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Doctor Who

Saturday, October 30

Did You Know

    Did you know that I can solve a rubik's cube ? before I explain let me say it is rubiK'S cube not rubiX cube it is the cube belonging to rubik. that said we may continue on thursday after I got home from school I went to The Local Rite Aid and bought myself a Rubik's cube. That sucker was 14.99$ GAH! so I am officially out of money. : ( and spent all of the rest of the day.(No really, I like NEVER put it down) and stayed up until like midnight thirty trying solve this. Now I haver been practicing and LOOK! I JUST did it like an hour ago!
crap I can't find the picture, never mind. but I can and I did! Mwa hahahahahahahahaha Hannah is a GENIUS! MWA HA HA! ~Scary huh?.now lets see if I can do it again.....

" maybe our favorite quotes say more about
 us than the stories or people we're quoting"~John Green

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