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Doctor Who

Thursday, October 21

Stick Figures

     I have come to the sudden realization of how much I use stick figures. I use them all the time! So they're kind of one of my new favorite things. : ) As you can probably tell. I freaking love them! plus they show kind of the more creative side of moi. : ) My background is actually a GIF XD I'm such a cheater. I drew the stick figure for my header , though I drew them on the computer. Plus you can make them show no emotion or any emotion you want. I 've been drawing mine without mouths and straight lines for eyes since like 5th grade or so. IO think they are awesomer that way : ) that way they show like no emotion and when you give them mouths it shows extreme emotion : ) STICK FIGURES RULE! I kinda want a binder, with a stick figure looking at it's untied shoe, on it. Wouldn't that be epic?!?!?!?! I would even if you don't think it would.

this whole sticky figure thing kind of reminds me of one day in French we had to do storyboards and I used stick figures then randomly my friend Isis said I should give one a bow tie that way they don't get confused when the two stick figures flip. I was all YES I SHOULD! then I get this Idea and draw a big red FEZ on the guy wuith the bo-tie (but he only haz the fez for 1 box) and VOILA ! It's the Doctor and I wrote at the top. Storyboard: DoctorWho edition. It was really cool

by the by this is my favorite quote incase you didn't know...mostly because I love self-referential stuff ♥
" maybe our favorite quotes say more about us than the stories and people we are quoting" ~John Green , Delaney don't choo sigh or roll ur eyes, I kill you

<--I felt I should just re-share this EPIC gangster hat


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