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Doctor Who

Friday, October 22

Jazz Band

     So I may have failed to mention that my school has now partnered with the MSU jazz program. So today we had a concert. there were four performers. No beforeI tell you their names I will say that to see just one of these people play would cost about 20$ per ticket to see them together would be about a 100$ ticket. these people are pretty famous (as far as i know), they are professors at MSU
Rodney Whitaker- Bass
Randy Gelispie-drums
Rick Roe-Piano
Diego Rivera-Sax

So we get in there and I'm all super excited causeI get to listen and see these great people perform. we sit down I set my put my Catching Fire book on my lap shove my pencil in my pocket and I'm ready. So the first ten minurtes go by and I'm really enjoying myself. then ya know I have sitting behind me someVER chatty people. then about half way through delaney starts talking to Alexis. I really just want to turn around and go "EXCUSE ME! I am trying to listen to the people play and you are preventing that from happening so STFU 4 I smack U!" then at one point a little while after Alexis was talking so loud she was like .1 away from yelling Delaney turns and rubs her pencil tip on my arm After a few I get really annoyed so I stole her pencil. then this chick Katelyn trys to take my bookmark right out of my book! HELLO! So while I desperately try and listen I'm snappin' my silly band against my wrist tryin' not to get too annoyed. then Katelyn say to me "whats wrong" Its all I could do not to freaking EXPLODE!I said " nothing" she was like well you look "pissed off" comment........... So the rest of it went about that way. At one point Delaney turned and said somethign to me I gave her a blank stare then point at myself my ear then at the stage.  she was all what does * _insert motions here__* mean. I'm trying to listen to them play and you won't stop talking, It kinda makes me wanna slap you." Delaney ~" mhm okay" BLETCH It was still really cool the only song I remember the name of was Evidence ( that was my favorite). It was so much fun. and theres still 2 or 3 more to come ! YAY


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