season 6 _ Serial Life
they are SUCH dorks
I can't belive that Spike just l et Buffy get drunk...well I guess there was no reason for him to stop her cuz @ the time it seemeda good idea to her
all the way
"dude that sucks" DUSTED
"no Im a rebel you're an idiot" * pulls out crossbow thing and Dusts him ~ That Spike for ya
from now on you can find me at!!!
Doctor Who
Tuesday, November 30
28 Hours
So It went by pretty smoothly I'd have to say. It wasn't all that hard really. I got kinda hyper at times and was a tad tired in Math class though and that was about it. I actually stayed up for 29 ours and forty some odd minutes.
I promised a few records of how I was feeling during each of the hours. I didn't have a chance in each hour, especially in math where you're always fighting to cram in one more problem before she calls for calculators. So here goes and this is word for word, letter for letter what I wrote BTW
Hours @ School
HOUR 1-This whole tired thing is sort of having the opposite affect. I thought it would I thought it would be all, HELP ME!!! Im a dyin over here. if this exhaustion doesn't the boredom will" but its not. m actually semi-hyper ☺Which can't be a good outlook for later. strangely I seem to be movin thinkin anf talkinga whole lot faster than usual
I wonder if after enough of this someone would go mad " I've been considering things that start with the letter 'M'"Comes to mind. My wrist kinda hurts a little bit. ow. We're now discussing Family trees. What fun.
Hey! thats awesome I haven't slept in 21 hours and I'm still chock full o' sarcasm
HOUR 2-well since it was band I'm actually writing this @ lunch. I kinda have the jitters and im all goin Nuts and such
& J U M P S
+ musical w/ Alexis
HOUR 3- I'm sort of predicting a whole Mood swing . I can sorta feel a decrease in jitters. Did Imention i Pwned crossroads in band class
So that was all I had a chance to write all day : ( sad I know. buyt random at pars. turns out the whole mood swing thign was partially right. I got a little sad for aboput twenty minutes and then during math I was tired and I got annoyed during computers , but thats always to be expected from me. : )
when I got home arounf 4 :30 ish I was kinda tired I Ate some food and did one chore and then went tobed. I woke up at 7 : 31 in the morning the next day : )
I promised a few records of how I was feeling during each of the hours. I didn't have a chance in each hour, especially in math where you're always fighting to cram in one more problem before she calls for calculators. So here goes and this is word for word, letter for letter what I wrote BTW
Hours @ School
HOUR 1-This whole tired thing is sort of having the opposite affect. I thought it would I thought it would be all, HELP ME!!! Im a dyin over here. if this exhaustion doesn't the boredom will" but its not. m actually semi-hyper ☺Which can't be a good outlook for later. strangely I seem to be movin thinkin anf talkinga whole lot faster than usual
I wonder if after enough of this someone would go mad " I've been considering things that start with the letter 'M'"Comes to mind. My wrist kinda hurts a little bit. ow. We're now discussing Family trees. What fun.
Hey! thats awesome I haven't slept in 21 hours and I'm still chock full o' sarcasm
HOUR 2-well since it was band I'm actually writing this @ lunch. I kinda have the jitters and im all goin Nuts and such
& J U M P S
+ musical w/ Alexis
HOUR 3- I'm sort of predicting a whole Mood swing . I can sorta feel a decrease in jitters. Did Imention i Pwned crossroads in band class
So that was all I had a chance to write all day : ( sad I know. buyt random at pars. turns out the whole mood swing thign was partially right. I got a little sad for aboput twenty minutes and then during math I was tired and I got annoyed during computers , but thats always to be expected from me. : )
when I got home arounf 4 :30 ish I was kinda tired I Ate some food and did one chore and then went tobed. I woke up at 7 : 31 in the morning the next day : )
Monday, November 29
28 Hours
So this is my sorry Attempt at going 28 hours with no sleep. See here, I do well when I get like six hours of sleep per every eleven-thirteen hours I'm up. So I just got a normal days worth of sleep and I have only put behind me like 19 hours so far. I feel like any second I'm going to just keel over and die of sleep deprivation. Now heres the whole big problem. School. Yep I said it school is a problem for me right now. Second hour will be easy to get through. But first, third, fourth, & sixth hours are going to be hard to get through. Even though I can't sleep at school. Seriously , me plus sleepin at school equals Not gonna happen. Ever. So Wish me luck? Nah. Skip all that boring crap. This is the part where I walk to school while its bloody freezing outside, get to school and try extremely hard to pay attention to what the teacher is doing . Yeah today's going to go just great. : ( It goes without saying,but Imma do it anyways, I'm an idiot.
P.S. more entries from earlier and later when I get home. Im Im not dead, or in a hospital from exhaustion by then.
Sunday, November 28
Comments during : Buffy the Vampire slayer
"this will be our day of Glory!!!!"
"well punned "
"well it just called out to me"
So Buffy Dies and the only person to hands down, fall over, break down, cry is Spike. : ( poor Spike.
Xander " If we want her to be exactly_"
Spike:: " she'll never be exactly"
: (
Angry spike is Angry. : ( this makes me sad
How could they not let Spike in on the whole bringing Buffy back from the dead stuff!!!!
HAHA Xander .. " and how long have you known that you're girlfriend is tinkerbell?"
the undead weird brought back buffy looks like a monster. her hair lookslike it might eat me and she herself looks like someone sold her brain on ebay and only gave her 2%
Awwwww. Spike finds out shes alive and then everyone else shows up and ruins the moment Then Spike Storms out all sad and mad: ( this is depressing
Dang it now Spike is all mad again.
and yes. Spike is the only character I really care about. : )
Well Have to get off the computer now so buh bye
"well punned "
"well it just called out to me"
So Buffy Dies and the only person to hands down, fall over, break down, cry is Spike. : ( poor Spike.
Xander " If we want her to be exactly_"
Spike:: " she'll never be exactly"
: (
Angry spike is Angry. : ( this makes me sad
How could they not let Spike in on the whole bringing Buffy back from the dead stuff!!!!
HAHA Xander .. " and how long have you known that you're girlfriend is tinkerbell?"
the undead weird brought back buffy looks like a monster. her hair lookslike it might eat me and she herself looks like someone sold her brain on ebay and only gave her 2%
Awwwww. Spike finds out shes alive and then everyone else shows up and ruins the moment Then Spike Storms out all sad and mad: ( this is depressing
Dang it now Spike is all mad again.
and yes. Spike is the only character I really care about. : )
Well Have to get off the computer now so buh bye
Wednesday, November 24
The 5o Things of 2o1o
- Became a Nerdfighter
- went to a Midnight release
- Rode my first Roller Coaster
- joined & quit facebook
- Learned to solve a Rubik's Cube
- Tried and failed to learn guitar
- Won Nanowrimo 7 days early
- shot an everlasting gobstopper at my coach
- Saw Harry potter and the deathly Hallows , Twice!
