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Doctor Who

Sunday, October 31

Last minute switch ~ AM I CRAZY!?!?!?1

     So UI may just done something really bad, challenging, terrifying, and scary. I just switched. You may all be thinking who is this chick sounding all crazy,. Well I switched, My NANO! AHHHHHHHHHHHH. I am no longer part of  the young writers program, wait .no. thats a lie, I am I am still a YWP but I will not be uploading to that site. I have an actual, normal, grown up, 50,000 words in a month, i think I'm insane, nanowrimo account. I think this will be an even bigger challenge than reading 103 books  by march 9,2011! I really really want to win this year...and so does my mom. So i am going to be  waking up at like 5:30-6:00, and writing for as long as i can, as fast i can, because my mother is stealing the computer at night : ( I know sad. But I think its a pretty fair deal. I have my outline worked out for the most part, when I did it last year I winged the whole thing, so I think some thing of an outline is better than having no outline at all. I really need to work on how fast I type I mean I think I type pretty fast already but still maybe a little bit faster wouldn't hurt at all. : ) So I will probably be upploading my story to my blog at some point. : ) also today I am going to the NanoWrimo Launch party at Gone Wired Cafe. where I get to meet some other crazy, insane people and we can talk about our stories, and such and writing all the sorts of stuff that its fun to talk about with your writing buddies. SO we're leaving for that at about two two thirty ish .
well gotta go cause its two

~ For some reasonm I just sort of stoppedblogging for a little while then started up againBYE

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