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Tuesday, November 16

In class

So I;m in class and i don't have any work to get done So i figured I might just post a quick little blog while I can so that can save time for when I get home . then I can use that extra time to rather watch Oushing daiseis or work on my nano wrimo story. Whioch if you ask me I am NOT far enough ahead. threee to five days ahead of the game is not far ahead enough I wanna be ahead of it by a full week . But thats n ot going to happen becauser if it were that means that I would have to do 17000 more words by the ensd of the week. Which we all know is not going to happen . ever.
      So for now I will stick with just typing whatever comes to min.

OMFG. So I'm a littel frustrated because I get to see DH but kiraten is making us leave at at like 3:08 and rush down the hallways and go extra fast and not even stop at our lockers to get to the movie theartre so we can get some good. seats. Well there will probably be enopugh seats because its not like that the first showing. the first showing is thursday at midnight to Fri morning. Which it DOES suck that I can;t goo to that. But at least i can go. I just wont seem like I have a TRUe harry potter obessesion.
     So at the Half way mark for NAnao wrimo I had 30, 854 wqords. Now i wrote that on the back of my hand ina celebratory fashion. Mistake. Because now I have people always asking me why I have a numb=er on the back of my hand or someone will grab my hand andd say" Girl whis number you got?" then throw my hand back at me when they realize its not a ohone number. I would not let some random duyd e EVEr write their phone number on my hand in semi hard to washoff takes like 5 shpowers for it to be ompletelty gone ink. No. Just. NO.

So this cl;ass is extremely borimng so I hope not to bore ou with this post that could in tyurn be incredibly boring. So I will ramble on about th is frawqing boring class. Im sitting next to Brianna who I cal brinahnah. which i think maybe bugs her just a  little way down deep inside wher eit could really get to ther. Oh yeah and I owe isis like 4 dollars cause she payed off my lunch debt so I didn t have to sit on the stage of doom.

     I just decided that I ont think that I am going to edit this post. I believe I will just leave it in whartever scrambled up , wierd, awkwaerd condiotion int may be in right as I type it. Which wouild be extremel messy because I am only looking at my fingers and not looking at the keys

      Back to where I was so Brianna is next to me as is Harley. and cameron is being as loud as usua ( which in case you dont know how lous that is its like a 2.5 on our Pattengill scale( if you don't know our pattengill scale then lets just say its an "outside" voice minus two))  we have a sub. I laugh at this sub and her feeble attemmps to make us be quiey aan follow the riules. The only quiey peopl. PUASE brianna wants to know an answer. .....................

     where was I , oh yes. I am sort of writin g this like a marrative. imaginning A deep voicvec, or my own doing an overvoice as I write there words that you are reading right NOW!
      So rthats not the pint? oh yesh. I laugh at this sub. Who has done like nothing all hour but tell us that she cannot opoen the filing cabinet that jhold all of our headphones therfore we cannot listen to music unleesss aswee have out heaphones eith us right now. Like if they are in our pocket. she is very annoying though

      You know what IO love I love how the teachers cannot tell me not to get on my blog. It is a completely legitimate sitre. There is a rating ( down at the botton ) that perfectly states that this i s a G rated ssite. I also have a Cusso meter to show rthat I do not swear on this blog and there fore I cannot be accused of such actions. Also I think I just migh write up a little disclaimer that says that there is no innapropraitrwe conent and is suitable for anyone really , that there is no religious views expressed ion this site. also there are no chat boxes or suvh so that they cannot claim that this is a relative social site . HAHAHAHAHAHA suckers
not to mentio they didnt block it

HAHAHA so not editing this

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