So UI may just done something really bad, challenging, terrifying, and scary. I just switched. You may all be thinking who is this chick sounding all crazy,. Well I switched, My NANO! AHHHHHHHHHHHH. I am no longer part of the young writers program, wait .no. thats a lie, I am I am still a YWP but I will not be uploading to that site. I have an actual, normal, grown up, 50,000 words in a month, i think I'm insane, nanowrimo account. I think this will be an even bigger challenge than reading 103 books by march 9,2011! I really really want to win this year...and so does my mom. So i am going to be waking up at like 5:30-6:00, and writing for as long as i can, as fast i can, because my mother is stealing the computer at night : ( I know sad. But I think its a pretty fair deal. I have my outline worked out for the most part, when I did it last year I winged the whole thing, so I think some thing of an outline is better than having no outline at all. I really need to work on how fast I type I mean I think I type pretty fast already but still maybe a little bit faster wouldn't hurt at all. : ) So I will probably be upploading my story to my blog at some point. : ) also today I am going to the NanoWrimo Launch party at Gone Wired Cafe. where I get to meet some other crazy, insane people and we can talk about our stories, and such and writing all the sorts of stuff that its fun to talk about with your writing buddies. SO we're leaving for that at about two two thirty ish .
well gotta go cause its two
~ For some reasonm I just sort of stoppedblogging for a little while then started up againBYE
from now on you can find me at!!!
Doctor Who
Sunday, October 31
Saturday, October 30
Did You Know
Did you know that I can solve a rubik's cube ? before I explain let me say it is rubiK'S cube not rubiX cube it is the cube belonging to rubik. that said we may continue on thursday after I got home from school I went to The Local Rite Aid and bought myself a Rubik's cube. That sucker was 14.99$ GAH! so I am officially out of money. : ( and spent all of the rest of the day.(No really, I like NEVER put it down) and stayed up until like midnight thirty trying solve this. Now I haver been practicing and LOOK! I JUST did it like an hour ago!
crap I can't find the picture, never mind. but I can and I did! Mwa hahahahahahahahaha Hannah is a GENIUS! MWA HA HA! ~Scary huh?.now lets see if I can do it again.....
" maybe our favorite quotes say more about
us than the stories or people we're quoting"~John Green
crap I can't find the picture, never mind. but I can and I did! Mwa hahahahahahahahaha Hannah is a GENIUS! MWA HA HA! ~Scary huh?.now lets see if I can do it again.....
" maybe our favorite quotes say more about
us than the stories or people we're quoting"~John Green
Friday, October 29
So every year Mrs. Hicks throws the band students,and band students ONLY, a halloween party. Sometimes they are lame sometimes they are fun/
SO I just got back. I went as Margo Roth Spiegelman. Well nobody at my school readsd anything ever so they had no idea who i was so basically I just said I was one of these things
SO I just got back. I went as Margo Roth Spiegelman. Well nobody at my school readsd anything ever so they had no idea who i was so basically I just said I was one of these things
- Super Secret Invisible Ninja Spy
- Ninja
- the Black Ninja of EPIC
- a shadow
So I got there and there was only like Me, Lance, and two kidsI didn't know So I talked to lance who was wearing a shinysilver helmet with a duck suction-cupped to it and A duck necklace. THen answedred the door while people arrived these are allt he eighth graders that showed... no joke
- Me
- Brianna
- Dakota
- Jackie
- Cassandra
- Shyann
- I think there might be one more Im not sure
So we hung out and stuff till lots of people got there then we danced around and ate some pizza. Then we checked out the mario Bros set up the screen was FING HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was half of the stage in our auditoirum big!then we ate a little more. After a while some of the kids started a conga line. I was all meh. whatevs, Im too cool for alll them sixth graders in the back. SO Brianna and I starred a sideways conga line 1 it didnt catch on 2 uh we tripped multiple times ,<- NOT A GOOD IDEA. Then like four of us circled up and we'd move to the left then the right and then left and then extend out back in and shuffled around in a circle to the left and then ...well you get the idea. We had like 6 more people join us. It was so much fun. then at the end of the party we seperated into two lines and we had people dance all the way down the middle. I went once with Jackie, Twice with dakota. It was pretty epic. oh sorry IT WAS FRAQING EPICER THAN EPIC! It was so much FUN beats doing the math homework we were assigned today : )
Wednesday, October 27
So the other day.......
Cassandra and I were watching some tyler oakley vids for a long time and then she was like " youre probably bored of this now arent you " I was all
" no ive just already seen all of these"
she was all oh
then about 10 mins later I was like u shud check out vlogbrothers they're really fun and smart
and she gives me this look and says straight up " I don't like them they aren't funny, they're old."
and I know people have the right to their own opinion butBLAh I feel a RANt coMinG oN!!!!!
PAUSE before rant
then as most of my friends know I HATE shane dawson with a FIERY PASSION! then about 3 tyler oakley vids later she goes on her home page which is covered with shane dawson.and shes like you know who shane dawson is right>? and I say " yeah I hate that guy hes so annoying" (mostly I say this because of what she said about vlogbrothers but i really do HATE that guy! so she clicks on one of his viDSanyways!!!! WTF!
so back to the rant!
1 what kind of person do you have to be to only like vloggers that are funny! thats like saying youd rather pay attention to the dumb people who have nothing better to do with their time than say perverted things any 10 year old -19 year old could come up with rather than watch people who are talking about things that matter or even if they arent are at least still talking about things that are somewhat smarticle. People that aren't so juvenile.!