- Got a complete stereo system
- read well over 50 books
- washed a 20$ bill
- got hit by a car
- Played first clarinet, for a week
- Colored my hair black
- came in 14th place in a Cross country meet
- Been scarred for life by 3 of my "friends"
- Quit eating Fast Food
- made a tower of Milk duds
- Passed a Math test
- Had a Harry Potter Party
- got addicted to Doctor who
- ate a chocolate frog
- dressed up as a boy/lemonade stand man
- tied up our ITEC mentor
- licked public property
- Rick Rolled people
- Tried every flavor of bertie botts every flavor beans
- Begun to hate Twilight
- Saw dracula in black and white
- Placed myself in Ravenclaw
- Made an earth of rice krispies w/ my friends
- Convinced multiple people I am british
- woke up one minute before I was supposed to leave for school, thrice
- Had my bike stolen
- bought TONS of sillybands
- got a horrible haircut
- Insulted&confused someone at the same time
- burned a picture of me cheerleading at a football game
- started adding In My Pants to the end of all book titles
- been asked if I was a boy , Five times
- Danced like crazy even when I saw people watching
- stayed up until five reading a book I couldn't put down
- Been Illegal
- Stole a flyer Out of its casing on the wall at a movie theater
- Found multiple new obsessions
- Fell in love With Piano Rock ♪
- Got stood up by someone
- Found money on the ground
- Pimped my blog
Tuesday, November 23
Monday, November 22
Pushing daisies
Two very good lines from pushing daisies
" I love you shovel" ~Emerson
" those people are playing poker with food" ~ Ned
" I love you shovel" ~Emerson
" those people are playing poker with food" ~ Ned
Sunday, November 21
Bored Face
so apparently I make a really bored face in English class. Which I find to be hysterical because that is like one of the only classes that I like. So I sit there looking bored for about fourty, fifty minutes and then leave,. I wonder what the teacher thinks......*strokes invisible beard*. Well I mean all we do is read touching Spirit bear in my pants all the time which does get kind of boring. One person described it as " You just look like you're not trying, like there is no challenge" which is true. We did a worksheet on Double negatives for crying out loud! and we're pointing out words like Makeshift. I have basically pretend to be dumber than I am. saying I don't know what effing " bough" is. yes yes i do thank you. sorry if i'm too darn smart for the HONORS class. Sorry if i'm bored because i already know what fleeting means! And how does delaney even look remotely interested during that class! I'm almost sure she also knew what fleeting meant, or at least makeshift. I mean sirius-L-Y we do vocabulary words. Thats not even the bad part the bad part is that these vocab words were like : Résumé and interminable EW<>and somehow it remains my favorite class.Maybe its just Mr Johnson's good * Sassy Girl chewing gum very obnoxiously and making weird hand gestures* impression
Saturday, November 20
Interview W/ Delaney
four about three moar posts I will be putting up interviews I have sent out Via email . as of right now i am not totally sure how many will be answered. I know for a fact though that Bryant Oden and politely declined my offer. So for now her's Delaney!
Q :What are the different careers you have ever considered?
A: Uh writing and being a bioacoustic. (?)
Q:What types of music do you like? why?
A: Electronic, especially Owl City, because it makes me happy.
Q:Where do you see yourself in 5 more years?
A:Uh, being confused, because highschool just ended and I haven't even CONSIDERED what college I'm going to and where.
Q: Are you better with Number & math, or English & books
A: Uh you know me, I like Engligh and books, especially Artemis Fowl.
Q:what is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
A: Read a lot o' books write. I enjoy literature. :-D
Q:Who's your favorite writer?/ favorite musician?
A:Eoin Colfer, Adam Young.
Q:Can you solve a Rubik's cube? ( without a cheat sheet )
A: Nope, but I can solve one in under two hours WITH a cheat sheet.
Q: If there was one thing you could tell a younger you , what would it be?
A: You need to stretch more, because when you get up after swimming practice or Track practice, you will feel dead.
A: Uh you know me, I like Engligh and books, especially Artemis Fowl.
Q:what is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
A: Read a lot o' books write. I enjoy literature. :-D
Q:Who's your favorite writer?/ favorite musician?
A:Eoin Colfer, Adam Young.
Q:Can you solve a Rubik's cube? ( without a cheat sheet )
A: Nope, but I can solve one in under two hours WITH a cheat sheet.
Q: If there was one thing you could tell a younger you , what would it be?
A: You need to stretch more, because when you get up after swimming practice or Track practice, you will feel dead.
Q:One bad habit you have failed to break?
A: Talking during movies. (ha ha.)
A: Talking during movies. (ha ha.)
Q: One thing about yourself you wish to share
A: I feel that I should share that I can ride a unicycle while eating an apple, and it's not called a tricycle, thank you.
A: I feel that I should share that I can ride a unicycle while eating an apple, and it's not called a tricycle, thank you.
Thursday, November 18
NanoWrimo Stats for yesterday YAY!
Today's Stats
1681Words Written Today
0Words to Write until 1667
1667Suggested Daily Word Count
35245Cumulative Word Count
17Current Day
28334Suggested Cumulative Word Count
2074Average Words per Day
Nov 25At This Rate You Will Finish On
13Days Remaining
0Words to Write Until 28334
14755Total Words Remaining
1135Words per Day to Finish on Time
Wednesday, November 17
Cause this is what I want to see on my computer while Im nanoing
A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
If you see them, show them this information:
500 Internal Server Error
Sorry, something went wrong.A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
If you see them, show them this information:
