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Doctor Who

Sunday, October 24

A dream I never Told you about

So I forgot to tell you guys about the REALLY strange dream it went like this

I was camping at Yankee Springs and I was about to go on a small one mile hike and listen to music and sit in a secret spot and read paper towns when I thought I recognized the people that were camped out at the camp next to the trail head. I look again. blink a few times, look around to make sure I'm not goin'crazy. So I'm walking up to the trail head trying not to look and then one of the guys says." Hi" and I look up and I WAS RIGHT! it was John green (yeah strangely strange)one half of me is going what the fudge stick is he doing in Michigan.the other half was like have him sign something 4 you IDIOT!
So I'm all like
" hey. you're John Green from the vlogbrothers" * hold up book *
"Yeah,are you a nerdfighter?"
" oh yeah definitly, hey I was wondering would you sign my nonverse"
"your what"
"my shoes?"
"why your shoes"
"well I wanted to get you to sign this one and have hank sign the other" (all this time hanks sitting over by their tent doin' stuff on his laptop.)
" oh okay" awkward moment where hes not sure how hes going to get down to my foot without getting all muddy
So i pull my shoe off and hand it to him and grab a sharpie out of my pocket.
He makes a scribble and hands it back and I'm all
" really no J you can do better than that would ya add the J at the beginning of the scribble"
" no."
"come on really?"
Sp I walk over to hank and ask if he would sign my other shoe and hes all like "no."
"I'll pass"
"fine whatever"
and I walk away with a random scribble on my shoe


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