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Doctor Who

Tuesday, June 30


I took more random tests these were my results and my reactions (in red)

Team Edward
You are on Team Edward. You love everything about him and think he is the ideal mate. You find his intensity, his cold touch and, his golden eyes, breathtaking and you would do anything if it meant living with him forever.
wow they're good're definitely not Goth.

Congratulations, you are officially a Redneck! Pull up a lawn chair on the astro turf outside your trailer, pop open a nice cold, refreshing Keystone Lite, and groom the mullet, because you're in for the long haul.

Groom my WHAT!!!!!

Dumb Bubbly Blonde
You're a bit ditzy, yes, but you'd be the first to admit it! You've got a happy-go-lucky attitude and you find the whole "dumb blonde" stereotype kind of silly and are kind of proud of it!! Woo-hoo! Go! Blondes! Go!...oh, no! Wait...I didn't mean go! Come back!

dang right except the dumb part that is

You got 14 out of 18 (78.0%)

ya got that right!

Sophisticated, mature, and cultured. You age well. You are Wine.

What the heck is that whole part about me aging well supposed to mean

You are a Snowman. You don't really have much going on up there, except maybe more snow. Christmas for you is all about playing, having fun, Christmas break, and having fun. Oh, and, having fun. How could I forget?

and shallI not forget all the cruddy questions they asked!

You're happy, enthusiastic, and energetic. You're youthful by nature and invigorate those surrounding you. You catch the But still, don't take your chances with a sequel. They tend to get you in the end. of many and desire much. Message me if you have comments.

hey, isn't that my favorite color

you would last 1minute and19seconds chained to a bunkbed with a velociraptor

wooohooooooo a whole minute to punch a velociraptor

how long would you last in a horror film?Congrats! You are one of the lucky few that lives to tell the tail of that dark stormy night. But still, don't take your chances with a sequel. They tend to get you in the end.

no thanks I will take the sequel. And yesI will stab you with a stic if you bother me again

that was fun and all for tonight stay tunred for

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