6rhCVVsqgQwf89g4TGyw_XSj6RiTGps9Hw2jKLuol05_EyEogQtzvGpe9ao FhTOKUOXkA9LCSpxlSMtwR4bWBZxB-iZe_LK-WSP1BJTFMt4d1QFiGijJBfz w-1lPVS56Fwxb200yl4JEGbiiVUSyniWICTEgz6o34lAhCh_aUueiPr2Olot TSC1H7mIYIVKQYIJPRjihYO-Q18nOdoYY0gkDKgQufC2NIeipvlSEy-beQfA -eP1B8t4o3MhXnwQ1aIhvD72eFqz3KO_CJuGrrtKur5itMmD0BYTuDc9wqAN IlNl0qFtGC1yuHWLB-UVxGivfABQ4wExUeL-G6CN6PtEGIxS5OtAGu4Ywxli 59ejC7ki7DrnccA3h5-OL7f9kWVpjHJYBJpJuzGnjEeoo8qn9jEY9Zx2KvoL WHE0BarUJxiCbhGujDshOEP6xM2OMLS1bPiwhK_2ZXpneaaIuLkqCHMK5euu 9v73z4dB3CaSChOSIbjoCPQnByzOyqJc0Zlg1HUDg0IwUzIBFBiXINAHDauq fDQeHqqkqQP3K4e-mVx_bGnohDvqpYZnEZ3tkEgLj3AhWRWZUJRh7YnEhawl uNZs67eH-U8y68eVX_ZV5jnKhJ_KtQEl_gjKf-00ZSSJvdRhm25qe9DGUA2D qLV9abacv2rTcX19hazTzAAMDt-9VkGCs5DDKONAB52pnkqSHA979pi6v89y BlipcMvqe3V079KRvUmxfvxM5WcIr-DaLxSHNbP0F4LDXa5XMIrugZG0Ddw_ kMETtB_2K35t9ZSnym8dAO6gTR4Gfw7hZuq9TohuPpoCdpRWH4nvz5wPihm4 aIXY59cu1Kwo-kEoEJPy7lsX2uib19kdGECXWRc7K3YzhpsVo7x-QfOCR41c LhPuW0AvOx9t3FcG6Q3ByTAVT6pkzWLupwoDFOwPjyVSW9FxGXAnzo-qTmrM tASssoF9CjTiIwAxtMcnY4VqOkG4qw-3LO1lgdCU8O4Q71HgNnm2D1Emsz4e MDDtVjhvM0si0HcX3elHH4agemqP7ox_VENWyt2vdEMcstrCKF4PD1pyWGgS InV6vxrZlZL3NkSIjhCAZzTkd7qwR6D9r39-2E7O42OoGoQHjWsxmOSNkvyb 11QUgaon6mD5HsxJp92hqOCkkW45V-ObA5vXHnFdYNzoLsjPi7B3-LXlM3HJ VJ6ey8Uh2Ng0TJe06ps2xYIUI-PYYGqH_93Rby5uMtermTh8bGEC7Djm5GEX 6hSauZWmGnwurmR2Ta_ViAx85qvDZtCAPJrCkzYgtY8wmncO1LUGGgxRZt72 aBc5fdVR3qFAr5Pmk3brSKmpGIHfkXy-LCOs9cHISK1w-yA9ijahGHmStXE5 t_90tSh0FcVFQRibSSEa6xxB-wvLZMmc2ol5CAhr4Z8f4mwuDATziToRm70l h4BN2LsKSvr4lFMXjxNZ3jvviOcmUxXL12GpNnayr32EtWAoXWaZpRaOdymR ediE31OUvE_d1Nmj427XhhmBfq2Bu_YN1n8obFrH7bVGuLC-tUlYg2YGOPBT OzjCbjHvXXmahUSd2U-Bz2UiVz2762Ra_0SBq-weq17WoENARzjyksfJY6jD qZ2N14KkmbkpkD8EIz8Af5TUqWL11pWF_mh90u3NWAQTfQQ_qZ834Z7294wr ldGgrBRsq1nhzl5xs2dyJKiZ6OfeOTTCbLYYPky-fEb0u4WPcFwle9YWik-r uNZWvN1S_2xkrwfvacAy0hGZm-5Y7bbnsWnZ2mn6jtjQhD5aI6vFnyHvwNr4 VZQa5mHpE4R1D17eKViR3xQCW94kq4Vm6Wi9aKywmjl9uLrHr_fC9GHGqooi A9xobhL3UY0R1aFSnaBfDlXxgcNn8vt1EbgSl43tMaw10yYpCdUUq_1c20mW seg62gV-CT2CshUXt7b5lIP1OC-8nE-00kZ3AKH3x6C7ZFClC0gHPlJRVwfi t-WbZseVbOT7LaG8Hop3rXsqav8P1BEFdCcAQ6-GuwfLO4fx9S8qEbfmAsWr zrWPTiHBsfYOQpitAXqENxhdMbdMLHkkFemaofxcCTdglCoQ9cQnIQ6zWg2M qomemPubFdEacpdHyH0SHpBh-S2lzX2yQoJvZ-PfN8A6mzcrY1PkArBhoSrH cdEZ5qrKw82RTdVVfN2WAeuPQIVtp3-KZt_Mrdgrrk4ddEnLMoDgYRtqTi4W OJUL2QxMZte6yNwuAlFY_FchKs5s50NziKS_bVdZ-A0ntDEsIyX7KrFoX-tJ P5VBrEkeUfhBsc18VXjvZWBGIjpfv05nPFFdWi8AUwT2uonC35iycfWE8QOv DOcKtJWZdjH0IJ3cTr6uYQWzuMomHgJBYcPADnRlQe6l1Zau8bCFLobRLftz feUpSFTtWibKDt0wGiHbHIqiQXiveVCcSaIGub5pvvcJMZ9XJd6UEGSJGgsN 8BreAMINEs-EL3Ok1ghExoBy5Js0A7RMx3hmco6DWoYBDNP6R2L3h97cu2PA 6MVbch-aRvwfskf5L7Ma2YWXgx40LcjU5w4wxAQSSNTQDlOgT3070DqE6q0f eTIr8OfidSPR41IB2URbHxl3vwqXVpGtmiDG1dmzKJf_PKsPnl4xYedChEHZ KiJMLkkOtum_c91w1gYLNgdlYcZACFwFEOdB5pgGs3Kn_15ca-uaHSWXpWxn mSUzYDS-zeWN-xwx6zAd76B_elNFW7sRqxIYAvpC3RUSRIguuQXG6VSAcGCg OV4jSZz-6Pd83F3AtfpA50E2vKkjADDe9XfclglEA7R7djg2uM_p-mMcnu2c A72QdbsRdnU-aIA_vfXd_J30x36yfPYBkLkxz4xgeRNuxmIWpgNVg1PfJ0Jn 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cMTALeZBRhwMPluAOnLVXlaMEP9MYhNSxeVGwPeR-Wme5Cr9cuiBlmi4ZFZI 0FZVVt-hi8z09rUEFuc6Pgl0pVxR555tHrs4IZmXa1mL0eTqDKpBEk736OAF Th6ZNxiLS4mNvxrS9SXholYS0rkXirLSU1Yd9WAL4fg1PrPDPAvSLQ553hYh SqIFccCJ8Qiflny95qa93ELb2MF1W54teLXNn1W4MVjNjG3pNPt8Ogpxo69f HbRBaDokQS7EulHeTxzK1WiTUaJDR2fgwYgW4oKygzyjt-p19sEIAmSXlGrf QidFyPa-g0z7MCJI2Z0UwMHQSbAKdcn1maPRQCZUI1mR8ayMiai2wkLY4gGt g6bdHVopVxHmTTjlHw9OpzCR5ils-2upU4PH6LFY2dvXuCJv8OoOnJoSD1xC yMReT7u2bNoLnYvkP93IA5WgX7v0jY2cXJLFUHe6gW_nyXEHy9RjeUkxSmKe pAhsoQEYHhIqU-xkjVqrduMwBPc6bw6lQMwyI5Ri0yBXXVS0xp7x0nTmNf6G 5aWO1RtYGLQ_CmzntUUDe62eL5cDBYRmIPA1fwx6nXLGThihLu3CTGRGeV-e y0glPTR-fdjRhHQQDGzvDS1aKLbuNlFkHheP260qBeStxKOP07-24sP50w85 6_ZNzNg2yLNIP47bzYeiO6io1ouHNC7qQCK2TeDGtr8n0ZIzxp07IQF8VWxo iJlPqzCXwqGQOPgdtI9q_iZOm9rE0vVV4og5iAPsH3Kr55kb1jUrRwYEdFHl FEOLAB6Sf8RduO1q2jIO0lbNKPb8quQ4y1-7TRqzL_MMz1NniDnmTXQE_5vV rpXdS4hghYuqemSRL-OlPKq02ZEa9SNtPtqkk-13FziXc5laeil61dI6QY8Z 1iR5DEgBB4IctEUWeu5U-QJCZ8qfgdj2bTkvgvgSgPc1f_CWgJJ3iSZGNXbi CmiYyjIqteifaf6NWqU0I7b-XyC6PV4LkOhR8YEr9VDbAVe40Z_tJUtizPeU TsboM7fHeycqEU3t_B6Bi5c7M5m2iboM6ZVwflaL5e3xxTMYH3Jtm5WG82bB E9f8irk65h75GidiYEkUYLBiVFnkbVK1_iWvVz360LGBZ9elYqZI_4kId3zf AUlcfn2F-4ppNpGQfB6b73PfUp2FkwJD6li869TAw85FoVI1j6ZIhm3Mzq1F _2vKptcqttLSbyNnssxGYT1wnSQ_4o_Yjvi4l2_Mu_37fCAj6dImC2gFMrfS 6nxXb8tE1YkvO6KFhHlnLLTaEh9ds19bctboMMGlam0kGKIQZHBc_sr9xj0c CCVOKEKWZ3HbQoK__V1NoV7rhFYvqwGtwrssBycvMwYEM6iqmDYkTGAtopYn 8ofhKGqGb0KBn9fKOtJkszaDKqOB7YHHYhYJ-XD_zEU9-Hrarj-tANHpieGi aWP09VeqCJK0WzaApaxFARztqO0VFSNEXLNoe1YOOHwgaGWMVpaMXZtGznqB CAA_DagH9eAW20z7_YACXgzrCSu9W5ypMddiqMHRYkknFhTWbXxzJpTMeaD_ 556xSwEbJzOxTjrrZpYZy9aSogYtYCzslsphiLBxLQieeJRemfmsuSUnjDHx cGSTeAKkhCTEuLopfxDGA_3HbgGBAHa-4fm6_5RKpGtPitEY_8BSkJCJWWIn PnZF0kj5lTj8NN3n3V4C8QjtPCN9ch3Bw7DA-0i-L-LUC2DBmMvrWXkIqOVe Hn5CaPurbkdqe54YqrZ1JW-AjgABG3M_vZK-sx5DUuOCdadyC0krBd9eTEz3 gJlsCuse1vUHkj_srxAUqRqdJRk0JXYHX9dFpfF1tRXMcSNF57Vy4ffKuKsH T6RnXglJ3Uv1n1HUvzlhpWuLgys1BjORFYS-A_jFoNtOeOyot0CKVj3Hg8hW tm3ykwAB1G-Vig_i9pNk3KN_W4ZWpbBaV8sCWnsHd8DJ_d3CJQ4G6NylBD0m F4yuboVli2Zt5doqfY3WVZfqe0_neK_P5NQwn60p6deGpPqT16V3HXUlY2ri QuXMep7azmPqlHp1kE_FwVRO3CCw_LeqPxWaElBbbzDah0TMyXl6Vsat-HLi E0fHJIZ4YNhki1w32paYaFod2zQeMeo-pb_eaQqldkKD2aElv3a1ZrqSnV0m 4np01ey0wHPd6rcmF81xbE85UzWENKfaC4nIirmV02SER40JjATq9AAy7xY_ yozB6x4B-IBdeRoDw3UGWsbD7SFG__kYXNrjHYEYJnxKlrduoKLwCIDSPUJy NpbJaaSnzoWvjKyXlX4ukgIKeBSzf6qecu3tRVEX25sgwVsPOGLdAARLRDLO 7Y5zD97rd94dbfWE8gTm0-weep7BszX1lXlXajXzAR1m3i4bOpuCqsFYgEaC HBW2sp_HEhQeLiWjf77yHL2yR8XFfb_oVPaheXnTmztlmqQmU3inI0G3kU8E 1TkiMkBR6WzX3nkLRwX3QMW_6qqkMDuoMo10I7ovSGzSgOXv-cO6AUcv9Q9Q bigNBukzPhSm3b8-EiH4REXWLtaJOm_DYtjuTJtWz1ElyPhF-sOoQgCBn2jG qxR8Xhowu8k7H1XRHBKs2QYJha5pqyoxxg==
Tuesday, November 16
In class
So I;m in class and i don't have any work to get done So i figured I might just post a quick little blog while I can so that can save time for when I get home . then I can use that extra time to rather watch Oushing daiseis or work on my nano wrimo story. Whioch if you ask me I am NOT far enough ahead. threee to five days ahead of the game is not far ahead enough I wanna be ahead of it by a full week . But thats n ot going to happen becauser if it were that means that I would have to do 17000 more words by the ensd of the week. Which we all know is not going to happen . ever.
