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Doctor Who

Monday, June 15

20th POST

Welcome to the 20th post of musicandtwilight. I know not many of you have read every post but it is a fact this is my 20th post YAY

The other day I went running with my dad. we are starting to run evryother day that way ew can run the 5k races and stufffl ike that. ANd so thta I can stay in shape for the C/C team and when track comes around. I hadn't been running for about two weeks, yesterday my dad and I ran to the wetlands did one lap (for those of you who know what a lap is) and went back. So we jogged about an overall threee miles and that is almost a five K.

I noticed that I maily post in the morniing. Is that weird? I normally write about what happened yesterday. I am going to start posting in the after noon that way I can tell you what has recently happened and not"old news"

DOn't have one today

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