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Doctor Who

Wednesday, November 3

Characters & outlining stuffes

DO I make them up as i go along and just see what Iget....??????
Sometimes I do sometime I don't I mostly use the characters I had planned on but every now and again I'll get a character that shows. Sometimes that character is insignificant, sometimes the character puts a gaping whole in my story, sometimes the characters helps support a main idea, or maybe he/she  becomes the main characters best friend and they run away to madagascar I normally have no idea, mostly because they just show up. I usually just stick to the characters I put in while I am roughing out the outline.

Well I sort of do my own thing for outline. First off I get an idea about what I want to happen in each chapter write that down then for about a page per chapter I do a few specifics. Possibly write down a few keys point to a conversation. Setting. And from there I sort of just keep going. When I sketch out whta I'm doing it makes it easier to sort of what the word...layer the story more. So I can add in all thiose little things that normally aren't really added until a different revision. that way I can have the subplot develop a lot more and concentrate less on the mainplot. \

..still a cheater

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