So for now I will stick with just typing whatever comes to min.
OMFG. So I'm a littel frustrated because I get to see DH but kiraten is making us leave at at like 3:08 and rush down the hallways and go extra fast and not even stop at our lockers to get to the movie theartre so we can get some good. seats. Well there will probably be enopugh seats because its not like that the first showing. the first showing is thursday at midnight to Fri morning. Which it DOES suck that I can;t goo to that. But at least i can go. I just wont seem like I have a TRUe harry potter obessesion.
So at the Half way mark for NAnao wrimo I had 30, 854 wqords. Now i wrote that on the back of my hand ina celebratory fashion. Mistake. Because now I have people always asking me why I have a numb=er on the back of my hand or someone will grab my hand andd say" Girl whis number you got?" then throw my hand back at me when they realize its not a ohone number. I would not let some random duyd e EVEr write their phone number on my hand in semi hard to washoff takes like 5 shpowers for it to be ompletelty gone ink. No. Just. NO.
So this cl;ass is extremely borimng so I hope not to bore ou with this post that could in tyurn be incredibly boring. So I will ramble on about th is frawqing boring class. Im sitting next to Brianna who I cal brinahnah. which i think maybe bugs her just a little way down deep inside wher eit could really get to ther. Oh yeah and I owe isis like 4 dollars cause she payed off my lunch debt so I didn t have to sit on the stage of doom.
I just decided that I ont think that I am going to edit this post. I believe I will just leave it in whartever scrambled up , wierd, awkwaerd condiotion int may be in right as I type it. Which wouild be extremel messy because I am only looking at my fingers and not looking at the keys
Back to where I was so Brianna is next to me as is Harley. and cameron is being as loud as usua ( which in case you dont know how lous that is its like a 2.5 on our Pattengill scale( if you don't know our pattengill scale then lets just say its an "outside" voice minus two)) we have a sub. I laugh at this sub and her feeble attemmps to make us be quiey aan follow the riules. The only quiey peopl. PUASE brianna wants to know an answer. .....................
where was I , oh yes. I am sort of writin g this like a marrative. imaginning A deep voicvec, or my own doing an overvoice as I write there words that you are reading right NOW!
So rthats not the pint? oh yesh. I laugh at this sub. Who has done like nothing all hour but tell us that she cannot opoen the filing cabinet that jhold all of our headphones therfore we cannot listen to music unleesss aswee have out heaphones eith us right now. Like if they are in our pocket. she is very annoying though
You know what IO love I love how the teachers cannot tell me not to get on my blog. It is a completely legitimate sitre. There is a rating ( down at the botton ) that perfectly states that this i s a G rated ssite. I also have a Cusso meter to show rthat I do not swear on this blog and there fore I cannot be accused of such actions. Also I think I just migh write up a little disclaimer that says that there is no innapropraitrwe conent and is suitable for anyone really , that there is no religious views expressed ion this site. also there are no chat boxes or suvh so that they cannot claim that this is a relative social site . HAHAHAHAHAHA suckers
not to mentio they didnt block it
HAHAHA so not editing this
So for now I will stick with just typing whatever comes to min.
OMFG. So I'm a littel frustrated because I get to see DH but kiraten is making us leave at at like 3:08 and rush down the hallways and go extra fast and not even stop at our lockers to get to the movie theartre so we can get some good. seats. Well there will probably be enopugh seats because its not like that the first showing. the first showing is thursday at midnight to Fri morning. Which it DOES suck that I can;t goo to that. But at least i can go. I just wont seem like I have a TRUe harry potter obessesion.
So at the Half way mark for NAnao wrimo I had 30, 854 wqords. Now i wrote that on the back of my hand ina celebratory fashion. Mistake. Because now I have people always asking me why I have a numb=er on the back of my hand or someone will grab my hand andd say" Girl whis number you got?" then throw my hand back at me when they realize its not a ohone number. I would not let some random duyd e EVEr write their phone number on my hand in semi hard to washoff takes like 5 shpowers for it to be ompletelty gone ink. No. Just. NO.
So this cl;ass is extremely borimng so I hope not to bore ou with this post that could in tyurn be incredibly boring. So I will ramble on about th is frawqing boring class. Im sitting next to Brianna who I cal brinahnah. which i think maybe bugs her just a little way down deep inside wher eit could really get to ther. Oh yeah and I owe isis like 4 dollars cause she payed off my lunch debt so I didn t have to sit on the stage of doom.
I just decided that I ont think that I am going to edit this post. I believe I will just leave it in whartever scrambled up , wierd, awkwaerd condiotion int may be in right as I type it. Which wouild be extremel messy because I am only looking at my fingers and not looking at the keys
Back to where I was so Brianna is next to me as is Harley. and cameron is being as loud as usua ( which in case you dont know how lous that is its like a 2.5 on our Pattengill scale( if you don't know our pattengill scale then lets just say its an "outside" voice minus two)) we have a sub. I laugh at this sub and her feeble attemmps to make us be quiey aan follow the riules. The only quiey peopl. PUASE brianna wants to know an answer. .....................
where was I , oh yes. I am sort of writin g this like a marrative. imaginning A deep voicvec, or my own doing an overvoice as I write there words that you are reading right NOW!
So rthats not the pint? oh yesh. I laugh at this sub. Who has done like nothing all hour but tell us that she cannot opoen the filing cabinet that jhold all of our headphones therfore we cannot listen to music unleesss aswee have out heaphones eith us right now. Like if they are in our pocket. she is very annoying though
You know what IO love I love how the teachers cannot tell me not to get on my blog. It is a completely legitimate sitre. There is a rating ( down at the botton ) that perfectly states that this i s a G rated ssite. I also have a Cusso meter to show rthat I do not swear on this blog and there fore I cannot be accused of such actions. Also I think I just migh write up a little disclaimer that says that there is no innapropraitrwe conent and is suitable for anyone really , that there is no religious views expressed ion this site. also there are no chat boxes or suvh so that they cannot claim that this is a relative social site . HAHAHAHAHAHA suckers
not to mentio they didnt block it
HAHAHA so not editing this
Sunday, November 14
I just realizd how much I use my fingers. I use my fingers all the time and now I'm a lot better at the hand gamer mercy now than I was a year ago seriously here are all the time I use my fingers
- when Im typing which I do a lot of. ( and Im getting really fast at.)
- when I play my instrument ( clarinet)
- when I'm cubing
- When i'm playing video games
- even when i'm sitting still im constantly moving my finger playing little hand games or stretching them .