2 everybody knows i FERAKING love Vlogbrothers I am a nerdfighter, a talk around the nerdfighter communioty all that jazz,I AHVE A FERAKING NOTEBOOK FOR ALL THIS NERDFIGHTERIA and then she disses them ... * shakes head , what the friends Ive got
3old people cant be funny>? really? is there something wrong with funny old people. They're probably about as old as ur parents, or a few years just called ur parent lame.... reallllllllll smooth.
" no ive just already seen all of these"
she was all oh
then about 10 mins later I was like u shud check out vlogbrothers they're really fun and smart
and she gives me this look and says straight up " I don't like them they aren't funny, they're old."
and I know people have the right to their own opinion butBLAh I feel a RANt coMinG oN!!!!!
PAUSE before rant
then as most of my friends know I HATE shane dawson with a FIERY PASSION! then about 3 tyler oakley vids later she goes on her home page which is covered with shane dawson.and shes like you know who shane dawson is right>? and I say " yeah I hate that guy hes so annoying" (mostly I say this because of what she said about vlogbrothers but i really do HATE that guy! so she clicks on one of his viDSanyways!!!! WTF!
so back to the rant!
1 what kind of person do you have to be to only like vloggers that are funny! thats like saying youd rather pay attention to the dumb people who have nothing better to do with their time than say perverted things any 10 year old -19 year old could come up with rather than watch people who are talking about things that matter or even if they arent are at least still talking about things that are somewhat smarticle. People that aren't so juvenile.!
2 everybody knows i FERAKING love Vlogbrothers I am a nerdfighter, a talk around the nerdfighter communioty all that jazz,I AHVE A FERAKING NOTEBOOK FOR ALL THIS NERDFIGHTERIA and then she disses them ... * shakes head , what the friends Ive got
3old people cant be funny>? really? is there something wrong with funny old people. They're probably about as old as ur parents, or a few years just called ur parent lame.... reallllllllll smooth.
Tuesday, October 26
So when Im bored I may just maybe play one hand of the riff to caroline ~Mike Lombardo....and this is sort of a slowly progressinf attempt to make myself abl;e to play both hands at the same time...........its not working, sure i wanna play piano, but because of certain situaions i cannot : ( so whenever Im bored I look up the riff to something now I tried to play both hands. Well I believe this isnt going to all epically fail ...but it worked for snapping 2/2 3/4 : ( awwwww
also I want a rubiks cube REALLY BADLY.. I think I might have to save for 1
also I want a rubiks cube REALLY BADLY.. I think I might have to save for 1
Sunday, October 24
A dream I never Told you about
So I forgot to tell you guys about the REALLY strange dream it went like this
I was camping at Yankee Springs and I was about to go on a small one mile hike and listen to music and sit in a secret spot and read paper towns when I thought I recognized the people that were camped out at the camp next to the trail head. I look again. blink a few times, look around to make sure I'm not goin'crazy. So I'm walking up to the trail head trying not to look and then one of the guys says." Hi" and I look up and I WAS RIGHT! it was John green (yeah strangely strange)one half of me is going what the fudge stick is he doing in Michigan.the other half was like have him sign something 4 you IDIOT!
So I'm all like
" hey. you're John Green from the vlogbrothers" * hold up book *
"Yeah,are you a nerdfighter?"
" oh yeah definitly, hey I was wondering would you sign my nonverse"
"your what"
"my shoes?"
"why your shoes"
"well I wanted to get you to sign this one and have hank sign the other" (all this time hanks sitting over by their tent doin' stuff on his laptop.)
" oh okay" awkward moment where hes not sure how hes going to get down to my foot without getting all muddy
So i pull my shoe off and hand it to him and grab a sharpie out of my pocket.
He makes a scribble and hands it back and I'm all
" really no J you can do better than that would ya add the J at the beginning of the scribble"
" no."
"come on really?"
Sp I walk over to hank and ask if he would sign my other shoe and hes all like "no."
"I'll pass"
"fine whatever"
and I walk away with a random scribble on my shoe
I was camping at Yankee Springs and I was about to go on a small one mile hike and listen to music and sit in a secret spot and read paper towns when I thought I recognized the people that were camped out at the camp next to the trail head. I look again. blink a few times, look around to make sure I'm not goin'crazy. So I'm walking up to the trail head trying not to look and then one of the guys says." Hi" and I look up and I WAS RIGHT! it was John green (yeah strangely strange)one half of me is going what the fudge stick is he doing in Michigan.the other half was like have him sign something 4 you IDIOT!
So I'm all like
" hey. you're John Green from the vlogbrothers" * hold up book *
"Yeah,are you a nerdfighter?"
" oh yeah definitly, hey I was wondering would you sign my nonverse"
"your what"
"my shoes?"
"why your shoes"
"well I wanted to get you to sign this one and have hank sign the other" (all this time hanks sitting over by their tent doin' stuff on his laptop.)
" oh okay" awkward moment where hes not sure how hes going to get down to my foot without getting all muddy
So i pull my shoe off and hand it to him and grab a sharpie out of my pocket.
He makes a scribble and hands it back and I'm all
" really no J you can do better than that would ya add the J at the beginning of the scribble"
" no."
"come on really?"
Sp I walk over to hank and ask if he would sign my other shoe and hes all like "no."
"I'll pass"
"fine whatever"
and I walk away with a random scribble on my shoe
So I was just looking around surfin' the net when I came across these pictures

All of these pictures have but 1 thing in common. They were all drawn in notebooks by bored students.I mean wow. just wow. for bordom these are pretty cool. which makes me wonder what other really cool pictures are kids drawing in class when they should be learning.....????
