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Doctor Who

Friday, November 12

Half way top talented

    So the talent show as today and i know I proabbly didn't even mention it until like, now but ehatever.
So Delaney and I did the Duck Sogn one for the openeing act. we gto just as mncuh laughter as last year. when we got out there It was really hot on stage and I was wearing a zippy hoodie UGH Im done. I was dressed in my dads pants ( or at least i hope they were my dads) my brother;s shoes, A rice Krispies shirt and my cool gray hat. Before they even announced us we had to take this heavy table out onto the stage. It was heavy. I mean no tble should weigh that much,. It needs to put DOWN THE DOUGHNUTS! anyways It was so much fun up on stage. Mist people would get nvous butI've been put in the spotlight so many times it doesnt even mater now. So we did it then I went out to the audience to watch while Alexis and Delaney did theirs . then Next was Mr. Johnson. His song was depressing! It was called Bring him home it was about veterans and their families and stuff. He made this one girl CRY! that big MEANIE! then there was the JOCKERS. they completely went and jocked us with their duckyness. Which was crap cause their suck was just some dumb blonde chick with a yellow boa wearing a Semi-Yellow shirt, (uit wasorange) UGH it was especially stupid becaue theydidn't wait till the laughter died down enoughto say " so doctor tell me about these mysterious duck dreams you've been having" EUGHGHGHGHGHGGHGH more tomorrow on the talent show i gotta do my nano Wrimo mnow!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah. Thanks for the email. I'm really glad you like the duck songs, and thanks for sharing them with other people through your talent show last year and this year. (All three songs this year!).

    I'm glad you had fun.


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