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Doctor Who

Tuesday, June 2


You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?

and for who ever posted a comment on my site please do NOT put OMG at the end OME, OMJ , and OMR are fine but not OMG. (it makes you sound very preppy, unless that was what you were aiming for)

I noticed that when I do Post it is normally pretty short.brief. I am planning on making them bigger that way you can read more of my random stories so now I shall writwe some paragraphs about things I have done this week

I went to my track banquet yesterday. It was a lot of fun I ran into all of my buddies since most of my buddies are on the track team.My dad was sort of by himself since I was talking with delaney. THere was like no healthy food except apples

MY sister just came home from africa she brought me a beautiful dress and she has one made out of the same material. she also brought me a necklace It is my JUJU. ALong with those she gave me a bag and a

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