All of these pictures have but 1 thing in common. They were all drawn in notebooks by bored students.I mean wow. just wow. for bordom these are pretty cool. which makes me wonder what other really cool pictures are kids drawing in class when they should be learning.....????
Saturday, October 23
It's Coming
I'm trying to get all psyched out right now. Cause I know how I'm going to have to type at least 1000 words a day now you have to realize my mother is taking over the computer from 7 (maybe 8 im not sure) to 11 and we all know shes going to stay up way way way way WAY later than 11 if she falls behind by more than 100 words.So I have from 6:00-7:30 every morning which means I have to go to bed way earlier which means I have to read way less and watch less Tv and cut down my Computer time by like...all of it.
So heres what Im doing to prepare for Nano:
- Plotting Planning and scheming now while I still have the time
- putting together the ultimate writing playlist.
- Reading all the books I need to read for the entire month of November, or at leastas many books as I can. and I'm finishing Catching Fire TONIGHT
- Set all my stuff up in my room so that Its the perfect nano environment. for even more planning and plotting when I can't be writing
- Getting all my work done now. Doing as much Homework in class as I can
- no going out, talking on the phone, going to the store, e-mailing,
- Writing up my blogs for November now. : ) I'm, such a cheater ;)
- + More that I can't write causeI be scheming
Im gunna win this year
Friday, October 22
I'm So psyched out about NanoWrimo and I just want to write write write and as we all know I can't start writing until the first of November : ( So This is one of the only places where I can Just type and let the words come out on the monitor just as quickly as they come to mind. The place where I can say just about whatever is on my mind and even if you don't listen I can write it. Explain My thought process, Complain about pennies, go on and on and on and ON about my favorite books and quotes. Or put up my favorite videos. So I am here to type, to write to, poem-ize: ) I hope you read on. : )
so I have a few rough Ideas about what I am going to do for my nano~ every time I Tell one of my ideas people ask me why its so depressing. Well see I must say one thing. Normally the whole cause thing has to take place for there to be an effect. Effect is sort of half of the story. Sorry if I believe that the cause of something happening has to be something ...what's the antonym for Trivial......ahh important yes. I'm trying to write something at least somewhat okay. So obviously going to be all ponies and sunshine. or unicorns that poop butterflies.>: ( So yuh!
I think this time I'm going to rock the nano. I am going to PWN IT!!!!! \I mean I feel as though the beginning will be very strong I have a plottythingamadoo ( thats right I just said plottythingamadoo) that you can just keep going and going and going well pretty much because he just keeps going going oign going ! ; ) OH MAN i just gave you a hint. No Delaney my nano isn't about what i said it would proabably be about, I have something new.
For the next couple of days I shall carry around a notebook and a handful of index cards incase of any ideas that randomly pop up. and I wil lbe coming up with all sort sof things. Over the next week I will divise the perfect NanoWrimo Playlist. Including song that are instrumental, pop, rock, piano-rock,. this weekend will be one of research, planning, plotting, scheming, thinking, jottingdowns, ideas, music, reading,, googling, and most of all Thinking.
One thing that I want though is to not lose my blog for a month by this I mean I still want to blog during Nano even if it means I have to actually write them now. I will not abandon you blog and readers. Blogs will keep coming I am thinking about doing a blog a day thing where each day I talk about a seperate thing that has to do with writing. : )
Pencil To Paper, Fingers to Keys
so I have a few rough Ideas about what I am going to do for my nano~ every time I Tell one of my ideas people ask me why its so depressing. Well see I must say one thing. Normally the whole cause thing has to take place for there to be an effect. Effect is sort of half of the story. Sorry if I believe that the cause of something happening has to be something ...what's the antonym for Trivial......ahh important yes. I'm trying to write something at least somewhat okay. So obviously going to be all ponies and sunshine. or unicorns that poop butterflies.>: ( So yuh!
I think this time I'm going to rock the nano. I am going to PWN IT!!!!! \I mean I feel as though the beginning will be very strong I have a plottythingamadoo ( thats right I just said plottythingamadoo) that you can just keep going and going and going well pretty much because he just keeps going going oign going ! ; ) OH MAN i just gave you a hint. No Delaney my nano isn't about what i said it would proabably be about, I have something new.
For the next couple of days I shall carry around a notebook and a handful of index cards incase of any ideas that randomly pop up. and I wil lbe coming up with all sort sof things. Over the next week I will divise the perfect NanoWrimo Playlist. Including song that are instrumental, pop, rock, piano-rock,. this weekend will be one of research, planning, plotting, scheming, thinking, jottingdowns, ideas, music, reading,, googling, and most of all Thinking.