- and now If i get the keyboard i want for christmas I'll use my finger even more
- when I practice Guitar (, which is not coming too far I've practice maybe for times in the last six months . Not really somehting Im big oin and its out of tune.
Also Delaney watch this video
and when you get really good at cubing we have to race : )
Gay and Stupid = not synonyms
I am so TIRED of this. Gay it IS an adjective. but the word gay does not mean stupid, retarded, dumb. Gay means to like someone of the same gender. take for example someone draws a picture and then someone (tony) comes along and says " thats so Gay" 1 the picture isn't living and can't have a sexuality and 2 doesn't have a gender. And lets just say for 1 second that it does, why say that as if it is a bad thing. Its not its just the same as being heterosexual. also stop calling people homo.
You may not realize it but using the word gay in that way is hate speech, its mean, rude, annoying, and just hands down discriminating.
and if you read this post and decide that you are still going to use the word gay like that that just make you a totoal @$$h0!3
have a nice day : )
You may not realize it but using the word gay in that way is hate speech, its mean, rude, annoying, and just hands down discriminating.
and if you read this post and decide that you are still going to use the word gay like that that just make you a totoal @$$h0!3
have a nice day : )
Saturday, November 13
Talent show Bidnazz
So yeah It was SO HOT up on that stage. every time the temperature surprises me. But it was s klot of fun to do it anyways. in the third one I didn't wear my hoodie it was that hot. also one side of it kept on slipping off of my shoulder. EUGGHHHH. the third one was the best one out of all them I think only because everyone had already seen the first one ; ) the people behind Delaney's mother didn't seem to appreciate us ver much. I thought that was ver rude.
So I must say right now that at the last talent show people clapped during like EVERY song! I was all SHUT UP! STOP CLAPPING YOU CANNOT CLAP TO THIS SONG! and of course this year everybody did it to every song and i complained every time. even with Mr.J's depressing song people started to snap.then finally on like the last song. Which was a slow song the audience started to clap and then the other half of the audience was a big chorus of " nooooooooo." Hahahahahahahahahaha it was SO FREAKING FUNNY ! I laughed my butt off. and still am.
So when we went out after the third duck song was over. Delaney , Alexis and I all had to hold hands. then bow. But Delaney and I had set up this thing that Mrs. Burpee said not to do but we both decided we were going to do anyways because it was freaking funny. where when we were supposed to hold hands to bow. the duck would go to grab my hand and I would step away reluctant to take the duck's hand then finally I took her hand, I'm pretty sure people laughed at that . And I don't mean to boast but We got more applause then , when we bowed, than any other act.
But like Delaney I am still saddened T__T
~ Hannah
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Ralph Waldo Emerson
So I must say right now that at the last talent show people clapped during like EVERY song! I was all SHUT UP! STOP CLAPPING YOU CANNOT CLAP TO THIS SONG! and of course this year everybody did it to every song and i complained every time. even with Mr.J's depressing song people started to snap.then finally on like the last song. Which was a slow song the audience started to clap and then the other half of the audience was a big chorus of " nooooooooo." Hahahahahahahahahaha it was SO FREAKING FUNNY ! I laughed my butt off. and still am.
So when we went out after the third duck song was over. Delaney , Alexis and I all had to hold hands. then bow. But Delaney and I had set up this thing that Mrs. Burpee said not to do but we both decided we were going to do anyways because it was freaking funny. where when we were supposed to hold hands to bow. the duck would go to grab my hand and I would step away reluctant to take the duck's hand then finally I took her hand, I'm pretty sure people laughed at that . And I don't mean to boast but We got more applause then , when we bowed, than any other act.
But like Delaney I am still saddened T__T
~ Hannah
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Friday, November 12
Re: *Sniffle, sniffle* It's . . . . .over. :-(
Read her post first ! "
Its not over. sure we have done them for the last time and never again will we ever skit out the duck song. Never again will you be hit by a cup off of my lemonade stand. I will never again pretend to want to kill you and never again will you purposely trip in an extremely animated way and go sprawling out on the floor with a quack. I know Alexis will never fully understand the weight of this for she has not fallen in love with the duck song in the same way we have over the years. to her it is but another little bump in the road, but its not over. Forever will we live on in the memories of our friend's and an entire auditorium of stranger's memories as the lemonade stand man and the Duck. In much the same way we will not forget, this memory will never fade from our minds.we will always be the lemonade stand man and the Duck . the duck song is our theme song Delaney it's true. No matter how much we tell ourselves its haven't met you yet by Michael Buble. You and me man, thats our theme song, don't try and deny it. The duck song is a part of myself I am not willing to let go.I wish to remain the lemonade stand man with anger management problems, for if I were to let go of this chunk of me I think I would get lost in the vastness of the ubiquitous hole in myself. I would no longer be the local lemonade stand man I would just be another stranger you try not to bump into in to the hallway, or the girl that wears her keys on her belt-loop. Just just possibly if we remember, if we hold fast to the memories created on that anti-lacquer stage, maybe, just maybe we can remain the Duck and the Lemonade Stand Man.
So from here on out every time you see that squiggle , in front of my signature. That squiggle mark that says this post has come to an end. when you see that squiggle- think of us, on stage. Once Again Being the Duck and the Lemonade stand Man at our best. Because that squiggle signifies more than the closing.It signifies an excellent ending to every story. Forget going out with a flicker we will go out with a bang. and after that bang will be an everlasting shine. So every time you see my Squiggle, remember.
~Your Local Lemonade Stand Man
Don't forget to hate the duck
Its not over. sure we have done them for the last time and never again will we ever skit out the duck song. Never again will you be hit by a cup off of my lemonade stand. I will never again pretend to want to kill you and never again will you purposely trip in an extremely animated way and go sprawling out on the floor with a quack. I know Alexis will never fully understand the weight of this for she has not fallen in love with the duck song in the same way we have over the years. to her it is but another little bump in the road, but its not over. Forever will we live on in the memories of our friend's and an entire auditorium of stranger's memories as the lemonade stand man and the Duck. In much the same way we will not forget, this memory will never fade from our minds.we will always be the lemonade stand man and the Duck . the duck song is our theme song Delaney it's true. No matter how much we tell ourselves its haven't met you yet by Michael Buble. You and me man, thats our theme song, don't try and deny it. The duck song is a part of myself I am not willing to let go.I wish to remain the lemonade stand man with anger management problems, for if I were to let go of this chunk of me I think I would get lost in the vastness of the ubiquitous hole in myself. I would no longer be the local lemonade stand man I would just be another stranger you try not to bump into in to the hallway, or the girl that wears her keys on her belt-loop. Just just possibly if we remember, if we hold fast to the memories created on that anti-lacquer stage, maybe, just maybe we can remain the Duck and the Lemonade Stand Man.
So from here on out every time you see that squiggle , in front of my signature. That squiggle mark that says this post has come to an end. when you see that squiggle- think of us, on stage. Once Again Being the Duck and the Lemonade stand Man at our best. Because that squiggle signifies more than the closing.It signifies an excellent ending to every story. Forget going out with a flicker we will go out with a bang. and after that bang will be an everlasting shine. So every time you see my Squiggle, remember.
~Your Local Lemonade Stand Man
Don't forget to hate the duck
Nano Wrimo
25,001 words so far 

REALLY!?! just had to be that one more word REALLY! I didn't plan this # out but i was really hoping to get exactly 25000 but NO! that one stupid word just had to go and BE THERE! stupid word too "anything".
41 pages on 12 font
but im writing in 8 so I have 20 pages
Nanowrimo is going great what is that you say you want an excerpt well here goes an all fixed one : )
“ I snuck these in” She pulled them out “ Who wants to play laser tag
She tossed one to each of us and ran “ Jakub is it” Jacob got me right in the eywes, I flashed him back while running away. Before he could get me I ducked behind a cutout of elvis. I heard foot steps and saw mike coming up he ducked behind the cutout with me.
