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Doctor Who

Friday, October 29


     So every year Mrs. Hicks throws the band students,and band students ONLY, a halloween party. Sometimes they are lame sometimes they are fun/
     SO I just got back. I went as Margo Roth Spiegelman. Well nobody at my school readsd anything ever so they had no idea who i was so basically I just said I was one of these things

  1. Super Secret Invisible Ninja Spy
  2. Ninja
  3. the Black Ninja of EPIC
  4. a shadow
  5. SINS
So I got there and there was only like Me, Lance, and two kidsI didn't know So I talked to lance who was wearing a shinysilver helmet with a duck suction-cupped to it and A duck necklace. THen answedred the door while people arrived these are allt he eighth graders that showed... no joke

  1. Me
  2. Brianna
  3. Dakota
  4. Jackie
  5. Cassandra
  6. Shyann
  7. I think there might be one more Im not sure
So we hung out and stuff till lots of people got there then we danced around and ate some pizza. Then we checked out the mario Bros set up the screen was FING HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was half of the stage in our auditoirum big!then we ate a little more. After a while some of the kids started a conga line. I was all meh. whatevs, Im too cool for alll them sixth graders in the back. SO Brianna and I starred a sideways conga line 1 it didnt catch on 2 uh we tripped multiple times ,<- NOT A GOOD IDEA. Then like four of us circled up and we'd move to the left then the right and then left and then extend out back in and shuffled around in a circle to the left and then ...well you get the idea. We had like 6 more people join us. It was so much fun. then at the end of the party we seperated into two lines and we had people dance all the way down the middle. I went once with Jackie, Twice with dakota. It was pretty epic. oh sorry IT WAS FRAQING EPICER THAN EPIC! It was so much FUN beats doing the math homework we were assigned today : ) 


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