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Doctor Who

Friday, June 5

SKOOL IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!

I know what everybody is thinking yep. YES it is SUMMER TIME. My first thing that I plan to do is to have the worlds biggest hopscotch\waterballon fight. for those of you who  do not know what that is it is where you draw a giantnormous hopscotch then fill up tons of water ballons. have one person stand in a square a the beginning of the HopS. then have someone hopsctch as fast as they can while getting hit by water ballons. If they step out of  a box they are out and the next person goes. I recommend to use about 5000 water ballons over all.Leave a comment about what sort of wacko things and games you are going to do this summer or just how glad you are that skool is out. OME! for those of you in honors at pattengill I know exactly which  class you are happy to be out of. Let me tell ya I am too.

the other day my friend Delaney and I drew a bunch of slips of paper anf cut them into st
rips then after the teachers escorted us out we thew the flyers into the air it was sooooo
 much fun we should do it again. WE ran then leaped into the air throwing them about.

the man who makes it does not want it 
the man who buys it does not use it 
the man who uses it does not know it

this riddle I actually have heard about 400  times from my brother but could
 never remember the answer

How many of you know what in the world a twaffle is if so please say so by posting a comment.

I do not have the daily number yet but I will get it soon

Who posted that thing about you know who catching you know who, sigh, Alexis. you really need a blogger acount you are my onlt aunanomous (yes I spelled that wrong on purp

the answer to the last DAILY RIDDLE was an ear of corn

Kirsten Can i get your E-mail or Blog please  

i know that I am adding this to my blog from this morning but I just found this 
and had
 to say.....
there is something wrong with this picture... wait no this is a very wrong picture
I know it is supposed to be a COOL shot but seriously. Taylor has his hood on half way just so that you can see his awesome hair, come on. what the heck is 'laurent'  doing. hiding his face from the camera by using taylor's shoulder. why is that girl kissing Kristen on the forehead. why is Kristen reaching past kissing girl just to touch peter's shirt. OKAY like I said it is probably supposed t be like that but it just looks wierd everybody is doing something except for Rob (looking down) and peter (looking cool)

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