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Doctor Who

Saturday, October 23

It's Coming

I'm trying to get all psyched out right now. Cause I know how I'm going to have to type at least 1000 words a day now you have to realize my mother is taking over the computer from 7 (maybe 8 im not sure) to 11  and we all know shes going to stay up way way way way WAY later than 11 if she falls behind by more than 100 words.So I have from 6:00-7:30 every morning which means I have to go to bed way earlier which means I have to read way less and watch less Tv and cut down my Computer time by like...all of it.

So heres what Im doing to prepare for Nano:

  1. Plotting Planning and scheming now while I still have the time
  2. putting together the ultimate writing playlist. 
  3. Reading all the books I need to read for the entire month of November, or at leastas many books as I can. and I'm finishing Catching Fire TONIGHT
  4. Set all my stuff up in my room so that Its the perfect nano environment. for even more planning and plotting when I can't be writing
  5. Getting all my work done now. Doing as much Homework in class as I can
  6. no going out, talking on the phone, going to the store, e-mailing, 
  7. Writing up my blogs for November now. : ) I'm, such a cheater  ;)
  8. + More that I can't write causeI be scheming 
Im gunna win this year

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