One thing that I want though is to not lose my blog for a month by this I mean I still want to blog during Nano even if it means I have to actually write them now. I will not abandon you blog and readers. Blogs will keep coming I am thinking about doing a blog a day thing where each day I talk about a seperate thing that has to do with writing. : )
Pencil To Paper, Fingers to Keys
Jazz Band
So I may have failed to mention that my school has now partnered with the MSU jazz program. So today we had a concert. there were four performers. No beforeI tell you their names I will say that to see just one of these people play would cost about 20$ per ticket to see them together would be about a 100$ ticket. these people are pretty famous (as far as i know), they are professors at MSU
Rodney Whitaker- Bass
Randy Gelispie-drums
Rick Roe-Piano
Diego Rivera-Sax
So we get in there and I'm all super excited causeI get to listen and see these great people perform. we sit down I set my put my Catching Fire book on my lap shove my pencil in my pocket and I'm ready. So the first ten minurtes go by and I'm really enjoying myself. then ya know I have sitting behind me someVER chatty people. then about half way through delaney starts talking to Alexis. I really just want to turn around and go "EXCUSE ME! I am trying to listen to the people play and you are preventing that from happening so STFU 4 I smack U!" then at one point a little while after Alexis was talking so loud she was like .1 away from yelling Delaney turns and rubs her pencil tip on my arm After a few I get really annoyed so I stole her pencil. then this chick Katelyn trys to take my bookmark right out of my book! HELLO! So while I desperately try and listen I'm snappin' my silly band against my wrist tryin' not to get too annoyed. then Katelyn say to me "whats wrong" Its all I could do not to freaking EXPLODE!I said " nothing" she was like well you look "pissed off" comment........... So the rest of it went about that way. At one point Delaney turned and said somethign to me I gave her a blank stare then point at myself my ear then at the stage. she was all what does * _insert motions here__* mean. I'm trying to listen to them play and you won't stop talking, It kinda makes me wanna slap you." Delaney ~" mhm okay" BLETCH It was still really cool the only song I remember the name of was Evidence ( that was my favorite). It was so much fun. and theres still 2 or 3 more to come ! YAY
Rodney Whitaker- Bass
Randy Gelispie-drums
Rick Roe-Piano
Diego Rivera-Sax
So we get in there and I'm all super excited causeI get to listen and see these great people perform. we sit down I set my put my Catching Fire book on my lap shove my pencil in my pocket and I'm ready. So the first ten minurtes go by and I'm really enjoying myself. then ya know I have sitting behind me someVER chatty people. then about half way through delaney starts talking to Alexis. I really just want to turn around and go "EXCUSE ME! I am trying to listen to the people play and you are preventing that from happening so STFU 4 I smack U!" then at one point a little while after Alexis was talking so loud she was like .1 away from yelling Delaney turns and rubs her pencil tip on my arm After a few I get really annoyed so I stole her pencil. then this chick Katelyn trys to take my bookmark right out of my book! HELLO! So while I desperately try and listen I'm snappin' my silly band against my wrist tryin' not to get too annoyed. then Katelyn say to me "whats wrong" Its all I could do not to freaking EXPLODE!I said " nothing" she was like well you look "pissed off" comment........... So the rest of it went about that way. At one point Delaney turned and said somethign to me I gave her a blank stare then point at myself my ear then at the stage. she was all what does * _insert motions here__* mean. I'm trying to listen to them play and you won't stop talking, It kinda makes me wanna slap you." Delaney ~" mhm okay" BLETCH It was still really cool the only song I remember the name of was Evidence ( that was my favorite). It was so much fun. and theres still 2 or 3 more to come ! YAY
Thursday, October 21
Stick Figures
I have come to the sudden realization of how much I use stick figures. I use them all the time! So they're kind of one of my new favorite things. : ) As you can probably tell. I freaking love them! plus they show kind of the more creative side of moi. : ) My background is actually a GIF XD I'm such a cheater. I drew the stick figure for my header , though I drew them on the computer. Plus you can make them show no emotion or any emotion you want. I 've been drawing mine without mouths and straight lines for eyes since like 5th grade or so. IO think they are awesomer that way : ) that way they show like no emotion and when you give them mouths it shows extreme emotion : ) STICK FIGURES RULE! I kinda want a binder, with a stick figure looking at it's untied shoe, on it. Wouldn't that be epic?!?!?!?! I would even if you don't think it would.
this whole sticky figure thing kind of reminds me of one day in French we had to do storyboards and I used stick figures then randomly my friend Isis said I should give one a bow tie that way they don't get confused when the two stick figures flip. I was all YES I SHOULD! then I get this Idea and draw a big red FEZ on the guy wuith the bo-tie (but he only haz the fez for 1 box) and VOILA ! It's the Doctor and I wrote at the top. Storyboard: DoctorWho edition. It was really cool
by the by this is my favorite quote incase you didn't know...mostly because I love self-referential stuff ♥
" maybe our favorite quotes say more about us than the stories and people we are quoting" ~John Green , Delaney don't choo sigh or roll ur eyes, I kill you
<--I felt I should just re-share this EPIC gangster hat
this whole sticky figure thing kind of reminds me of one day in French we had to do storyboards and I used stick figures then randomly my friend Isis said I should give one a bow tie that way they don't get confused when the two stick figures flip. I was all YES I SHOULD! then I get this Idea and draw a big red FEZ on the guy wuith the bo-tie (but he only haz the fez for 1 box) and VOILA ! It's the Doctor and I wrote at the top. Storyboard: DoctorWho edition. It was really cool
by the by this is my favorite quote incase you didn't know...mostly because I love self-referential stuff ♥
" maybe our favorite quotes say more about us than the stories and people we are quoting" ~John Green , Delaney don't choo sigh or roll ur eyes, I kill you
<--I felt I should just re-share this EPIC gangster hat
So as you probably know NanoWrimo Is coming up soon and I had all these AWESOMe ideas for it! And some of them were really good. But being me I didn't write any of these ideas down in any other 0place than my scratchbook. (pages are falling out of it) so now I have NO ideas. I can't remember what the other ideas were I can remember like 1 and its kind of dumb so I don't think I will do it 30,000 words, 30 days. I better get crack a' lackin'! < ----Honestly can't believe I just said that * Facepalm. So Yeah all day I am going to carry around a notebook and If I get any ideas I will write it down cruddy or not. HMPH!
