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Doctor Who

Sunday, October 3


     Theres a good amount of people on our cross country team and nobody on our team really wants to be there. Nobody actually enjoys running. During Track last year we actually had a discussion about htis. we have it decided that its pretty much a pride thing. That you do it to have pride. Or possibly because like 2 or 3 of the kids on the team because of your parents. So we run.
     I got 18:31 which is 1 second faster than Delaneys best time.. I think she kind of hated me for that.
It was an okay time for me. I shaved my previous time by a whole 12 seconds. I would really like to get my time aruond 16 though. : )

After the race~ You finish. give the man your tag. then get a cup of water. once you are all cooled off you go to the coach for your time. You pack up. To hot to put on your sweats. You get back on the bus and talk about how hard that was. About how good your time was in comparison to all your other times. thinking about whats for dinner. hopping of the bus all that energy seems to come rushing back to you. and all you want to do is hang with your friends and talk about the meet. but its 8 or 9 o clock so you have to get have to forget the last rqace  before you can start the next. So lets hope you've gone all stupid again by next monday.

     You take a bus to the place you're going to run at. Then you try not to worry about how hard it's going to be. Trying not to think about how much you're going to hurt after you pass that 1 mile mark or how you know theres always going to be that one person thats in front of you that you can't catch up with. you warm up do your stretches, technique drills, and playing around maybe chew on a few snacks. The coach tells you its time to run. Theres that little part of you right there in the back of your head reminding you how hard its going to be. You are quick to get up to the line although you wish you could just stop time right there and never have to go up to the line and never have to start it in the first place. the man with the gun tells you all the rules again. Taking just long enough for you to get all worked upthen "on your mark"  theres that one second where you have to get all psyched and pumped. then  BAM! you're off. You try to push so hard at the beginning and try not to look like you're in the way back. Trying not to seem slow. People cheering you on. You're mind goes about 10 times faster than you're legs do. After only 40 steps or so you're already out of breath. Wanting to stop, but you don't. You don't know what you're supposed to be focusing on , your breathing, your feet, the girl in front of you, the giagantuous hill thats coming up. Or should you just sing something. feeling every pebble stick stone bump under your feet. following those taunting white lines. You come out of the woods theres people cheering you on. Even though you just want them to shut up and go away. You push just a little harder. The coach yells out your mile time. normally around 9: 15 in my case. Finally you're back into the woods.Better. the girl in front of you is slowing up so you go just a little faster. Passing her then the next person is your target. Your calfs burning like someone is giving you an interminable indian burn. suddenly all  you want is to be sitting at home reading agatha christie. harry potter  or watching a good movie. Suddenly you're pulled back into reality.  back to worrying about your breathing. You can see the big hill. you see the people in front of you slowing when they get to the hill. you slow down till you get there then you take off up the hill. everything seems like its moving in slow motion. Friends are cheering you on. suddenly its over. the hill didn't hurt. it was the 20 steps after the hill that kills you. When you're just about ready to keel over and die you can hear breathing. A heavy panting out of time. Thump thump thump of footsteps. You can't let her pass you. Shoving forward you put your tank on 0. She passes you anyways. another couple of minurtes and you hear cheering . A broad smile stretches across your face. the possibility of a tear streaming down your face is high. You'd think it would be the pain that makes you want to cry. And the fact you passed that girl that makes you smile. but no. You're smiling on about one little thing. Not caring anymore about the people or the runners or breathing or the fact you REALLY need new running shoes. You just push forward with non-existant energy. Smiling  and pushing forward only because you can't wait for the soles of your shoes to hug that stupid white line.

tie your laces, up to the start

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