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Doctor Who

Wednesday, October 13

Run Run!

So today at Cross CRunchy Practice it was all rainy out : ( nobody wanted to run in the rain. But we did anyways we did 6 consecative laps at the wetlands. Thats about 3 miles. On lap # 1 I started by Delaney. I slowly moved forward and then I was running with mariah for a teensie teeny bit and told her my trick for going up hills. then I just kept on going. I was just making absolute sure that Isis Didn't pass me like she did during warm ups. Than I saw her! I was all woah they are going really slow...or am I going really fast... DANG IT ISIS! So whenever i see isis when i'm running I can't figure out how fast I am going. Shes likeSUPER fast and get 1 -3 place at just about every meet. I spent about 50 steps trying to forget Isis was there and figure if I should be going faster or save my energy or just keep that pace. ... It didn't work.. So I just kept on running at that same pace and then suddenly out of NO FRACKING WHERE I was up with Isis and Austin. It was on our 2nd lap. : ) I ran the rest of it with them. It was really hard because I'm kind of slow. My mile time is all over the place I've gotten from 6:45 to 9:40.sooooooo yeah. and AI stuck with her the whole time. then we both sprinted hard at the end and I camer in FIRST! WOAH! I know its like whatever nobody cares it was just practce she was being slower than normal that was an easy practice for her. But ya know if you have met isis you know how awesome it would be to come in in front of her


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