Monday, October 18
Okay So I'm running, just ya know breathing super hard trying not to think about how much my knee hurts from it popping out and then back in in the middle of my race. I get to the top of the hill which was a lot harder than it looked to be and I start pushin' just a little harder. then I see the coach is right there a whole 80 steps down, now I don't like to seem slow so I Start to pick it up a LOT, then Im goin and Coach is standin there in his stupid red hoodie and as I am maybe 6-8 regular walking steps away from him he say COME ON" DELANEY... I MEAN HANNAH, I MEAN...gahhh * Sigh. And realizing how he got it wrong he smiles to laugh at himself. and then I'm like " YOU NEVER GET MY NAME RIGHT!" and Im already like 19 steps away so wonder if he heard me. Now Delaney and I have been here ALL SEASON. and we look nothing alike, not the same face structure, not the same color hair, not the same color eyes, completely different heights, Smiles are nothing alike, our personalities aren't even that close. but he just has to keep calling me Delaney. then Delaney Left with her mom before the meet was all the way over. We were all grouped us to get on the bus and hes like " MARIAH has anyone seen Mariah oh yeah she went home with her dad right?" and after some reassurance he goes on... KIRSTEN picked up . DELANEY he looks up at me and I say " she went with her parent" he says : Right okay HANNAH and then he gets this look on his face thats like 19 shades of confusion, looks up at me then down at his paper then I say "I'm right here" and he was all " you're Hannah, ... right okay, SAPPHIRE" UGH! My name is NOT delaney bleh .So I really don't understand this I mean I would understand getting me up with kirsten more than I would Getting me mixed up with Delaney. I mean I guess he just picks people out by how good they are and how much attention he pays to each person for how he groups them sad sad sad
The Final Verdict
The verdict is in I have decided. Now this is BIG, Very super tremendously, Big. So I have decided who is my favorite coach. OH MY! But seeing as Cross crunchy is "ova" (delaney ; ) ) * tear and I've seen all 3 of the coaches, well we all know about coach james...... So here is how I sees It
Coach James:
Hes very very Very very very VERY enthusiastic, he doesn't seem to push people anywhere they aren't comfortable, he wears sports bras,He looks like Pete Wentz......,Hes li' bit crazayzay. Hes really nice. and i mean like full out hands down cassandra mixed with Mr johnson nice. ..weird.
Coach Lynch: she yells alot, shes fun sometimes, She yells / "cheers" a ver lot. shes quick...i mean shes ver fast. She pushes people to do really well.. sometimes to the extent where you just stop so she'll stop. Shes very lively, she gets involved in things that are happening on the bus, she understands my lame jokes that make everyone else go...huh?, She ver straightforward, shes somewhat rude, this lady is EXTREMELY POSITIVE...not enthusiastic just,... positive. You can Facebook Friend her and she'll friend back.
Coach Thomas: Hes fun ( even if we can't shoot gobstoppers at him), Ultimate Football Fridays, He just Can't seem to get my name right.... EVER. HELLO! He calls me bandgeek, Hes all wound up Most of the time. He pushes us just out of our comfort zone when running, He gives a lot of...lectures/speeches, Has TERRIBLE grammar. Always cheers you on at the end of the race in a way that doesn't make you want to punch him. conversations with him, on non-cross country related subjects, are actually possible. Hes fun to be around.
So the Verdict I like Coach thomas the best, then Mrs Lynch, then coach James. So yeah. : )
Pencil top paper fingers to keys
Coach James:
Hes very very Very very very VERY enthusiastic, he doesn't seem to push people anywhere they aren't comfortable, he wears sports bras,He looks like Pete Wentz......,Hes li' bit crazayzay. Hes really nice. and i mean like full out hands down cassandra mixed with Mr johnson nice. ..weird.
Coach Lynch: she yells alot, shes fun sometimes, She yells / "cheers" a ver lot. shes quick...i mean shes ver fast. She pushes people to do really well.. sometimes to the extent where you just stop so she'll stop. Shes very lively, she gets involved in things that are happening on the bus, she understands my lame jokes that make everyone else go...huh?, She ver straightforward, shes somewhat rude, this lady is EXTREMELY POSITIVE...not enthusiastic just,... positive. You can Facebook Friend her and she'll friend back.
Coach Thomas: Hes fun ( even if we can't shoot gobstoppers at him), Ultimate Football Fridays, He just Can't seem to get my name right.... EVER. HELLO! He calls me bandgeek, Hes all wound up Most of the time. He pushes us just out of our comfort zone when running, He gives a lot of...lectures/speeches, Has TERRIBLE grammar. Always cheers you on at the end of the race in a way that doesn't make you want to punch him. conversations with him, on non-cross country related subjects, are actually possible. Hes fun to be around.
So the Verdict I like Coach thomas the best, then Mrs Lynch, then coach James. So yeah. : )
Pencil top paper fingers to keys
Saturday, October 16
Mike Lombardo Smackdown
In which Mike Lombardo PWNS this guy who thinks that file sharing is good. Honestly i think this guy has never gone to school ...ever.
Hunger Games
I woke up this morning made some cinnamon rolls and some tastey eggs and toast my mum fixed up. Then I was all hey lets go up to my room and eat while i watch icarly. Now this is the first time since lkike 5th grade that i have had a good breakfast while watching a good show in my room. and not being disturbed. So after carly, Sam, and Freddie fixed Lewbert i was all now what. i know what i know what i know what!!!!!!!!!! HUNGER GAMES PUH CHUH. so it was like 12:00- 1:00 when I started on my hunger games-a-thon. my mum got me a a milkshake from mcDonalds.. I drank like not even anywhere remotely close to half of it. and I finished the hunger games at about 5:20-5:30. All i had to eat for about 5 hours was a few pieces of candy. Then when i finished it and I wrote it in my book log! and then I saw BUH BUH BUH a date! so turns out i actually started my 103 book Challenge in March HOORAY THERE HOPE AFTER ALL! So i actually have like 6 more months instead of like 2 or 3 !WOOT WOOT!
