who but someone said to rerfer to Twilight for good ideas. since I was eight I had been working on ideas of a guy with some sort of power but not a super hero or anything. I looked a twilight and was like Not doing a Vampire guy EVER( that would be totally fault taking the vampire idea) So I was like why can't I just create a guy of my own. now the guy has powers. I am on page 28. I went through and read it and was like CRAP it was too much like twilight. With the whole romance thing and the whole guy with powers thing. then there was this big thing with a water fall i totally hated and i now hate the name I gave the main character. I was like okay how am I supposed to recreate this whole book and add in the scraps from the current book into the book I will write. You folllowing me. So I am on a mission to come up with some other sort of way to make this love story different but still interesting.if you have any Advice and a blog please tell me your blog and comment advice
By the way you should listen to the last song on my playlist. I did not mean to pput it there I just did not have time to move it.
Thursday, June 11
i havent got much to do. I have been playing on the computer most of the time
As you can see no person can select anonymous anymore. that will be there until further notice. i find that some people are just being mean. Even though i do get to moderate the comments I still have to read them and there is absolutly no need to be that way. And for those of yyou that read my blog that do not have a blog of their own I apologize for others behavior.
I have not gotten any news lately at all. I know that We moght get a dog which is very exciting. WE don't know what kind of dog we want. we are going to the adoption day at petco on sunday. we know that tis time we don't want to get a dog that sheds all the time. It can't run around too much considering our backyard is tiny. we can take it for walks and such but we can't be taking him/her for a walk every other minute ya know. It can't eat any furniture obviously
As you can see no person can select anonymous anymore. that will be there until further notice. i find that some people are just being mean. Even though i do get to moderate the comments I still have to read them and there is absolutly no need to be that way. And for those of yyou that read my blog that do not have a blog of their own I apologize for others behavior.
I have not gotten any news lately at all. I know that We moght get a dog which is very exciting. WE don't know what kind of dog we want. we are going to the adoption day at petco on sunday. we know that tis time we don't want to get a dog that sheds all the time. It can't run around too much considering our backyard is tiny. we can take it for walks and such but we can't be taking him/her for a walk every other minute ya know. It can't eat any furniture obviously
Wednesday, June 10
I don't know why but I am feeling rather giddy right now. love that part in twilight where everything is peaceful don't you. where there is no problems at all. My computer is being very irritating right now. I am listening to silly songs woth larry. You absolutly HAVE to go to youtube then go to his cheeseburger silly song. It is soo freaking funny. larry is not even singing it. Mr. lunt is.and sneeze if you need to is also lol funny
i have not done too much in the past week I went camping for a little while. It was Okay we didn't do to much.
I just watched I will survive...stupid disco ball... I watched it about four times and could not stop laughing. You also have to watch the gummy bear thing that was not as funny.
I just found this song that I once heard on the radio and was like Dude what is the name of that awesome song. Then they didn't say the name of the song. UI was like GOD what the. then I ran into it on the computer today SWEET!!!!! I t is Mayberry by rascal flatts. Which is like one of my fave bands.
The past ones were a coffin
and a TON
Brad stared through the dirty soot-smeared window on the 22nd floor of the office tower. Overcome with depression he slid the window open and jumped through it. It was a sheer drop outside the building to the ground. Miraculously after he landed he was completely unhurt. Since there was nothing to cushion his fall or slow his descent, how could he have survived the fall?
this one took me a minute to figure out but as soon as you hear the answer it's just like DUH
I have a bunch this time here is another
for some I run to slow
For some I go to fast
Most people base things on me
what am I?
go to http://riddles.com/all-kinds-of-riddles/riddles/where-does-the-extra-man-come-from-?-2008080566524/#halfwaydown and do the riddle it will drive you nuts at first then when you realize what it is it will still drive you nuts
i watched it four times before I was even smart enough to pause it
gotta go
i have not done too much in the past week I went camping for a little while. It was Okay we didn't do to much.
