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Doctor Who

Friday, June 12


I am totally excited about summer. My summer has been great so far. I am listening to love song on Delaney's I t is a great place to read stuff for those of you who have not been there. I go there practically everyday. I am totallly hopped up on pink lemonade with EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just started a file on my brothers paper mario OME you have to play that game. It is totally awesome. It is like a totally addictive game.

I am in the middle of writing a book. I don't remember who but someone said to rerfer to Twilight for good ideas. since I was eight I had been working on ideas of a guy with some sort of power but not a super hero or anything. I looked a twilight and was like Not doing a Vampire guy EVER( that would be totally fault taking the vampire idea) So I was like why can't I just create a guy of my own. now the guy has powers. I am on page 28. I went through and read it and was like CRAP it was too much like twilight. With the whole romance thing and the whole guy with powers thing. then there was this big thing with a water fall i totally hated and i now hate the name I gave the main character. I was like okay how am I supposed to recreate this whole book and add in the scraps from the current book into the book I will write. You folllowing me. So I am on a mission to come up with some other sort of way to make this love story different but still interesting.if you have any Advice and a blog please tell me your blog and comment advice

By the way you should listen to the last song on my playlist. I did not mean to pput it there I just did not have time to move it.

1 comment:

  1. Man that is jank! You should at least have Name, so that they can put their name because that is very frusterating that I have to keep doing that! Signing in to my AIM. But yeah that Come on Over is really good. I like it especially the chorus.
    Come on over! Down to the corner, my sisters and my brothes, there for one another!!!!

    Rock on!


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