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Doctor Who

Friday, October 22


    I'm So psyched out about NanoWrimo and I just want to write write write and as we all know I can't start writing until the first of November : (  So This is one of the only places where I can Just type and let the words come out on the monitor just as quickly as they come to mind. The place where I can say just about whatever is on my mind and even if you don't listen I can write it. Explain My thought process, Complain about pennies, go on and on and on and ON about my favorite books and quotes. Or put up my favorite videos. So I am here to type, to write to, poem-ize: ) I hope you read on. : )

so I have a few rough Ideas about what I am going to do for my nano~ every time I Tell  one of my ideas people ask me why its so depressing. Well see I must say one thing. Normally the whole cause thing has to take place for there to be an effect. Effect is sort of half of the story. Sorry if I believe that the cause of something happening has to be something ...what's the antonym for Trivial......ahh important yes.   I'm trying to write something at least somewhat okay. So obviously going to be all ponies and sunshine. or unicorns that poop butterflies.>: ( So yuh!

I think this time I'm going to rock the nano. I am going to PWN IT!!!!! \I mean I feel as though the beginning will be very strong I have a plottythingamadoo ( thats right I just said plottythingamadoo) that you can just keep going and going and going well pretty much because he just keeps going going oign going ! ; ) OH MAN i just gave you a hint. No Delaney my nano isn't about what i said it would proabably be about, I have something new.

For the next couple of days I shall carry around a notebook and a handful of index cards incase of any ideas that randomly pop up. and I wil lbe coming up with all sort sof things. Over the next week I will divise the perfect NanoWrimo Playlist. Including song that are instrumental, pop, rock, piano-rock,. this weekend will be one of research, planning, plotting, scheming, thinking, jottingdowns, ideas, music, reading,, googling, and most of all Thinking.

One thing that I want though is to not lose my blog for a month by this I mean I still want to blog during Nano even if it means I have to actually write them now. I will not abandon you blog and readers. Blogs will keep coming I am thinking about doing a blog a day thing where each day I talk about a seperate thing that has to do with writing. : )

Pencil To Paper, Fingers to Keys

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