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Doctor Who

Friday, October 15

: (

So today was the last day of cross country practice : ( Strangely this makes me kind of sad. Partly due to the fact that I was glad and proud to be apart of something and now it is coming to an end. I don't get to go on and on and on and on and on about how much my thighs hurt or Beat the crap out of Isis while laughing for 30 seconds. No more getting to joke about the way Kirsten was swinging her arms today or how wrong something she said could sound. No more messing with the coach and and asking him how to make a $10 snort straw. ( oh yeah I still have to hug that guy... *looks around suspiciously*) and  no more sock races...or funntastic bus rides. No more or plotting, planning and scheming......REWIND No more going to the locker rooms after school knowing I have so me place to be. : ( The running wasn't too bad. I'd go out there and give it my all. Even if at the end of the race I can't remember what I was thinking or why I had to take that 30 steps of walk that made me have a PR. Even if I think at the end... I should have gone faster. So we have one meet and then the banquet and it is completely over. At the championship meet the top 10 sixth graders get a medal and the top 40 7th and 8th graders get medals so this is as much as i know

I am going to get one of those medals
I am going to run as ahrd as possible
I will NOT walk at all
I will get it WAYYYYYY under 17 minutes.
I will give it my all
I will not complain
I will OWN!



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