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Doctor Who

Friday, November 12

Re: *Sniffle, sniffle* It's . . . . .over. :-(

Read her post first ! "

Its not over. sure we have done them for the last time and never again will we ever skit out the duck song. Never again will you be hit by a cup off of my lemonade stand. I will never again pretend to want to kill you and never again will you purposely trip in an extremely animated way and go sprawling out on the floor with a quack. I know Alexis will never fully understand the weight of this for she has not fallen in love with the duck song in the same way we have over the years. to her it is but another little bump in the road, but its not over. Forever will we live on in the memories of our friend's and an entire auditorium of stranger's memories as the lemonade stand man and the Duck. In much the same way we will not forget, this memory will never fade from our minds.we will always be the lemonade stand man and the Duck . the duck song is our theme song Delaney it's true. No matter how much we tell ourselves its haven't met you yet by Michael Buble. You and me man, thats our theme song, don't try and deny it. The duck song is a  part of myself I am not willing to let go.I wish to remain the lemonade stand man with anger management problems, for if I were to let go of this chunk of me I think I would get lost in the vastness of the ubiquitous hole in myself. I would no longer be the local lemonade stand man I would just be another stranger you try not to bump into in to the hallway, or the girl that wears her keys on her belt-loop. Just just possibly if we remember, if we hold fast to the memories created on that anti-lacquer stage, maybe, just maybe we can remain the Duck and the Lemonade Stand Man.

So from here on out every time you see that squiggle , in front of my signature. That squiggle mark that says this post has come to an end. when you see that squiggle- think of us, on stage. Once Again Being the Duck and the Lemonade stand Man at our best. Because that squiggle signifies more than the closing.It signifies an  excellent ending to every story. Forget going out with a flicker we will go out with a bang. and after that bang will be an everlasting shine. So every time you see my Squiggle, remember.

~Your Local Lemonade Stand Man 
 Don't forget to hate the duck

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