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Doctor Who

Saturday, November 13

Talent show Bidnazz

So yeah It was SO HOT up on that stage. every time the temperature surprises me. But it was s klot of fun to do it anyways. in the third one I didn't wear my hoodie it was that hot.  also one side of it kept on slipping off of my shoulder. EUGGHHHH. the third one was the best one out of all them I think only because everyone had already seen the first one ; ) the people behind Delaney's mother didn't seem to appreciate us ver much. I thought that was ver rude.

     So I must say right now that at the last talent show people clapped during like EVERY song! I was all SHUT UP! STOP CLAPPING YOU CANNOT CLAP TO THIS SONG! and of course this year everybody did it to every song and i complained every time. even  with Mr.J's  depressing song people started to snap.then finally on like the last song.  Which was a slow song  the audience started to clap and then the other half of the audience was a big chorus of  " nooooooooo."  Hahahahahahahahahaha it was SO FREAKING FUNNY !  I laughed my butt off. and still am.

So when we went out after the third duck song was over. Delaney , Alexis and I all had to hold hands. then bow. But Delaney and I had set up this thing that Mrs. Burpee said not to do but we both decided we were going to do anyways because it was freaking funny. where when we were supposed to hold hands to bow. the duck would go to grab my hand and I would step away reluctant to take the duck's hand  then finally I took her hand, I'm pretty sure people laughed at that . And I don't mean to boast but We got more applause then , when we bowed, than any other act.

But like Delaney I am still saddened T__T

~ Hannah
 "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Ralph Waldo Emerson

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