I just watched I will survive...stupid disco ball... I watched it about four times and could not stop laughing. You also have to watch the gummy bear thing that was not as funny.
I just found this song that I once heard on the radio and was like Dude what is the name of that awesome song. Then they didn't say the name of the song. UI was like GOD what the. then I ran into it on the computer today SWEET!!!!! I t is Mayberry by rascal flatts. Which is like one of my fave bands.
The past ones were a coffin
and a TON
Brad stared through the dirty soot-smeared window on the 22nd floor of the office tower. Overcome with depression he slid the window open and jumped through it. It was a sheer drop outside the building to the ground. Miraculously after he landed he was completely unhurt. Since there was nothing to cushion his fall or slow his descent, how could he have survived the fall?
this one took me a minute to figure out but as soon as you hear the answer it's just like DUH
I have a bunch this time here is another
for some I run to slow
For some I go to fast
Most people base things on me
what am I?
go to http://riddles.com/all-kinds-of-riddles/riddles/where-does-the-extra-man-come-from-?-2008080566524/#halfwaydown and do the riddle it will drive you nuts at first then when you realize what it is it will still drive you nuts
i watched it four times before I was even smart enough to pause it
gotta go
Tuesday, June 9
Um first things first I am sooo glad that skool is out. But I really miss Delany and Alexis. I want to go back to school now for some odd reason. I heard from my "resources" that it is very HHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! in north Carolina. I really love the sun but man it sounds tooo hot there.
I was driving home wioth my dad today and he pointed out a barn and I was like
HOLYCROW the barn's shingles were laid out and colored just right to get a GIANTNORMOUS SMILEY FACE
yeah that is right Delaney. TOOT-TOOT that was cool.
If you don't have a nice comment to post please don't bother, that would be things such as calling ME a brat when you are the one reading my blog anyway
I am running out of Time
I was driving home wioth my dad today and he pointed out a barn and I was like
HOLYCROW the barn's shingles were laid out and colored just right to get a GIANTNORMOUS SMILEY FACE
yeah that is right Delaney. TOOT-TOOT that was cool.
If you don't have a nice comment to post please don't bother, that would be things such as calling ME a brat when you are the one reading my blog anyway
I am running out of Time
Saturday, June 6
First things first who ever said that I stole Delaney's title is wrong. At the time i hadn't seen Delaney's blog yet. Plus it is a completely legitimate title. ALso she wrote SKOOL IS OUTTTT!!!! I wrote Skool is over. DUH p.s i still think you need to get your own blog, Ay LEXIS
I was thinking why in the world do people drive PT Cruisers. they are ugly, not energy efficient, and are really UGLY.If you know anyone who drives one could you ask them why. Please.
I am so happy right now. but not like happy happy, but random happy. True. i was wondering about why in the world some people think that they have to be perfect and flow with the very preppy people. i myself have the perfect friends for me. i have two very special friends. ohh I LOVE THIS SONG. sorry I'm listening to Delaney's playlist, not mine. Well Delaney and Alexis they both have their faults and specialties. I try to see the brightness in both of them. I know a few preppy people. I know they choose it but I do not see why. yeah being popular is fun but it is not worth loosing your own sense in style and humor.
Enough of that but. We had a welcome home party for my sister it was very fun we did a lot of talking let me rephrase a LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOTTTTT!!!!!!! of talking. there was tons of food. It was awesoome
It is really heavy
you can't really carry it
it backward is not
This one is really easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just watched the new oon sneak peek on youtube. It was so sad but sooooooo cool I know when I watch the movie when t comes out I will cry during a movie for the first time boo
Running out of bars
Hanah- with totally cool glasses
Friday, June 5
SKOOL IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!
