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Doctor Who

Sunday, November 14


       I just realizd how much I use my fingers. I use  my fingers all the time and  now I'm a lot better at the hand gamer mercy now than I was a year ago seriously here are all the time I use my fingers

  • when Im typing which I do a lot of. ( and Im getting really fast at.) 
  • when I play my instrument ( clarinet) 
  • when I'm cubing
  • When i'm playing video games
  • even when i'm sitting still im constantly moving my finger playing little hand games or stretching them . 
  • and now If i get the keyboard i want for christmas I'll use my finger even more
  • when I practice Guitar (, which is not coming too far I've practice maybe for times in the last six months .  Not really somehting Im big oin and its out of tune. 

Also Delaney watch this video
and when you get really good at cubing we have to race : ) 

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