“ Who is it?” He stood up Flashed me and ducked behind a different display. I tried to find zoey Buut she was nowhere to be seen. I saw Jakub out of the sorner of my eye. I flashed him and gt him in the stomach. He quick turned and flashed one of th mannequin’s only it wasn’t a mannewuin it was zoey, posed as one. Shew as wearing a coat that probably belonged to someone famous. She pulled a tiny cmarea , about the sixe , of a tic tac big pack. And took a picture of herself. Slid the coat off, Flashed me oput it back on a different mannequin and ran. Mike ran past me faster than I could tell it was him but he ended up tripping over Jakub and they b oth fell into a pile. I flashed Jakub in the fac and ran . It was a few minute before anyone found m huddled up in the corner of a dark area. Zoey Got me in the leg and ran . I could just make out someone standing kitty coprner form Me I flashed them saw for a moment tht It wasn’t Mike , Jakub or Zoety, then ran. I Found Zoey told I flashed someone by accident Then flashed her and ran off. The look on her face before I started to run was hysterical. I just glanced back over my shoulder for a second and she flashed me in the fac then ducked just in time for my flash to miss her and hit a running Jakub behind her. He pretended it hit him in the hear and had an over exaggerated fall to his death I laughed the he quick sat up and shot me I fell to my death and he was blwing the smoke of his laser pointer I got hi min the foot. He tried to eget me back but I ducked looked ant him, where it hit the wall, back at him then ran. I took off headed for the costumes again when Zoey popped out of nowhere and got me.I shined her back then without turning mine off she shined me. SO we made a deal we were going to shuffle not taking our beams off one another till we found someinte else and then we would both shoot him. Mike didn’t seem to be to happy about this partnership. Zoey ducked in time but I didn’t. I was it. I spun around in a circle with my light on seeing who I might catch when I heard a little girl say “ look mommy a light show, someones doing a light show in the basement. Lets golook”
From there we had to stop, because had nother two minutes gone by chances are we would’ve enen caught and then thrown out. Which Is no fun at all so we found a different way yo get thrown out. Zoey pulled out her ipod and snuck into the control room. Luckily there was nobody inthere sonce al lthe guards were looking for the three kids with the laser piointers. It was just too easy She downloaded six songs onto the computer, Dowloaded about forty different viruses and put all the speakers on high then hit play. And ran. There was no need to get thrown out ew ran for it. This was going to be legendary. The kids who blasted Hannah Montana, country, and taylor swift at the rock and roll mueseum and hall of fame.
Sorry about how bad it is grammar and spelling wise I didn't edit it : ) Im SO LAZY! GO LAZY PEOPLE!
~ Hannah
"maybe our favorite quotes say more about us than the people or the stories we're quoting" John Green
REALLY!?! just had to be that one more word REALLY! I didn't plan this # out but i was really hoping to get exactly 25000 but NO! that one stupid word just had to go and BE THERE! stupid word too "anything".
41 pages on 12 font
but im writing in 8 so I have 20 pages
Nanowrimo is going great what is that you say you want an excerpt well here goes an all fixed one : )
“ I snuck these in” She pulled them out “ Who wants to play laser tag
She tossed one to each of us and ran “ Jakub is it” Jacob got me right in the eywes, I flashed him back while running away. Before he could get me I ducked behind a cutout of elvis. I heard foot steps and saw mike coming up he ducked behind the cutout with me.
“ Who is it?” He stood up Flashed me and ducked behind a different display. I tried to find zoey Buut she was nowhere to be seen. I saw Jakub out of the sorner of my eye. I flashed him and gt him in the stomach. He quick turned and flashed one of th mannequin’s only it wasn’t a mannewuin it was zoey, posed as one. Shew as wearing a coat that probably belonged to someone famous. She pulled a tiny cmarea , about the sixe , of a tic tac big pack. And took a picture of herself. Slid the coat off, Flashed me oput it back on a different mannequin and ran. Mike ran past me faster than I could tell it was him but he ended up tripping over Jakub and they b oth fell into a pile. I flashed Jakub in the fac and ran . It was a few minute before anyone found m huddled up in the corner of a dark area. Zoey Got me in the leg and ran . I could just make out someone standing kitty coprner form Me I flashed them saw for a moment tht It wasn’t Mike , Jakub or Zoety, then ran. I Found Zoey told I flashed someone by accident Then flashed her and ran off. The look on her face before I started to run was hysterical. I just glanced back over my shoulder for a second and she flashed me in the fac then ducked just in time for my flash to miss her and hit a running Jakub behind her. He pretended it hit him in the hear and had an over exaggerated fall to his death I laughed the he quick sat up and shot me I fell to my death and he was blwing the smoke of his laser pointer I got hi min the foot. He tried to eget me back but I ducked looked ant him, where it hit the wall, back at him then ran. I took off headed for the costumes again when Zoey popped out of nowhere and got me.I shined her back then without turning mine off she shined me. SO we made a deal we were going to shuffle not taking our beams off one another till we found someinte else and then we would both shoot him. Mike didn’t seem to be to happy about this partnership. Zoey ducked in time but I didn’t. I was it. I spun around in a circle with my light on seeing who I might catch when I heard a little girl say “ look mommy a light show, someones doing a light show in the basement. Lets golook”
From there we had to stop, because had nother two minutes gone by chances are we would’ve enen caught and then thrown out. Which Is no fun at all so we found a different way yo get thrown out. Zoey pulled out her ipod and snuck into the control room. Luckily there was nobody inthere sonce al lthe guards were looking for the three kids with the laser piointers. It was just too easy She downloaded six songs onto the computer, Dowloaded about forty different viruses and put all the speakers on high then hit play. And ran. There was no need to get thrown out ew ran for it. This was going to be legendary. The kids who blasted Hannah Montana, country, and taylor swift at the rock and roll mueseum and hall of fame.
Sorry about how bad it is grammar and spelling wise I didn't edit it : ) Im SO LAZY! GO LAZY PEOPLE!
~ Hannah
"maybe our favorite quotes say more about us than the people or the stories we're quoting" John Green
Half way top talented
So the talent show as today and i know I proabbly didn't even mention it until like, now but ehatever.
So Delaney and I did the Duck Sogn one for the openeing act. we gto just as mncuh laughter as last year. when we got out there It was really hot on stage and I was wearing a zippy hoodie UGH Im done. I was dressed in my dads pants ( or at least i hope they were my dads) my brother;s shoes, A rice Krispies shirt and my cool gray hat. Before they even announced us we had to take this heavy table out onto the stage. It was heavy. I mean no tble should weigh that much,. It needs to put DOWN THE DOUGHNUTS! anyways It was so much fun up on stage. Mist people would get nvous butI've been put in the spotlight so many times it doesnt even mater now. So we did it then I went out to the audience to watch while Alexis and Delaney did theirs . then Next was Mr. Johnson. His song was depressing! It was called Bring him home it was about veterans and their families and stuff. He made this one girl CRY! that big MEANIE! then there was the JOCKERS. they completely went and jocked us with their duckyness. Which was crap cause their suck was just some dumb blonde chick with a yellow boa wearing a Semi-Yellow shirt, (uit wasorange) UGH it was especially stupid becaue theydidn't wait till the laughter died down enoughto say " so doctor tell me about these mysterious duck dreams you've been having" EUGHGHGHGHGHGGHGH more tomorrow on the talent show i gotta do my nano Wrimo mnow!
So Delaney and I did the Duck Sogn one for the openeing act. we gto just as mncuh laughter as last year. when we got out there It was really hot on stage and I was wearing a zippy hoodie UGH Im done. I was dressed in my dads pants ( or at least i hope they were my dads) my brother;s shoes, A rice Krispies shirt and my cool gray hat. Before they even announced us we had to take this heavy table out onto the stage. It was heavy. I mean no tble should weigh that much,. It needs to put DOWN THE DOUGHNUTS! anyways It was so much fun up on stage. Mist people would get nvous butI've been put in the spotlight so many times it doesnt even mater now. So we did it then I went out to the audience to watch while Alexis and Delaney did theirs . then Next was Mr. Johnson. His song was depressing! It was called Bring him home it was about veterans and their families and stuff. He made this one girl CRY! that big MEANIE! then there was the JOCKERS. they completely went and jocked us with their duckyness. Which was crap cause their suck was just some dumb blonde chick with a yellow boa wearing a Semi-Yellow shirt, (uit wasorange) UGH it was especially stupid becaue theydidn't wait till the laughter died down enoughto say " so doctor tell me about these mysterious duck dreams you've been having" EUGHGHGHGHGHGGHGH more tomorrow on the talent show i gotta do my nano Wrimo mnow!