I know what everybody is thinking yep. YES it is SUMMER TIME. My first thing that I plan to do is to have the worlds biggest hopscotch\waterballon fight. for those of you who do not know what that is it is where you draw a giantnormous hopscotch then fill up tons of water ballons. have one person stand in a square a the beginning of the HopS. then have someone hopsctch as fast as they can while getting hit by water ballons. If they step out of a box they are out and the next person goes. I recommend to use about 5000 water ballons over all.Leave a comment about what sort of wacko things and games you are going to do this summer or just how glad you are that skool is out. OME! for those of you in honors at pattengill I know exactly which class you are happy to be out of. Let me tell ya I am too.

the other day my friend Delaney and I drew a bunch of slips of paper anf cut them into st
rips then after the teachers escorted us out we thew the flyers into the air it was sooooo
much fun we should do it again. WE ran then leaped into the air throwing them about.
the man who makes it does not want it
the man who buys it does not use it
the man who uses it does not know it
this riddle I actually have heard about 400 times from my brother but could
never remember the answer
How many of you know what in the world a twaffle is if so please say so by posting a comment.
I do not have the daily number yet but I will get it soon
Who posted that thing about you know who catching you know who, sigh, Alexis. you really need a blogger acount you are my onlt aunanomous (yes I spelled that wrong on purp
the answer to the last DAILY RIDDLE was an ear of corn
Kirsten Can i get your E-mail or Blog please
i know that I am adding this to my blog from this morning but I just found this
and had
to say.....
there is something wrong with this picture... wait no this is a very wrong picture
I know it is supposed to be a COOL shot but seriously. Taylor has his hood on half way just so that you can see his awesome hair, come on. what the heck is 'laurent' doing. hiding his face from the camera by using taylor's shoulder. why is that girl kissing Kristen on the forehead. why is Kristen reaching past kissing girl just to touch peter's shirt. OKAY like I said it is probably supposed t be like that but it just looks wierd everybody is doing something except for Rob (looking down) and peter (looking cool)
Wednesday, June 3
Tuesday, June 2
You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
and for who ever posted a comment on my site please do NOT put OMG at the end OME, OMJ , and OMR are fine but not OMG. (it makes you sound very preppy, unless that was what you were aiming for)
I noticed that when I do Post it is normally pretty short.brief. I am planning on making them bigger that way you can read more of my random stories so now I shall writwe some paragraphs about things I have done this week
I went to my track banquet yesterday. It was a lot of fun I ran into all of my buddies since most of my buddies are on the track team.My dad was sort of by himself since I was talking with delaney. THere was like no healthy food except apples
MY sister just came home from africa she brought me a beautiful dress and she has one made out of the same material. she also brought me a necklace It is my JUJU. ALong with those she gave me a bag and a
You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
and for who ever posted a comment on my site please do NOT put OMG at the end OME, OMJ , and OMR are fine but not OMG. (it makes you sound very preppy, unless that was what you were aiming for)
I noticed that when I do Post it is normally pretty short.brief. I am planning on making them bigger that way you can read more of my random stories so now I shall writwe some paragraphs about things I have done this week
I went to my track banquet yesterday. It was a lot of fun I ran into all of my buddies since most of my buddies are on the track team.My dad was sort of by himself since I was talking with delaney. THere was like no healthy food except apples
MY sister just came home from africa she brought me a beautiful dress and she has one made out of the same material. she also brought me a necklace It is my JUJU. ALong with those she gave me a bag and a
Monday, June 1
okay well the answer to the riddle of the day last time was a stamp DUH!
i love to write randoms
have you heard about the peekaru It is a snuggie that connects a mom to its baby It looks like she has two heads SERIOUSLY
I like twilight If you look closely some random girl shows up about 12 times, not to mentions when bella says "things were getting alittle weird" a guy in a black hoodie run behind her. HA
by the way i am going to get glasses It rocks they look soo cool
i love to write randoms
have you heard about the peekaru It is a snuggie that connects a mom to its baby It looks like she has two heads SERIOUSLY
I like twilight If you look closely some random girl shows up about 12 times, not to mentions when bella says "things were getting alittle weird" a guy in a black hoodie run behind her. HA
by the way i am going to get glasses It rocks they look soo cool
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