And another little side story here
We were in the library for English or whatever and we are gunna do book report things on whatever book we read. Thing is I can never find a good book in that library i mean really. sure they have 9 copies of breaking dawn and lord knows how many copies of twilight.Eclipse, and new moon but heaven forbid our library gets some agatha christie, john green, or uh i dunno neil gaiman. I bet they don't even have Haddix. >: ( But so the teacher comes over and out convo went like this
H " Can I just use a book from my house?"
Mr. J " what kind of book"
H " I dunno , a good one"
Mr. J " but you don't even like to read"
H " yeah I do just go ask mrs. Taylor"
pencil to paper , Fingers to keys
And another little side story here
We were in the library for English or whatever and we are gunna do book report things on whatever book we read. Thing is I can never find a good book in that library i mean really. sure they have 9 copies of breaking dawn and lord knows how many copies of twilight.Eclipse, and new moon but heaven forbid our library gets some agatha christie, john green, or uh i dunno neil gaiman. I bet they don't even have Haddix. >: ( But so the teacher comes over and out convo went like this
H " Can I just use a book from my house?"
Mr. J " what kind of book"
H " I dunno , a good one"
Mr. J " but you don't even like to read"
H " yeah I do just go ask mrs. Taylor"
pencil to paper , Fingers to keys
Friday, October 15
My Hypothetical Life
So Delaney, Isis, Heather, and a few others have managed to twist my life up and make it very weirdly deranged so lets try to keep up ...and keep it hypothetical
I am having an affair with Mr. Johnson who is just my temporary boyfriend. then He is cheating on me with my best friend cassandra whos also having an affair with her physical therapist ( sos shes cheating on her PT with Mr.J). But that doesn't matter because I'm apparently hooking up with our coach and having a hermaphrodite baby (this kid must have some really blonde hair and EXTREMELY blue eyes. this would be one screwed up athletic band jock child..wait would he allow his kid to be in band...hmmmmm puzzling...) then he goes and marries my sister so hes now my brother in law. and Mr. Christian is my brother.
as you can see i have some WONDERFUL friends ; )
didya catch all of that???
thanks a lot Isis ya done gone and screwed up any sort of future i had
So Delaney, Isis, Heather, and a few others have managed to twist my life up and make it very weirdly deranged so lets try to keep up ...and keep it hypothetical
I am having an affair with Mr. Johnson who is just my temporary boyfriend. then He is cheating on me with my best friend cassandra whos also having an affair with her physical therapist ( sos shes cheating on her PT with Mr.J). But that doesn't matter because I'm apparently hooking up with our coach and having a hermaphrodite baby (this kid must have some really blonde hair and EXTREMELY blue eyes. this would be one screwed up athletic band jock child..wait would he allow his kid to be in band...hmmmmm puzzling...) then he goes and marries my sister so hes now my brother in law. and Mr. Christian is my brother.
as you can see i have some WONDERFUL friends ; )
didya catch all of that???
thanks a lot Isis ya done gone and screwed up any sort of future i had
: (
So today was the last day of cross country practice : ( Strangely this makes me kind of sad. Partly due to the fact that I was glad and proud to be apart of something and now it is coming to an end. I don't get to go on and on and on and on and on about how much my thighs hurt or Beat the crap out of Isis while laughing for 30 seconds. No more getting to joke about the way Kirsten was swinging her arms today or how wrong something she said could sound. No more messing with the coach and and asking him how to make a $10 snort straw. ( oh yeah I still have to hug that guy... *looks around suspiciously*) and no more sock races...or funntastic bus rides. No more or plotting, planning and scheming......REWIND No more going to the locker rooms after school knowing I have so me place to be. : ( The running wasn't too bad. I'd go out there and give it my all. Even if at the end of the race I can't remember what I was thinking or why I had to take that 30 steps of walk that made me have a PR. Even if I think at the end... I should have gone faster. So we have one meet and then the banquet and it is completely over. At the championship meet the top 10 sixth graders get a medal and the top 40 7th and 8th graders get medals so this is as much as i know
I am going to get one of those medals
I am going to run as ahrd as possible
I will NOT walk at all
I will get it WAYYYYYY under 17 minutes.
I will give it my all
I will not complain
I will OWN!
I am going to get one of those medals
I am going to run as ahrd as possible
I will NOT walk at all
I will get it WAYYYYYY under 17 minutes.
I will give it my all
I will not complain
I will OWN!
Wednesday, October 13
It Gets Better
This is supposed to be a youtube thing, this is for people my age, and I'm not LGBTQ so " I woudn't know" but I am an LGBTQ Ally and this should be everywhere, spread the message, give support:
When people at my school are gay they don't hear the end of it. You hear people in the hallway saying " Did you know that person is gay" or " did you hear her parent's are gay"I never really understood why being gay should ever be considered bad or wrong or strange even. But thats not what I'm here to talk about. I'm here to say. It Gets Better. sure I haven't gone through this myself. But I've seen so many people at my school that have admitted it to themselves and came out of the closet and gotten through it all. So yes it does get better. there are so many people that will support you if you just reach out. Ignore the people who are to ignorant to realize what a great perason the could be friends with. I'm not saying hey come out of the closet early do it now get it over with. Do it when you're ready when you feel comfortable enough with it to do it. Whenever you so choose. But it gets better. I know " you have no idea hannah" and you know what you're right I don't and chances are I probably never will. But it gets better. Change is Choice but Hope is Chance.
