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Doctor Who

Wednesday, October 27

So the other day.......

Cassandra and I were watching some tyler oakley vids for a long time and then she was like " youre probably bored of this now arent you " I was all
" no ive just already seen all of these"
she was all oh
then about 10 mins later I was like u shud check out vlogbrothers they're really fun and smart
and she gives me this look and says straight up " I don't like them they aren't funny, they're old."
and I know people have the right to their own opinion butBLAh  I feel a RANt coMinG oN!!!!!
PAUSE before rant
then as most of my friends know I HATE shane dawson with a FIERY PASSION! then about 3 tyler oakley vids later she goes on her home page which is covered with shane dawson.and shes like you know who shane dawson is right>? and I say " yeah I hate that guy hes so annoying" (mostly I say this because of what she said about vlogbrothers but i really do HATE that guy! so she clicks on one of his viDSanyways!!!! WTF!
so back to the rant!
1 what kind of person do you have to be to only like vloggers that are funny! thats like saying youd rather pay attention to the dumb people who have nothing better to do with their time than say perverted things any 10 year old -19 year old could come up with rather than watch people who are talking about things that matter or even if they arent are at least still talking about things that are somewhat smarticle. People that aren't so juvenile.!
2 everybody knows i FERAKING love Vlogbrothers I am a nerdfighter, a talk around the nerdfighter communioty all that jazz,I AHVE A FERAKING NOTEBOOK FOR ALL THIS NERDFIGHTERIA and then she disses them ... * shakes head , what the friends Ive got
3old people cant be funny>? really? is there something wrong with funny old people. They're probably about as old as ur parents, or a few years just called ur parent lame.... reallllllllll smooth.


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