Wednesday, November 10
Nellie; I'm the Velociraptor
So Delaney came over today after our half day of school it was fun. Thats all im a liberty to say other than I showed her how to solve a Cube..again. then she FORGOT THE PAPERS! UUUUUEWBSDFGIHGVKBSDI ECK!
Oh and BTW im not a BOY! I do not really even look like one! I have short hair yeah well so does nellie and you don't see anyone calling her a boy ; ) and i DEFINITLY UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE WILL I EVER be DELANEY'S BOY ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. Sorry I am straight as a straight thing.
Oh and Nellie you are so morally crooked. I mean really you should be ashamed of yourself !
sorry abou the super short posts u guys but NanoWrimo ate my sould , Nuff said
DFTBE ( dont forget to be EPIC) * pokes self in eyesocket*
Oh and BTW im not a BOY! I do not really even look like one! I have short hair yeah well so does nellie and you don't see anyone calling her a boy ; ) and i DEFINITLY UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE WILL I EVER be DELANEY'S BOY ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. Sorry I am straight as a straight thing.
Oh and Nellie you are so morally crooked. I mean really you should be ashamed of yourself !
sorry abou the super short posts u guys but NanoWrimo ate my sould , Nuff said
DFTBE ( dont forget to be EPIC) * pokes self in eyesocket*
Monday, November 8
I got sent out : ) YAY!
SO we went into 4th hour and Isis was all ike het I got this really far you should solve the rest for me. I was like " okay but if I get it taken away I'm not getting it back for you" then i listened to the discussion we were having ( I was about 50% sure it was on 4th of july celebrations..maybe) And solving the cube. I was like barely looking at the cube for most of it. So I get to the point where I have to solve the corners of the last layer and then I'm done. SO I got it like all the way done and Im like about to dleclare that I have solved it. The cube was one simple turn to line up the sides. THen " Hannah , you can go play that outside" I thought right then " YUO HAVE GOT TO BE F***ING KIDDING ME ! " and As I stand up. I am tempted to say " Do actually want me to take it out with me because I mean I would be more than happy to" But I had like set the cube down on ma desk , in my head I slammed it, then walked out after about a minute I realized that I left the Cube inside.. Im a moron. SO I sat outside and all hour I was trying think up good if life gives you lemons for my if life gives you lemons page in my notebook.And then Mr.Erspamer comes down the eighth grade stairs. And hes all looking at me in disbelief " How come ur not inside " I got sent out" He shook his head. But we all knew I have always been a bad kid. : ) Im stilla favorite though. Then when he came back down the hall he was like " What for" I was like " fixing Isis Rubik's cube" then he sighed and kept on a walkin'. then Naomi was like "Hannah you got sent out " I said ~Yeah , "you got sent out wow". and all the time I was out there I could hear the class get really loud, then dead silence, then really loud, then teacher yelling, then kinda loud, then dead silence and it went lik that al l hour.then at 12:21 I went in cause that when we're supposed to be dismissed , but nobody was leavin'. So I meanderdover and poked my hesd in the doorI pointed me and then inside the classroom , cause it was all quiet and you dont wanna be the person to break the silence. And Mrs. Washburn nodded her head. So I cam in and satie down. We got realeased a minute and a half AFTER the bell for the next class had rung. she chewwed out the class, glasd I wasn't in there to wirtness it. I am sad that I missed seQuoia Getting written up for gum ( if you wanna set little guidelines as to what to worry about whe ur presenting somethign use this chick ! Shes so damn picky that It doesn't get and B**chier than her :) Arent I nice?.I went in m set my stuff down. And was like I really gotta pee can I go to the bathroom she was all wait just go inside real quick. Then she ( MAth teacher) came in and now we have assigned seat : O . she moved Delaney and i across the room from each other, then put Isis behind me, now what kinda logic is that\
Under the Lombardo Tree
So recently I have been drawing this robot guy. Last night I was tdrawing more robots when I was like HEY! SO I took my little CD and looked off of that and drew the "lombardo Tree" then I Worked on it for about an hour and forty five minutes
Originally this was a seperate picture to begin with with a robot under a regular tree and you could only see part of the tree. That was to show the contrast of something so hard and atificial vs. Something completely natural.
But of coutrse now this picture doesn't have the same meaning to it other than... I was bored. But I wouldn't use bored I would say more like inspired maybe... Uhh Yeah that'll work. Inspired. And thie funny thing is I was listening to MiLo as I was drawing this.TeHe He He I wonder if Delaney is actually reading thisor if saw lombardo in the title and walked over to a different website....Hi !
So yes i am proud of this piece of art I think it is rather ..EPIC! Yes three things I love all combined into one simple picture that I Like!
Words :18322
Sunday, November 7
While watching Doctor who
Wilfred: Godbless the cactuses
the Doctor : Its cacti
/Green thing that looks like cactus : Thats RACIST
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the doctor is kinda at the breaking oint i would sya. i mean uhhhh yeah... thats really the only way to put it
awwwwwwwwwwhy does wilfred really have to watch i die ! WHY DO I REALLY HAVE TO WATCH HIM DIE!
NO NO NO NO! now he just nochalantly gets out of the chamber that wasnt locked that was supposed to be full odf radiation WTF IS WRONG WIOTH YOU PEOPLE!
the one time he didn't slut back : (
NO! ur not allowed to go visiting rose in 2005 ITS AGAINST THE RUELS!
DAVID TENNANT'S LAST WORDS CANNOT BE " I Don't want to go " thats not RIGHT! >: ( Especially not sying that about to cry and then turning into matt smith! no that I have anything against him I mean I just like David more! UGHHHHH!
words : 18300
the Doctor : Its cacti
/Green thing that looks like cactus : Thats RACIST
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the doctor is kinda at the breaking oint i would sya. i mean uhhhh yeah... thats really the only way to put it
awwwwwwwwwwhy does wilfred really have to watch i die ! WHY DO I REALLY HAVE TO WATCH HIM DIE!
NO NO NO NO! now he just nochalantly gets out of the chamber that wasnt locked that was supposed to be full odf radiation WTF IS WRONG WIOTH YOU PEOPLE!
the one time he didn't slut back : (
NO! ur not allowed to go visiting rose in 2005 ITS AGAINST THE RUELS!
DAVID TENNANT'S LAST WORDS CANNOT BE " I Don't want to go " thats not RIGHT! >: ( Especially not sying that about to cry and then turning into matt smith! no that I have anything against him I mean I just like David more! UGHHHHH!
words : 18300
Big Red plates & Fun weekends
So this weekend has been a LOt of fub. By fun I mean I have done absolutely nothing but TV, computer, all that good stuff. So My mom went out to buy new plates the other day and now we have these big thick, ugly, chunky, wide, heavy, red, plates. I hate them. for one they are too heavy. For two you can only put 5 in the drainer aty once because they are too big. And you know what worse than the plates do ya do ya>??? Yeah we got the whole f-ing set. So we got big chunky heavy red bowls cups AND plates! what fun ( sarcasm) And I am watching tHe end of TIme parts 1 and 2 ( DW) cause I jusrt realized I never watched them before : ) Stupid me. How could i not realizr I didnt know how david tennant doies when hes the doctor he was onyl my favotirwe doctor, ever in the history of wishy washy time wimey stuff/ !
words: 17393
words: 17393
Wednesday, November 3
Big Fat Lying Lair Pants
so I had to go in and get my immunnizations today cause I cannot remember the last time I got a hot if i ever did get one....... So yeah I get in the car an we're driving and I'm all like how many shots do I need. My mother said to guess I said Uh 7 Jokingly Then I hopped around numbers. Then she was like not 7 but. "SIX?!?! " ! other way EIGHT! I need Eight shots holy cows! that sounds semi painful. So I get in there and turns out it WAS 7 but two of them I dont have to get until january. YES! so I had to get 5 shots and then the snuff...wowo that sounded bad REPHRASE
I had to get 5 shots and then the nasal vaccination for the flu.