It Gets Better
When people at my school are gay they don't hear the end of it. You hear people in the hallway saying " Did you know that person is gay" or " did you hear her parent's are gay"I never really understood why being gay should ever be considered bad or wrong or strange even. But thats not what I'm here to talk about. I'm here to say. It Gets Better. sure I haven't gone through this myself. But I've seen so many people at my school that have admitted it to themselves and came out of the closet and gotten through it all. So yes it does get better. there are so many people that will support you if you just reach out. Ignore the people who are to ignorant to realize what a great perason the could be friends with. I'm not saying hey come out of the closet early do it now get it over with. Do it when you're ready when you feel comfortable enough with it to do it. Whenever you so choose. But it gets better. I know " you have no idea hannah" and you know what you're right I don't and chances are I probably never will. But it gets better. Change is Choice but Hope is Chance.
It Gets Better
Run Run!
So today at Cross CRunchy Practice it was all rainy out : ( nobody wanted to run in the rain. But we did anyways we did 6 consecative laps at the wetlands. Thats about 3 miles. On lap # 1 I started by Delaney. I slowly moved forward and then I was running with mariah for a teensie teeny bit and told her my trick for going up hills. then I just kept on going. I was just making absolute sure that Isis Didn't pass me like she did during warm ups. Than I saw her! I was all woah they are going really slow...or am I going really fast... DANG IT ISIS! So whenever i see isis when i'm running I can't figure out how fast I am going. Shes likeSUPER fast and get 1 -3 place at just about every meet. I spent about 50 steps trying to forget Isis was there and figure if I should be going faster or save my energy or just keep that pace. ... It didn't work.. So I just kept on running at that same pace and then suddenly out of NO FRACKING WHERE I was up with Isis and Austin. It was on our 2nd lap. : ) I ran the rest of it with them. It was really hard because I'm kind of slow. My mile time is all over the place I've gotten from 6:45 to 9:40.sooooooo yeah. and AI stuck with her the whole time. then we both sprinted hard at the end and I camer in FIRST! WOAH! I know its like whatever nobody cares it was just practce she was being slower than normal that was an easy practice for her. But ya know if you have met isis you know how awesome it would be to come in in front of her
Tuesday, October 12
A Youtube story
I searched Harry Potter Songs
Lumos flies - Kristina horner ( let me mention here that i saw the mac and cheese gurt video about here) - fiveawesome girls- Vlobrothers- Meekakitty- ALL CAPS-Jason Munday-Mike Lombardo-STOP REWIND
I go back to the mac and cheese gurt thing and was all woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I knew this guy when I didn't know how awesome thins guy was. WOW...this is weird
Lumos flies - Kristina horner ( let me mention here that i saw the mac and cheese gurt video about here) - fiveawesome girls- Vlobrothers- Meekakitty- ALL CAPS-Jason Munday-Mike Lombardo-STOP REWIND
I go back to the mac and cheese gurt thing and was all woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I knew this guy when I didn't know how awesome thins guy was. WOW...this is weird
Saturday, October 9
Well on Monday we have a meet. and this weekend I have to go camping with people I really don't like to spend my time around. and Im going to be Sooooooo tired on monday. ! this is gunna suck I have to get under 17:44 I'm shotting for 14 or 15 so I will probably end up wirth like 16 or so. : ) It worked last time : )
Sunday, October 3
Theres a good amount of people on our cross country team and nobody on our team really wants to be there. Nobody actually enjoys running. During Track last year we actually had a discussion about htis. we have it decided that its pretty much a pride thing. That you do it to have pride. Or possibly because like 2 or 3 of the kids on the team because of your parents. So we run.
I got 18:31 which is 1 second faster than Delaneys best time.. I think she kind of hated me for that.
It was an okay time for me. I shaved my previous time by a whole 12 seconds. I would really like to get my time aruond 16 though. : )
After the race~ You finish. give the man your tag. then get a cup of water. once you are all cooled off you go to the coach for your time. You pack up. To hot to put on your sweats. You get back on the bus and talk about how hard that was. About how good your time was in comparison to all your other times. thinking about whats for dinner. hopping of the bus all that energy seems to come rushing back to you. and all you want to do is hang with your friends and talk about the meet. but its 8 or 9 o clock so you have to get have to forget the last rqace before you can start the next. So lets hope you've gone all stupid again by next monday.
