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Doctor Who

Wednesday, October 13

It Gets Better

 This is supposed to be a youtube thing, this is for people my age, and I'm not LGBTQ so " I woudn't know"  but I am an LGBTQ Ally and this should be everywhere, spread the message, give support:

     When people at my school are gay they don't hear the end of it. You hear people in the hallway saying " Did you know that person is gay" or " did you hear her parent's are gay"I never really understood why being gay should ever be considered bad or wrong or strange even. But thats not what I'm here to talk about. I'm here to say. It Gets Better. sure I haven't gone through this myself. But I've seen so many people at my school that have admitted it to themselves and came out of the closet and gotten through it all. So yes it does get better. there are so many people that will support you if you just reach out. Ignore the people who are to ignorant to realize what a great perason the could be friends with. I'm not saying hey come out of the closet early do it now get it over with. Do it when you're ready when you feel comfortable enough with it to do it. Whenever you so choose. But it gets better. I know " you have no idea hannah"  and you know what you're right I don't and chances are I probably never will. But it gets better. Change is Choice but Hope is Chance.

It Gets Better


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