SO I'm siiting in the chair and shes got all the needles and little tiny sized bottles all set out on the counter and Its all could do not to get up and just walk out. I mean I thought they were really gonna hurt because everyone at school is always. I got a shot yesterday and it hurts soooo much and now my arm is SOOOO sore. " ~ normally after they say that I poke them in the arm. ...cause Im mean like that. Well the nurse lady was like " You're not gonna hit right?" I was " Noo.... I dont think." then she walks over and the needle to the first one is like this long
________________________ ?!?! I was all thinking colt Shiiiiiiiiiiiii Takemushrooms she sgoing to insert that into my arm! So she was all wiping that cotton ball on my arm and then BAM...nothing. You people are such big fta LIARS shots do not hurt. You guys got me all worked up about THAT! and i had to get it FIVE TIMES and it only kinda hurt at all a little bit on one of them because she got it in my arm and (not purposely) twisted the needle while she clicked it shut or whatever you do when its injected. and it was the one that goes right into my muscle. So I winced a little bit. and before I got my shots while we were walking to the room she was all " I'll give you a sticker when you're done hows that sound" I WAS RIPPED OFF ! i didn't get a sticker. so my mom said that tomorrow she would go down ( cause she works there) and get me a sticker so I could put it on my binder all proud like. Which kinda made me feel like a small child but still. I want MY STICKER! you liars done lied to me You weakies!
DFTNLTYFAGSCTMYGJF ( dont forget to not lie to your friends about getting shots cause that make s you a giant jerk face)
I had to get 5 shots and then the nasal vaccination for the flu.
SO I'm siiting in the chair and shes got all the needles and little tiny sized bottles all set out on the counter and Its all could do not to get up and just walk out. I mean I thought they were really gonna hurt because everyone at school is always. I got a shot yesterday and it hurts soooo much and now my arm is SOOOO sore. " ~ normally after they say that I poke them in the arm. ...cause Im mean like that. Well the nurse lady was like " You're not gonna hit right?" I was " Noo.... I dont think." then she walks over and the needle to the first one is like this long
________________________ ?!?! I was all thinking colt Shiiiiiiiiiiiii Takemushrooms she sgoing to insert that into my arm! So she was all wiping that cotton ball on my arm and then BAM...nothing. You people are such big fta LIARS shots do not hurt. You guys got me all worked up about THAT! and i had to get it FIVE TIMES and it only kinda hurt at all a little bit on one of them because she got it in my arm and (not purposely) twisted the needle while she clicked it shut or whatever you do when its injected. and it was the one that goes right into my muscle. So I winced a little bit. and before I got my shots while we were walking to the room she was all " I'll give you a sticker when you're done hows that sound" I WAS RIPPED OFF ! i didn't get a sticker. so my mom said that tomorrow she would go down ( cause she works there) and get me a sticker so I could put it on my binder all proud like. Which kinda made me feel like a small child but still. I want MY STICKER! you liars done lied to me You weakies!
DFTNLTYFAGSCTMYGJF ( dont forget to not lie to your friends about getting shots cause that make s you a giant jerk face)
Characters & outlining stuffes
DO I make them up as i go along and just see what Iget....??????
Sometimes I do sometime I don't I mostly use the characters I had planned on but every now and again I'll get a character that shows. Sometimes that character is insignificant, sometimes the character puts a gaping whole in my story, sometimes the characters helps support a main idea, or maybe he/she becomes the main characters best friend and they run away to madagascar I normally have no idea, mostly because they just show up. I usually just stick to the characters I put in while I am roughing out the outline.
Well I sort of do my own thing for outline. First off I get an idea about what I want to happen in each chapter write that down then for about a page per chapter I do a few specifics. Possibly write down a few keys point to a conversation. Setting. And from there I sort of just keep going. When I sketch out whta I'm doing it makes it easier to sort of what the word...layer the story more. So I can add in all thiose little things that normally aren't really added until a different revision. that way I can have the subplot develop a lot more and concentrate less on the mainplot. \
..still a cheater
Sometimes I do sometime I don't I mostly use the characters I had planned on but every now and again I'll get a character that shows. Sometimes that character is insignificant, sometimes the character puts a gaping whole in my story, sometimes the characters helps support a main idea, or maybe he/she becomes the main characters best friend and they run away to madagascar I normally have no idea, mostly because they just show up. I usually just stick to the characters I put in while I am roughing out the outline.
Well I sort of do my own thing for outline. First off I get an idea about what I want to happen in each chapter write that down then for about a page per chapter I do a few specifics. Possibly write down a few keys point to a conversation. Setting. And from there I sort of just keep going. When I sketch out whta I'm doing it makes it easier to sort of what the word...layer the story more. So I can add in all thiose little things that normally aren't really added until a different revision. that way I can have the subplot develop a lot more and concentrate less on the mainplot. \
..still a cheater
Teachings of the cube
So Delaney says that she wants me to teach her how to solve a rubik's cube. So All during science ( after we did our work) Im trying to show her how to solve it and shes all
but how do i know when I do that,
which one do i use the top one or the bottom one
and all these questions thta I never had to ask abnd such. Maybe I suck at teaching people how to solve rubik's cubes and well she can solve the first 2 layers now with some occasional help and explanation. But she can't at all solve the top layer right now i dont think. But yeah it was really fun...and confusing. for me it was really easy and it took a little less than a week to remember all but 1 of the algorithms.
I think Algorithms is my new favorite word
BTW I'm in computers class right now ; )
~SINS<--- that stands for Secret Invisible Ninja Spy
but how do i know when I do that,
which one do i use the top one or the bottom one
and all these questions thta I never had to ask abnd such. Maybe I suck at teaching people how to solve rubik's cubes and well she can solve the first 2 layers now with some occasional help and explanation. But she can't at all solve the top layer right now i dont think. But yeah it was really fun...and confusing. for me it was really easy and it took a little less than a week to remember all but 1 of the algorithms.
I think Algorithms is my new favorite word
BTW I'm in computers class right now ; )
~SINS<--- that stands for Secret Invisible Ninja Spy
Monday, November 1
Double Negatives
So this is the beginning of my blog a day for the month of November. I'm starting it off easy. Double Negatives. You probably know what they are , how to fix them yada yada yada. Well double negatives... do you correct them. Most of the time I edit out any sort of double negatives that i accidentally put in there straighten them out and make it make sense. well let me tell you a little story
When I was little I used to say I'm not not not not not not not not not not not tired. <--there are 11 of those nots for those of you who did not count. that would confuse people most of the time. (confusing them normally long enough for me to slip a cookie) then I would say " that was 11 nots since 11 is odd that means that It is exactly the same as saying that I'm not tired *SMIRK* " then about at age 8 or 9 I learned about double negatives. (May I say hear that I've loved writing and books since I was about 5) And stopped saying not not or not not not or any double negatives for that matter. so whenever somebody would say something in the way of a double negative I would tell them that was wrong...even though they meant it to confuse me. I found that funny for some reason.......
So double negatives yes no fix em' who cares? your opinion. eh eh eh eh??
When I was little I used to say I'm not not not not not not not not not not not tired. <--there are 11 of those nots for those of you who did not count. that would confuse people most of the time. (confusing them normally long enough for me to slip a cookie) then I would say " that was 11 nots since 11 is odd that means that It is exactly the same as saying that I'm not tired *SMIRK* " then about at age 8 or 9 I learned about double negatives. (May I say hear that I've loved writing and books since I was about 5) And stopped saying not not or not not not or any double negatives for that matter. so whenever somebody would say something in the way of a double negative I would tell them that was wrong...even though they meant it to confuse me. I found that funny for some reason.......
So double negatives yes no fix em' who cares? your opinion. eh eh eh eh??
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