You take a bus to the place you're going to run at. Then you try not to worry about how hard it's going to be. Trying not to think about how much you're going to hurt after you pass that 1 mile mark or how you know theres always going to be that one person thats in front of you that you can't catch up with. you warm up do your stretches, technique drills, and playing around maybe chew on a few snacks. The coach tells you its time to run. Theres that little part of you right there in the back of your head reminding you how hard its going to be. You are quick to get up to the line although you wish you could just stop time right there and never have to go up to the line and never have to start it in the first place. the man with the gun tells you all the rules again. Taking just long enough for you to get all worked upthen "on your mark" theres that one second where you have to get all psyched and pumped. then BAM! you're off. You try to push so hard at the beginning and try not to look like you're in the way back. Trying not to seem slow. People cheering you on. You're mind goes about 10 times faster than you're legs do. After only 40 steps or so you're already out of breath. Wanting to stop, but you don't. You don't know what you're supposed to be focusing on , your breathing, your feet, the girl in front of you, the giagantuous hill thats coming up. Or should you just sing something. feeling every pebble stick stone bump under your feet. following those taunting white lines. You come out of the woods theres people cheering you on. Even though you just want them to shut up and go away. You push just a little harder. The coach yells out your mile time. normally around 9: 15 in my case. Finally you're back into the woods.Better. the girl in front of you is slowing up so you go just a little faster. Passing her then the next person is your target. Your calfs burning like someone is giving you an interminable indian burn. suddenly all you want is to be sitting at home reading agatha christie. harry potter or watching a good movie. Suddenly you're pulled back into reality. back to worrying about your breathing. You can see the big hill. you see the people in front of you slowing when they get to the hill. you slow down till you get there then you take off up the hill. everything seems like its moving in slow motion. Friends are cheering you on. suddenly its over. the hill didn't hurt. it was the 20 steps after the hill that kills you. When you're just about ready to keel over and die you can hear breathing. A heavy panting out of time. Thump thump thump of footsteps. You can't let her pass you. Shoving forward you put your tank on 0. She passes you anyways. another couple of minurtes and you hear cheering . A broad smile stretches across your face. the possibility of a tear streaming down your face is high. You'd think it would be the pain that makes you want to cry. And the fact you passed that girl that makes you smile. but no. You're smiling on about one little thing. Not caring anymore about the people or the runners or breathing or the fact you REALLY need new running shoes. You just push forward with non-existant energy. Smiling and pushing forward only because you can't wait for the soles of your shoes to hug that stupid white line.
tie your laces, up to the start
I got 18:31 which is 1 second faster than Delaneys best time.. I think she kind of hated me for that.
It was an okay time for me. I shaved my previous time by a whole 12 seconds. I would really like to get my time aruond 16 though. : )
After the race~ You finish. give the man your tag. then get a cup of water. once you are all cooled off you go to the coach for your time. You pack up. To hot to put on your sweats. You get back on the bus and talk about how hard that was. About how good your time was in comparison to all your other times. thinking about whats for dinner. hopping of the bus all that energy seems to come rushing back to you. and all you want to do is hang with your friends and talk about the meet. but its 8 or 9 o clock so you have to get have to forget the last rqace before you can start the next. So lets hope you've gone all stupid again by next monday.
You take a bus to the place you're going to run at. Then you try not to worry about how hard it's going to be. Trying not to think about how much you're going to hurt after you pass that 1 mile mark or how you know theres always going to be that one person thats in front of you that you can't catch up with. you warm up do your stretches, technique drills, and playing around maybe chew on a few snacks. The coach tells you its time to run. Theres that little part of you right there in the back of your head reminding you how hard its going to be. You are quick to get up to the line although you wish you could just stop time right there and never have to go up to the line and never have to start it in the first place. the man with the gun tells you all the rules again. Taking just long enough for you to get all worked upthen "on your mark" theres that one second where you have to get all psyched and pumped. then BAM! you're off. You try to push so hard at the beginning and try not to look like you're in the way back. Trying not to seem slow. People cheering you on. You're mind goes about 10 times faster than you're legs do. After only 40 steps or so you're already out of breath. Wanting to stop, but you don't. You don't know what you're supposed to be focusing on , your breathing, your feet, the girl in front of you, the giagantuous hill thats coming up. Or should you just sing something. feeling every pebble stick stone bump under your feet. following those taunting white lines. You come out of the woods theres people cheering you on. Even though you just want them to shut up and go away. You push just a little harder. The coach yells out your mile time. normally around 9: 15 in my case. Finally you're back into the woods.Better. the girl in front of you is slowing up so you go just a little faster. Passing her then the next person is your target. Your calfs burning like someone is giving you an interminable indian burn. suddenly all you want is to be sitting at home reading agatha christie. harry potter or watching a good movie. Suddenly you're pulled back into reality. back to worrying about your breathing. You can see the big hill. you see the people in front of you slowing when they get to the hill. you slow down till you get there then you take off up the hill. everything seems like its moving in slow motion. Friends are cheering you on. suddenly its over. the hill didn't hurt. it was the 20 steps after the hill that kills you. When you're just about ready to keel over and die you can hear breathing. A heavy panting out of time. Thump thump thump of footsteps. You can't let her pass you. Shoving forward you put your tank on 0. She passes you anyways. another couple of minurtes and you hear cheering . A broad smile stretches across your face. the possibility of a tear streaming down your face is high. You'd think it would be the pain that makes you want to cry. And the fact you passed that girl that makes you smile. but no. You're smiling on about one little thing. Not caring anymore about the people or the runners or breathing or the fact you REALLY need new running shoes. You just push forward with non-existant energy. Smiling and pushing forward only because you can't wait for the soles of your shoes to hug that stupid white line.
tie your laces, up to the start
Even more better-er
So my coach said to us a while back "...because i want you to get even more betterer" and i turn and go " even more better?" and he says " shut up " cause the whole team is giving him a funny look like : what the???
Grammar is slipping through the cracks nowadays. : ( I mean Our coach is in like college and saying even more betterer I mean he was going great right up until he had to say better ER . GAH! and then thevlogbrothers would have this video ! WATCH IT! its not MP3 Player
Music player 3 player BLECHY!
Grammar is slipping through the cracks nowadays. : ( I mean Our coach is in like college and saying even more betterer I mean he was going great right up until he had to say better ER . GAH! and then thevlogbrothers would have this video ! WATCH IT! its not MP3 Player
Music player 3 player BLECHY!
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